TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Eating Healthy


20 Grape Tomatoes

10 ounces of Mozzarella cheese, cubed

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons fresh basil leaves, chopped

1 pinch salt

1 pinch ground black pepper

20 toothpicks

Prep time- 20 minutes

Ready-In- 15 minutes


1. Toss tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, olive oil, basil, salt, and pepper together in a bowl until well coated. Skewer one tomato and one piece of mozzarella cheese on each toothpick.

This is a good way to eat healthy if you would like too. This recipe doesn’t require a lot of time. It takes a half an hour. This would be a good example as to why you should eat a little more healthier. For appetizers you can always make it as a snack while doing homework or when you have a small group of friends coming over. This shows that making a small but healthy way of eat a good shot at people eating a little healthier and doesn’t require a lot of there time.

I recommend this to people. This recipe is great. Where I work we use this when we cater other company when they have big functions. This recipe is great and very delicious. Some people may not like tomatoes but you can also use any other vegetable you want. What some people don’t know is you can substitute something you don’t like for something you do like. There’s so much you can do, you can substitute things you don’t like for things you do. It may taste better in your opinion because it’s something you like.

Vegetables is just another way for healthier eating. Eating healthy doesn’t necessarily mean that you should stop getting bad food. It just means you need to eat a little healthier foods when it comes to eating. Eating a more healthy appetite is for even a snack can be a good thing. Adjusting little things in your appetite is a good start on how to eat things a little more healthier. Like starting with snacks or just something to munch on throughout the day. No one has to eat healthy they can chose not to or they can it’s up to them. Eating healthy makes you stronger and makes your bones stronger. Eating the proper nutrients can build a more lean muscles.

These kind of foods are good for the body. The body needs these kinds of nutrients to help build the brain and any other muscle in the body. Appetizers is just another way for eating snacks just something to munch on before a big meal.


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