TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

This is Unoriginal

Students are told to “be original” in school everyday, and most of what they do can be passed as original. For anything to actually be original by the dictionary definition, then it must not have ever been thought of by anybody. . .

Mac V. PC

When it comes to computers, which do you prefer, Macs or PCs? The debate of which of these two brands is better has been going since the day Macintosh came out with their original computers, but time has not cooled this debate, and it is still going strong.

Leaders of the Hacktivists

How safe is your computer and the information on it? Not as safe as you might think. Even with all of those virus protection programs hogging the bandwidth of your computer, it will not be enough to stop the hacktivists groups popping up who can do anything on the internet if they set their minds to it.