TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Treating Trauma

As part of an Abnormal Psychology class, I wrote a research paper about the various medications used to treat post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When I started writing this paper, my goal was to promote medication adherence by supporting the efficacy of psychotropic medications (with a specific focus on combat-induced PTSD). It seems like the […]

For Whom The Bell Tolls

For as long as I can remember, there has been a camel-bell hanging on the wall of my kitchen. It’s not pretty. It’s cumbersome, the wood is cracked, the rope is crusty. I wish I could at least say that the bell makes a nice sound, reticent of Arabian nights in the desert… it doesn’t. […]

The X and Y Dilemma: A Treatise on Sexism

When I was a little girl, I used to enjoy pretending to be a boy; I would sneak into my brother’s room, borrow his T-shirts, and cover my feminine curls with a baseball cap.Though at the time I did this just for the childish fun of being something other than myself, I realized as I […]