Commencement SpeachCommencement AddressMay 28, 2022/lrobinson22Good luck to the class of 2022 on all your new advetures!| 0|Read More..
Prep WorkUncategorizedMay 24, 2022/lrobinson22Should kids be prepairing fir college early? I Think kids at a young age should be having fun and playing outside with their friends .| 0|Read More..
Call or Text?UncategorizedMay 18, 2022/lrobinson22Some of the differences on why people would rather call or text.| 0|Read More..
Is social media good or bad?UncategorizedJanuary 6, 2022/lrobinson22Social media can be good and bad.| 0|Read More..
The one time I needed to be PatientUncategorizedJanuary 5, 2022/lrobinson22A time I needed to be patient with my steers in order to keep us calm and not upset | 0|Read More..
Over the yearsUncategorizedNovember 29, 2021/lrobinson22This is about me and my working steers at a fair and the big mistakes I made with them but I definitely learned my lesson and got better throughout the years | 0|Read More..
Friends Since 09′UncategorizedNovember 12, 2021/lrobinson22This is about my partner pswift22's avatar and the things she likes to do we have been good friends since 09'| 0|Read More..