Graffiti is art, even is some people don’t agree, “Most graffiti art, however, is only an annoyance to the property owner.” (Is Graffiti art?) Graffiti takes the same amount of time and effort as other art forms. It is just always in the public eye. A lot of people actually don’t agree with this. Graffiti shows a lot of creative aspects. It is a good way to express things, and graffiti is becoming more and more popular as time goes on.
Graffiti is a great way to show off creativity. A lot of the paintings take a long time. Some are also very complex, “larger pieces require planning and imagination and contain artistic elements like color and composition.” There are many creative outlets for people to choose from, but only a few choose to use graffiti as a way to show their creativity. Graffiti can take a long time to configure and paint. You can make so many different things with graffiti.
Another reason Graffiti is art is because it shows expression. People may use graffiti as a way to express feelings, artistic abilities, and to make a statement. Many people think Graffiti is messy, but I think it is the perfect way to show expression. “While tags are probably the most popular forms, graffiti art is much more than that. It can mean a colorful mural with a message of diversity or a black and white stencil piece protesting police brutality. In each case, graffiti art makes a statement.” There are many different types of graffiti, meaning the ways to show expression are endless.
Lastly, graffiti is everywhere. It is one of more popular ways of showing creativity and expression. I, and many others, enjoy the sight of graffiti. Most of the time it shows a story, or it can be something colorful and exciting to look at. Some people do not agree with this though, “Most graffiti art, however, is only an annoyance to the property owner.” (Is Graffiti art?) Graffiti is a bother to some people. No matter what you do, it’s always going to be there. It gets more and more popular as time goes on and it’s being more accepted to be used. It’s a great and easy way for art to be brought into our everyday lives.
While many people do not agree, I think graffiti is art. It’s the perfect way for the public to see art. You can use it to express things and show off your creativity. It’s going to keep becoming popular as time goes on, and I think it should.
“Pitsford Reservoir graffiti” by Holly Norval is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“graffiti, Southbank” by duncan is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.