The Four Quarters of High SchoolCommencement AddressMay 30, 2020/kstilkey20Here you will read the game of high school broke down into 4 quarters| 1|Read More..
True Friends Show In Hard TimesUncategorizedMay 29, 2020/kstilkey20This is the story of how I found one of my best friends | 2|Read More..
Gone But Never ForgottenUncategorizedMarch 22, 2020/kstilkey20This Is a story of unexpected tragedies | 4|Read More..
The QuestionUncategorizedJanuary 12, 2020/kstilkey20This was the time I was nervous to ask the Walmart worker a question because a lady was yelling at him| 0|Read More..
The EndUncategorizedJanuary 8, 2020/kstilkey20This Is explaining the end of my high-school football career and how I look back at it and what I took away from it.| 1|Read More..
The DropUncategorizedOctober 23, 2019/kstilkey20This is the story of how I dropped my phone and broke it.| 0|Read More..
KStilkey’s FlagUncategorizedSeptember 29, 2019/kstilkey20This is a flag that I have created to symbolize me. The flag is made up of things that make me who I am. | 0|Read More..