Find YourselfUncategorizedMay 28, 2020/cjunkins20The only thing that weighed myself down was myself, I eventually thought enough was enough and decided to lift those weights. Cheers to graduation. | 4|Read More..
The Clock Looks Faster than it really isUncategorizedMarch 5, 2020/cjunkins20A story of how patiences and disciple shaped me. | 6|Read More..
Common SenseUncategorizedJanuary 12, 2020/cjunkins20This is a story about my common sense and how often I use my brain| 5|Read More..
The Unnoticed LaughUncategorizedJanuary 10, 2020/cjunkins20Laughter is pretty wack huh| 1|Read More..
Weighing in on the Red/BlueUncategorizedSeptember 24, 2019/cjunkins20Description of my flag.| 0|Read More..