Ancient Knowledge (Commencement Speech)Commencement AddressMay 27, 2022/nstillings22My Commencement Speech about life lessons learned from... apes.| 0|Read More..
Ghost DriverUncategorizedMay 15, 2022/nstillings22With the evolution of technology cars have become even more advance with the ability to drive themselves. This convenience is also a detriment.| 0|Read More..
The New Age of CommunicationUncategorizedApril 4, 2022/nstillings22With the advent of the cellphone two amazing forms of communication came into existence calling and texting but which one is better?| 0|Read More..
Three Legendary ShardsUncategorizedJanuary 11, 2022/nstillings22My story of patience while hunting for gear in Destiny 2.| 0|Read More..
The ADvent of the InternetUncategorizedJanuary 11, 2022/nstillings22The pros and cons of Targeted advertisements and how it works.| 0|Read More..
A Stressful MistakeUncategorizedNovember 12, 2021/nstillings22A story about how one of my biggest bad habits became a horrible mistake.| 0|Read More..
An introduction to Theath22UncategorizedNovember 5, 2021/nstillings22This image is the logo of a game that theath enjoys playing with his friends and is one of his symbols.| 0|Read More..