TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


The light music in the back ground is drowned out by the screams of a young woman’s voice. The sound jolted me out of my deep sleep sending me to abruptly jump out of bed, my feet hitting the hard wood floor of my room.  Quickly I run to the glass door that is on the other side of my room. Pushing it open, I rush out into the cold air of night. Beneath me and the balcony is the empty road. There is nothing out here and I frown at the thought of the girls scream again. Crossing my arms over my chest I examine the street again. However, I don’t find anything again. In the distance I hear the record players music stop and it takes a few minutes to move on. A slight breeze comes through, making the surface of my skin develop goosebumps. For a while, its silent.

“Hello?” I speak softly. Yet, there’s nothing.

Sighing softly I turn, enter my bedroom, and close the doors so the breeze doesn’t follow me. The music starts up again. It’s soft lullaby fills the small room soothing my uneasiness. Shaking my head, I begin to crawl back in bed. My mind racing with thoughts like: Where did the woman go? Was she even real? If she was why didn’t anyone else come investigate? Was it another one of my weird dreams?

I rub at my eyes as I turn away from the town to try and leave it behind once more. The music lulled me into a deep sleep. My smile faded as my eyes did only to hear it again. This time louder and longer sending my upright in bed. It had to be real right? The nose is gone now and all that played is the soft music in the corner. Taking in a breath I get up again and cross the room to check my record player. Maybe some how it was making a weird sound and it just registered as a scream as I was falling asleep. I waited there for a while; yet there was nothing. My eyes began to droop again and that’s when I decided to go to bed. My mind was playing mind games because of how tired I was, that’s all. Turning on my toes I glide across the wooden floor to my bed. Crawling into bed I snuggle with the fuzzy blanket beside me and begin to drift off again. Only this time I hear it again…Right next to me.


Featured Image: “Sleeping” By Svedek @ Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


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