Oh The Skills of Jelly Packet KidUncategorizedMay 26, 2019/asthilaire19Oh Jelly Jelly Jelly! The stories of jelly packet shot taking kid. | 1|Read More..
The Cleaver The Bash The FunUncategorizedMay 14, 2019/asthilaire19A sharp story about cake and surprise.| 0|Read More..
Eyes Open Seeing The fires Hidden withinUncategorizedMay 14, 2019/asthilaire19The story on how one girl finds a rewarding life path. | 3|Read More..
Laughter Amongst The FailureUncategorizedJanuary 22, 2019/asthilaire19Math turns to the devil. learn how math is a living hell. also how it sucks the laughter from things. | 1|Read More..
A Productive Pair Ment To BeUncategorizedJanuary 20, 2019/asthilaire19The struggle to complete homework.| 3|Read More..
Look What “Thought” DidUncategorizedJanuary 20, 2019/asthilaire19The story of my life, look at what thinking did. You will learn from the eyes of me the beholder. Of how it feels to be late to work when you are used to being 10-15 minutes early or more.| 0|Read More..