TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Keeping Up with Social Media

Although some people believe that using social media every day is not a good idea, they are simply in correct. Keeping up with social media every day allows people to get into contact with old friends, see the news on their terms, and keep up with their family members.

As life goes on many people lose contact with old friends, whether that’s from graduating high school/college, getting a new job or from simply getting too busy. That’s why social media is great to use every day. People can search up their old friends name and see how they’re doing by looking at their post and also being able to message them to rekindle the friendship. By going on social media every day is also very convenient for people who have busy lives and want to watch the news, but can’t always sit down at a specific time to watch the news and for people who want to see what’s going on right that minute. They can see the news on social media, at their speed and on their time. Another great thing about social media, is that it helps keep family members up to date. Not everyone has the time, money or energy to go see their family members but they still want to see how they’re doing. A social media platform like Facebook, is especially great for this. Family members like grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins can keep up to date with their family’s lives by seeing the photos or videos they post. This also helps many people feel more connected and even help create ways for them to make plans together.

Yes, many people believe that social media is not good for everyday use. These people believe that it is distracting. People think that by going on social media everyday will just distract them from what’s really going on around them. Social media can be distracting for those who allow it to be, it someone choses to scroll through social media instead of doing a task they need to do then yes it can be distracting but social media is only being distracting because the user is allowing it to distract them.

In conclusion, the people who believe going on social media is distracting are simply incorrect, because keeping up with social media allows people to stay up to date with the news, keep in touch with their family and reconnect a lost friendship.

Automotive Social Media Marketing” by socialautomotive is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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