Think Before You SpeakUncategorizedMay 29, 2018/dmarcotte18This is about a lot of stupid questions that I have been asked.| 0|Read More..
Well, That Was FastUncategorizedMay 29, 2018/dmarcotte18This is a speech dedicated to my experience in high school.| 0|Read More..
Speed DemonUncategorizedMay 18, 2018/dmarcotte18This is a story about speeding and parents.| 5|Read More..
RegretsUncategorizedFebruary 6, 2018/dmarcotte18I call this regrets because I am regretting not writing to Josh this whole time.| 0|Read More..
The Tenacious Cruelty Of LifeUncategorizedJanuary 26, 2018/dmarcotte18This is a short article on the cruelties of cancer and how it affects those around it.| 4|Read More..
A Regretful Summer DayUncategorizedJanuary 26, 2018/dmarcotte18This a story placed a long time ago when i was in sixth grade and got gum wrapped in my hair.| 0|Read More..