TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Cosmetology / Basic Manicure

Most girls know what a Basic Manicure is, but if you’ve never gone for one it may be confusing. When a person goes to a nail salon, spa, & boutique they will have the option to get a basic manicure. If you’re not sure what that includes I’ve given the steps below:

A Basic Manicure is,

Step 1: Wash your hands.

Step 2: Take off any old polish.

Step 3: Take a scrub to exfoliate your hands, the wrap in a luke warm towel and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes.

Step 4: Wipe off the exfoliation and massage had with cream.

Step 5: Wash hand thoroughly again and dry completely.

Step 6: Depending on a person’s preference clip nails to length they like.

Step 7: File the nails so that tips are all even and smooth, then follow with a buffer for the surface of the nail.

-The point of buffing and filing your nails is to make it smooth for the nail polish to go on.

Step 8: Wipe off all the dust from the nails.

– You have to dust off your nails so there is not left over nail dust so you can apply polish nicely.

Step 9: Gently push cuticles back with a cuticle push. Now you are ready for the nail polish!

– To push your cuticles back you take a cuticel push and gently push back you cuticles that need to be.

Step 10: Wipe nail off with some acetone on a cotton ball, and apply base coat. Base coat is the first layer of polish you should put on, it is clear and it protects your nails from color change for the polishes you choose.

Step 11: Apply color polish and apply as many coats as necessary, most of the time its two coats.

Step 12: Apply top coat. Top Coat is a clear polish that you use to seal the color and help it stay on longer. Now you let it air dry for about 15-20 minutes.

Step 13: Apply cuticle oil around your cuticles. Cuticle Oil is an oil that will help you nail beds and cure any dry skin around your nails.

That is all the steps to a Basic Manicure. Depending on where you go to get this done it will vary in price, it will be between 15 and 20 dollars to get this done. So know you know what a Basic Manicure is and how they do it.


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  • ndemers15
    May 13, 2015 at 6:14 pm 

    What does exfoliating and wrapping hands in a warm towel do? Does it make the manicure easier?

    • agiandrea15
      May 19, 2015 at 9:31 am 

      @Ndemers15 When you do that step it is when you are getting higher up manicure. It is to help you relax your hands so they are not so tense and it also helps get off the dead skin so you can have smoother more attractive application.

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