TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Savior

Learn about how friendship can create something more then a laugh or two you can create something for many to enjoy. Also learn about how one friend is able to multiple friends example getting a couch off of someones foot.

The Stump

Although an event can be something to laugh at it can also be a painful experience. Certain events can cause pain but they can also tell a long tale of how it was back in the day when we were growing up. You'll never forget how something hurt so much but also how you can always look back on it.

The Bird’s Nest

This story was certainly a life lesson for me. It taught me responsibility and a sense of impulse to keep me from making the unethical mistakes. My theme for this story is to always treat nature with respect and nature will treat you with life. My theme goes with everything you do in life even Treating everything with respect and you'll get something good out of it. I hope you enjoy this story and learn a little something from it. Picture Link-