TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

You Do Not Need To Be Perfect

  Throughout the past 18 years of my lifetime I’ve learned so much about myself and how much I've grown to learn to just accept myself for who I really am. At a young age I didn’t really  have to worry too much about life and how to try and make everything perfect to keep others happy. But I would have to say when I started middle school that's when everything changed for me. I would always strive so hard to look and act a certain way to be like my role models or peers, but sooner or later I learned that it wasn’t the best idea for me to be doing for myself.

Foolish Questions About My Car…

  A time I was afraid to ask a foolish question would be anytime it had to be anything that had to do with my car. There are multiples times where I was afraid to ask a question about my car because since I have had my license for almost two years I should know by now about some of these simple questions about my car.

Well Spent Time Together

There was a time during my freshman year of high school when I helped a very close friend of mine by letting her stay at my house for about three months. I have had a few other friends stay at my house for a period of time, but not for this long.

Having to say goodbye

  A few weeks ago I found out that my brother and his wife are leaving to travel around the country and to stay temporarily in Arizona for his new job. The news of them leaving has been really hard for my family and I.