TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Is Social Media Doing More Harm Than Good

The idea of social media has long been discussed, including whether social media is more harmful to people’s mental health than the practicality of being able to spread information and ideas to people throughout the world. Rather I believe that social media is a good thing to use because of the many things that social media allows you to do.

One reason people are against social media is that it is used by so many people every day and many people argue that the amount of time people spend on social media and how the usage of social media lowers attention spans of people and is overall distracting. I believe that social media is not harmful to people’s attention but I agree that sometimes social media could become a distraction or some people I do believe that social media does more good than bad.

I believe that the sheer amount of ideas and messages that could be sent through social media outweigh the negatives I showed social media allows you to know what is going on in the world and the benefits of the largest form of communication people have ever had their hands being so accessible is a good thing. And I believe that social media overall is a good thing for people to be able to be connected.

While I agree that social media can be a lot on the mental I believe as social media ages people will begin to get better at not reading the potentially not-so-nice comments. People will begin to adapt to the climate of social media and how to avoid things that harm their mental well-being. People use social media every day to connect with people from around the world and it has caused many great things in many people’s lives.

That’s why I believe that good social media does outweigh the cons of social media, I believe that there is always a middle ground and that people should only spend a healthy amount of time on social media because too much of everything is unhealthy and I believe that would be a good compromise between the people who are against it.

social media” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

iPhone” by goto_ is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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