TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Paitence can’t be defeated

Working with children requires a lot of patience. I previously worked with kids ages 4 to 11 for two years, throughout those two years I learned that they throw a lot of difficulties your way but no matter what you have to stay calm and work with them even when they’re doing everything they can to upset you.

There was one kid in particular that was a handful and needed a lot of patience. Of course being one of the only people who took time to understand and work with her, not just discipline her which meant I got tested…A lot! She was used to getting whatever she wanted at home so if she didn’t have it her way she would throw a tantuam, wouldnt move, would scream, cry, and not listen to a single thing people were telling her. But I worked with her and found ways to help her understand Im on her side and that I just wanted her to succeed and grow.

Over time we grew really close and she developed a lot of trust in me which I made sure to never break. Yes she had many setbacks as all kids do but I stayed patient and continued to work with her on good and bad days. Eventually she started growing and would advocate for herself instead of shutting down. If she didn’t like something she would come tell me and we would either talk about it if it couldn’t be changed or if it could we would find a solution that would work best for her and her needs. By the time she started the next school year she was a completely different person! She listened even if she didnt like what was being said or just didn’t want to, she treated everyone with respect even if they were being mean and most importantly she would accept that not everything would go her way instead of shutting down.

In conclusion, I stayed patient with her no matter the amount of setbacks, her screaming in my face or the days of feeling defeated. We worked together as a team and had amazing results.

Working together” by rockinpaddy is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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