My four years at Oak Hill High schoolCommencement AddressMay 27, 2022/vpontbriand22My four years at Oak Hill High school I had a lot of fun memories with friends and teachers.| 0|Read More..
Questions everythingUncategorizedMay 24, 2022/vpontbriand22Questioning things can be good sometimes but sometimes it can be stupid to ask it or annoying. | 0|Read More..
Call or textUncategorizedMay 15, 2022/vpontbriand22Texting is easier because if you're busy you can answer them on your own time but if you call someone or they call you, you have to have time to call them and talk to them on the phone. | 0|Read More..
A story about laughterUncategorizedJanuary 12, 2022/vpontbriand22Laughing is the best medicine it makes everyone happy, sometimes we even laugh at ridiculous things. | 0|Read More..
Being patientUncategorizedJanuary 11, 2022/vpontbriand22When being patient it takes a lot of concentration, somethings that might bother you won't anymore if you be patient. | 0|Read More..
Mistakes Were Made/DrivingUncategorizedNovember 29, 2021/vpontbriand22A lot of mistakes can happen when driving, that's why you should always be careful and patient when driving. | 0|Read More..
JGosselin22 Foreign SymbolUncategorizedOctober 14, 2021/vpontbriand22JGosselin22 chose a foreign symbol for his avatar and it belongs in his religion. Which he is French- Canadian. His avatar symbolizes that. | 0|Read More..