Commencement SpeechCommencement AddressMay 27, 2022/amrobinson22Now that we are graduating, we need some life advice from somebody not qualified to give it.| 0|Read More..
Stupid questions and a simple answerUncategorizedMay 15, 2022/amrobinson22Questions and stupidity, the answer maybe.| 0|Read More..
Texting v.s. CallingUncategorizedMarch 15, 2022/amrobinson22Do you text or do you call? Which do you prefer? Is one any better than the other? If you want, feel free to read not really all about it.| 0|Read More..
Is Social Media really that good?UncategorizedJanuary 11, 2022/amrobinson22Social media has pros and cons, read the story to find my stance, if you really care.| 0|Read More..
Problems and Opportunities: Who needs ’em?UncategorizedJanuary 6, 2022/amrobinson22Life is full of problems. Problems can cause opportunities for one to try their best. Don't. Try your best all the time.| 0|Read More..
Little Dude and mistakes.UncategorizedDecember 20, 2021/amrobinson22Little Dude has made mistakes, and those mistakes taught it for future reference.| 0|Read More..
Family Importance.UncategorizedOctober 14, 2021/amrobinson22Family is quite important Rpickard22.| 0|Read More..