After COVID the phone addictions went through the roof. Everyone was on social media all of the time and yes, that was the way for people to connect because of the lock down, but it also created a lot more of cyber-bullying. Everyone was glued to their phones and social media so when we finally came back to school/work it made it so much harder for everyone.

Social media is not good, because of all the influencers and it makes people super insecure about themselves and everyone thinks they have to look just like them. Social media is worse than ever, because it’s such a huge part of our lives now, everyone always has a phone on them. It has caused so many problems with different things, and there is a record high amount of kids committing suicide for various reasons, ” social media has caused really high depression rates.” (Lemont) Majority of the suicides have been caused due to depression and a lot of that has stemmed from social media and cyber bullying.
Politics are even worse now with social media because everyone takes a side and commercials and ads are so twisted just to support their side/politician and it messes everything up, people who don’t follow real news and just follow random people’s opinions and fake news have their strong political opinion which in reality is fake. This has happened a lot, people don’t look into someone who they truly like so then our country has a lot of uneducated people but then they believe that they are correct and you could never get them to believe they are fake. On social media different news sources are on each side, so if I got all of my information from one political side I would be getting information that makes a specific side look better.
The counterargument is that our technology is the highest and best it has ever been and with so many other things, we as a government and people as a whole have progressed so much. You can create so many friends through social media and it helps so many different people connect. Social media has helped because everyone can stay updated with the news and updated with people and many other things. If you have social media you are updated with the majority of everything and it has helped with so many things.
“Social Media: the big 5” by bloeise is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“social media” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0.