Expect the UnexpectedUncategorizedMay 28, 2020/cpickett20Commencement Speech about things not always turning out how you expected them too| 3|Read More..
High School WoesUncategorizedMay 17, 2020/cpickett20High schoolers who are new to driving in the winter, that's all you need to know. | 1|Read More..
The WoodsUncategorizedMarch 5, 2020/cpickett20When a walk in the woods turns unexpected... | 1|Read More..
A Christmas DisasterUncategorizedJanuary 20, 2020/cpickett20A really dumb and funny question| 1|Read More..
Vacation TroublesUncategorizedDecember 10, 2019/cpickett20About a vacation disaster that ended up being not so bad after all.| 2|Read More..
Your Mother is Always RightUncategorizedOctober 29, 2019/cpickett20Your mother is always right| 0|Read More..