TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Long Birthday

Patience is an incredible skill to have, especially when dealing with dozens of people from when you leave home, to when you get home. Or even just objects seemingly taking longer just to spite you specifically. A time I was patient was nearly every moment growing up with 2 brothers and later in life 2 sisters. All of them being younger and needier for attention.

My mom had me at a very young age, so I was the “test” child, and I grew up to be rather self sufficient even as a young kid, so when my family grew overtime, I became a back pedal to my siblings. One of the most annoying times was on my eleventh birthday. When I woke up that day, my parents were chauffeuring around my siblings and getting them things. It was a school day so part of it was having the patience to make it through the school day. So after getting ready, I went out and waited for the bus. My brother that morning before we got onto the bus, had spoiled the gift I was going to get, which was my first phone. So the entire day I was trying to rehearse how to act surprised, because for some reason I felt that if I wasn’t entranced and surprised, they would take it away from me. Which made my day feel even longer. I remember it feeling like an eternity, weeks in that short seven hour period. And the bus ride at the end of the day somehow felt even longer.

When I had finally arrived at my home, my brother had gotten himself into trouble at school, so she was scolding them for it. So I was upset that I had to wait longer to get my present(s). I’m not sure when exactly, but it was later in the night; several hours later, I had gone to Just Dance on the Wii-u. Even during my time I was still trying to rehearse how to act surprised. When I had finally gotten my cake after dinner. It was about 7 or 8, and they sang happy birthday. And after that, they had gone to put my brother to bed, since he was young, about five and seven. After that I had finally been given my gift, and they helped me set it up. I ended up just telling them that Bradley had told me what I was going to get. (P.S. they didn’t take it away because I knew)

Hourglass” by lilspikey is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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