TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Once in a Lifetime yo!

Commencement Address
American jazz legend Duke Ellington said, “A problem is a chance for you to do your best”, I can say from personal experience I agree. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic spanned the globe creating grief and isolation, though many new opportunities were granted in this time of confusion. Depending on their occupation, many workers were […]

Figure it out Once in a While

The chaos that is college admissions was one of the hardest things for me as a high school student, hard in the way that I had no idea of what the heck to do. Part of the problem was athletics with lacrosse. My support system was so good it didn't help me prepare for adult life.

Ad Me to the Algorithm

In my experience with social media, my real identity has always been different than my advertisement identity. I have always gotten sports equipment advertisements. My Instagram identity is not the real me meaning, I am not represented truly in the social media world by advertisements.