The Mountain of ConfidenceCommencement AddressMay 27, 2022/lwilliams22As seniors receive diplomas across the United States we start to realize we are not prepared. Here is why and how to fix it. | 0|Read More..
Learning to Prepare for LearningUncategorizedMay 27, 2022/lwilliams22I believe we should be better prepared for our college search before we begin. Here is why...| 0|Read More..
Working Against Your YouthUncategorizedMay 24, 2022/lwilliams22Working against your difficulties can be a struggle. This is how I worked against my own. | 0|Read More..
Mistakes Teaching SuccessUncategorizedJanuary 21, 2022/lwilliams22Mistakes are natural, learning from them is not. This is how I was taught to learn from my own mistakes.| 0|Read More..
Problems For the BestMistakes, Quote, SportsJanuary 21, 2022/lwilliams22For some problems can mean the end, but for some it means a new beginning | 0|Read More..
Laughing at LaughterUncategorizedJanuary 21, 2022/lwilliams22Difficulties in life can bring people down, but all it takes is one laugh to put them back on track. | 0|Read More..