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War Novel Response 1

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-First, summarize what happens in this part of your novel. Make it at least four sentences.

-Second, find 4 quotes from the first third of your novel to analyze. Quotes should be moments that stood out or seemed significant to YOU. (There aren't specific quotes that fit this assignment best, and using the same quotes as others reading your novel will look suspicious.)

      -In your analysis, explain which literary terms each quote could be identified as---list any and all literary terms that apply. 

      -Choose two quotes to go into a deeper explanation of what they helped you better understand about the story and how they                helped showcase a specific literary term.

-Third, based on the textual evidence you chose, write a statement that addresses your message about war (so far).  

(If you aren't sure about formatting---check the Google Classroom assignment)

To exceed: Respond to someone else’s post with a comparison of a quote from your novel with a quote from theirs (it could be someone reading the same thing, could also be someone reading something else). It must be a different quote from each of you. And, you must discuss at least two things about how the quotes compare/contrast one another. 

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In the poem Bosnia Tune by Joseph Brodsky, the two most important literary terms are repetition and personification.

“People die.” (Brodsky 4,8,12,16,20,24) This is an example of repetition because it repeats the same few words throughout the poem. This helped me understand the character's perspective on the war because it repeats so much through the poem that it really sticks in your memory, which makes me understand how repetitive death is in war. It makes me understand that the author feels that war is very dark, and the only outcome of war is death. The message that I took away from the poem is that war is a dark part of life and that death is a very normal part of war.

“Time; Whose sharp, bloodthirsty quill parts the killed from those who kill.” (Brodsky 27,28) This is an example of personification because it gives objects human characteristics. This helped me understand the character's perspective on the war because it talks about how time kills the humans who killed the fallen soldiers. This helped me understand because it shows how war only brings death, even if you survive, time will still be your killer. It shows me that the author thinks that the war brings death all around even to those who survive the war. The overall message of the war is that people die all the time while we live our normal lives.


In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov the two most important literary terms are Juxtaposition and repetition.

“They say the war is over\ the war may be over\ the end of the war.” (Nemerov 1,6,17) This is an example of repetition because it repeats the same line throughout the poem. This helps me understand the character's perspective on war because it shows how much they think about the war, and how much the war affected them. It shows me that the author thinks the war is repetitive and cruel.

“Keeps a pleasant souvenir, he keeps a soldier's dead blue eyeballs.”(Nemerov 7-8)This is an example of Juxtaposition because it shows a similar expression of two different emotions. This helps me understand the character's perspective because it shows the character reacting very nonchalantly to a very cruel act. This shows me that the author thinks the war is very cruel, and it causes soldiers to be very cruel. The message that I got from this poem is that the world is already cruel and war just adds to the cruelty.

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This story follows nineteen year old Billy. Billy and his Bravo team are just coming back from a war that made popular news. Now, Billy and his Bravo team are getting all sorts of recognition and opportunities together. Throughout it all Billy is still trying to figure out how to feel and react to everything going on since being back.  

“"Listen, you see these men?" Dime gestures around the table. "I love every one of these mutts like a brother, I bet I love them more than their mommas even,” (Fountain 85) Character, P.O.V, Metaphor. 

“It's not that he's jealous so much as profoundly terrified. Dread of returning to Iraq equals the direst poverty, and that's how he feels right now, poor, like a shabby homeless kid suddenly thrust into the company of millionaires.” (Fountain 30) Character, P.O.V., Plot. 

Billy’s character is shown a lot through the first part of the book because of how he feels around his Bravo and how he’s feeling ‘less’ than then because he’s younger and not as wealthy. This can cause anxiousness in Billy and make being back a little harder for him.  

“Life in the Army is miserable that way. You f up, they scream at you, you f up some more and they scream some more,” (Fountain 13) Repetition, P.O.V, Perspective

“Billy coughed up clots of nonsequential mumblings, but as he talked a second line dialed up in his head and a stranger started talking, whispering the truer words that Billy couldn't speak. It was raw. It was some fed-up s. It was the blood and breath of the world's worst abortion, baby Jesus shat out in squishy little turds..” (Fountain 36) P.O.V, Character, Plot. 

This quote shows how Billy feels about talking about his war experience. He may have some sort of PTSD about it and it might make it hard for him to talk about.

The overall message of this book section is about Billy’s return and  how he's dealing with it so far. Along with everything that has come through to him and his Bravo team.

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  1. In the first section of Farewell to Arms, the two main characters Lt. Frederick Henry and Catherine Barkley meet for the first time. They share a few moments together and Officer Henry learns she is crazy. Suddenly the Lieutenant was shipped off to war leaving Catherine behind. While he was away he tragically got shot, sent to a hospital far away from catherine. While in the hospital Catherine traveled to visit him in his injured state. 

“The saint hung down on the outside of my uniform and I undid the throat of my tunic, unbuttoned the shirt collar and dropped it under the shirt. I felt him in his metal box against my chest while we drove. Then I forgot about him. After I was wounded I never found him.” (Hemingway 44) In this quote there is Imagery and foreshadowing, the imagery shows that hes keeping a token for Catherine and he makes you think about how it could have been lost when he got hurt. The foreshadowing makes you think about what could happen to him.



            “We’ll crack, We’ll crack in France. They cant go on doing things like the Somme and not crack.” (Hemingway20) In this quote the author used repetition to explain how hoe they are nervous they will crack under pressure while fighting in France. It helps me as a reader understand how even with all of the joking around they do they still get nervous and anxious about fighting and staying alive.

          “Ha! Ha! Ha!” (Hemingway8) This quote shows onomatopoeia with laughter they are talking about beautiful young foreign girls with the priest who does not want a beautiful young foreign girl.


            “ It is time for war.’ he said. ‘ The enemies are everywhere.” (Hemingway90) Them saying the ears are everywhere is a metaphor saying how people could be a spy therefore they cannot trust anyone.

So far i think that the message about war is that the pressure of war can cause you to rush into things and make irrational decisions, Catherine and Henry have in my opinion rushed into a relationship and i think its because shes still lonely from her late husband and he wants to have someone to miss him if he were to not make it back.

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To compare quotes I chose “Life in the Army is miserable that way. You f up, they scream at you, you f up some more and they scream some more,” (Fountain 13) from my book and "We’ll crack, We’ll crack in France. They cant go on doing things like the Somme and not crack.” (Hemingway20) from the other persons. These quotes are similar because they both show that being in the military you have to be serious and cant get down on yourself. These quotes are different because in the other persons quote they're talking like they're all sticking together but they're scared. My quote is on the side of 'never being scared' and if your in the military u have to be strong enough to handle the emotional part too. 

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In the first third of the book A Farewell to Arms, Officer Henry arrives at a base in Italy after traveling the country, once there he meets old and new friends and is introduced to a nurse named Catherine Barkley. This meeting sparks a romance between the two that starts with immediate ups and down, Catherine has trauma from her fiance that had died in the war and Henry isn't exactly looking for commitment. Just as there romance is getting serious Henry is sent to fight in the war, during this time he is very seriously injured and sent to the opposite hospital in Italy that Catherine works to heal and see a specialist doctor, she visits him and Henry tells her how much he loves her and wants her to stay, but Catherine has to return to work and Henry has to stay to heal, so they are currently separated. 

“ The saint hung down on the outside of my uniform and I undid the throat of my tunic, unbuttoned the shirt collar and dropped him in under the shirt. I felt him in his metal box against my chest while we drove. Then I forgot about him. After I was wounded I never found him.” (Hemingway 44) this quote has the literary devices of imagery and foreshadowing, the imagery explains where he's keeping this token for Catherine and makes you think about how it could have gotten lost because of this when he was injured. The foreshadowing makes you wonder what is going to happen to him and how bad it may be. 

“Oh, go to hell.” (Hemingway 66) This quote shows repetition, Henry repeats it multiple times while his friend is making fun of him and his excitement to see Catherine. 

“‘It is time for war,’ he said. ‘The enemy's ears are everywhere.’” (Hemingway 90) the enemy's ears are everywhere is a metaphor, showing how at the time they could trust no one, anyone could be a spy or untrustworthy.  

“Love me…” (Hemingway 92) the repetition on this page between Catherine and Henry, going back and forth with ‘do you love me’ and ‘I really love you’ is a great example of repetition. This shows how Catherine wants to be loved but doesn't feel he can just love her when they’ve only known each other for such a short time, while he’s swearing he does and that he can. They both end up thinking about their feelings after Catherine leaves the hospital. 

The reality of war and stressful situations can make you rush into things, after Henry was injured that was when he told Catherine he loved her after just a few days not feeling that way.

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MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors, a Novel by Richard Hooker and W. C. Heinz, so far, is about the experiences of the Army Doctors and other Army personnel mostly in the 4077th MASH. Doing surgeries and working with their peers. Drinking and trying to stay happy during the war. And just overall working hard and trying to also find time for fun.

“As the components of the 4077th MASH were arranged around the horseshoe, the operating tent, with its tin Quonset roof, was in the middle of the closed end. The admitting ward and laboratory were to the left and the post-op ward to the right.” (Hooker 18)--Plot, perspective, imagery.

“When 9:00 A.M. arrived, it was clear that the most and best work had been done by Hawkeye Pierce and Duke Forest. Among other things, the two, functioning as if they had been working across the table from each other for years, did two bowel resections, which means removing a piece of bowel damaged by such foreign bodies as fragments of shells and mines.” (Hooker 18) Imagery, perspective, plot, simile, character.
This quote helps show how good Hawkeye Pierce and Duke Forest are at doing their job and that they can get the job done very well. They seem to already click and work together well even though they have no practice working alongside each other.

“As long as we are here we are going to do the best job we can. When the work comes our way we will do all in our power to promote the surgical efficiency of the outfit because that's what we hired out for…We’ll also show reasonable respect for you and your job, but you may have to put up with a few things from us that haven't been routine around here.” (Hooker 22-23) Character, plot
This quote helps show that Duke and Hawkeye are so good at their job they are able to change things around for themselves and also ask and demand for things from higher ups. They are very different people and worth it to keep around a lot more than most people there.

“We've been thinking,’ Hawkeye said, ‘that maybe you could trade two or three of these Medical Service clowns around here for somebody who can find his way around the pulmonary anatomy when the bases are loaded…’And it's the ninth inning,’ Duke said.”(Hooker 23-24) Metaphor, character, plot.

The overall message so far is that if you work hard and do a good job you might actually be helpful and worthy in your area of expertise. This is especially true in war, if you are very good at your job you will be more than helpful, just like Hawkeye and Duke.

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mlevassuer-robbins25   “When 9:00 A.M. arrived, it was clear that the most and best work had been done by Hawkeye Pierce and Duke Forest. Among other things, the two, functioning as if they had been working across the table from each other for years, did two bowel resections, which means removing a piece of bowel damaged by such foreign bodies as fragments of shells and mines.” (Hooker 18) Imagery, perspective, plot, simile, character.   “This naturally aroused a growing respect among their colleagues, but it was respect mixed with doubt and wonder, for they fitted no recognizable pattern.”( 20 Hooker ) - pov, character. 

These quotes compare well and contrast well. They compare because Duke and Hawkeye are working together very well, like they have almost done it for years together. My quote shows how they can work together great when they are respecting each other. The quote I chose also contrasts it, by saying that sometimes they doubt each other and don't work well together. Hawkeye and Duke were able to work well together because they trusted each other to be careful, the second one of the stop trusting one another it could have ended up in a more tragic operation.

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  1. “Lieutenant Colonel Duret was truly the last man standing because everyone else- Shrinkle, the soldiers of his company, the crowd of Iraqis, the EOD team, even the robot- was crouched behind the nearest bit of shelter from the expected blast.” (33 Abrams) -Character, perspective, imagery. 

This quote really shows character to a tee and is a prime example of developing a character. Duret was the only one out of every single person around him who stood his ground, stood tough, and was ready for whatever. This shows that he is the strongest character out of anyone in the book whether that be mentally or physically, or even both. 

2. “They were Fobbits because, at the core, they were nothing but marshmallow, crack open their chests and in the space where their hearts should be beating with a warrior’s courage and selfless regard, you’d find a pale, gooey center. They cowered like rabbits in their cubicles” (1 Abrams)- simile, imagery, hyperbole, plot. 

This opening quote for the book perfectly explains what a Fobbit is, most likely from the perspective of the military. These opening sentences really start out what the book is about: comedy and what a Fobbit is. This really sets the plot for the rest of the book. 

3. “Just before the sun’s yolk broke over the horizon and the muezzins started singing from the mosques and the Blackhawk blades took the sky with pulsing thumps and the morning’s mortars came down with metal shrieks, they would face another day-Duret, Shrinkle, Lumley, the three thousand soldiers, and even the Iraqis themselves-all prepared to meet more known unknowns.” (42 Abrams)- plot, imagery. 

4.“Lumley and the rest of the soldiers in his platoon were the ones making a difference in Iraq, not those lazy slugs. He’d be surprised if any of those support soldiers had ever pulled a trigger in their lives, apart from the annual trip to the M16 qualification range. They wouldn’t know a mosque from a mosquito.” (41 Abrams)- Character, plot.

The message about war based on this novel so far is that war has more to it than just violence. there are a lot of different roles people have to play to be effective. not every soldier you see is cut out to be one. war is violence and death, but also stressful behind a desk.

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When the book starts, Billy Lynn and other soldiers are at a football game. It was a Dallas Cowboys game where they were playing the Chicago Bears. During the halftime show they were introduced to the crowd and honored for their bravery.  They got to talk to the cheerleaders and some team owners. 

“That's the happiest possible result of the human condition. It gives us hope, where we are allowed to feel hopeful about our lives. There is not one person who wouldn't pay to see that movie” said Albert (fountain 7) plot-imagery. This quote helps to show how scary War can be and how rewarding it can feel to chill. 
“ He is tall, toned,  handsome as a J crew model with a nose straight and fine as a compass needle.” As Josh was watching the movie he saw this.(fountain 41) plot— imagery 
  “The stadium feels up the crowd swelling like Monsters fun soaking in humanity” (fountain 12) plot-simile This quote helps to show how big the stadium was for the halftime show and how much they could have felt appreciated. 
“Begins as a nose rolls over with a languid elegance.”While Billy was trying to Mark the highest point (fountain 35) plot- personification
The overall message of the book so far is War might be scary but it can also be rewarding 

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M*a*s*h (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) so far has been about 3 army doctors Hawkeye, Trapper, and Duke. So far it has been them meeting each other and understanding each other a bit to gain trust, but they have found out that they all like drinking. Therefore they have been doing that recently and they also have been hit with situations that they weren't ready for. There coworker/ surgeon is suicidal because he is contimplating his sexuality. Also they met a football player that got injured in battle. The beginning of the book was mostly them all meeting each other and getting to know each other, they all screw off to try and get through the hard war times.

“The fortunes of war had given him a job for which he was unprepared, and associated him with people he could not comprehend.” ( 17 Hooker ) - understatement, plot, character. This quote helped me understand the book better. It shows understatement, and I was able to see how deeply affected the character was even though the writer wasn't 100% saying what he was going through. Although he was good at being a doctor and medically inclined, war was throwing him curveballs that he wasn't ever going to be ready for.


“This naturally aroused a growing respect among their colleagues, but it was respect mixed with doubt and wonder, for they fitted no recognizable pattern.”( 20 Hooker ) - pov, character. With this quote, I can understand how all the medics feel. They have growing respect, although it is a difficult job in a difficult time. With it being such a difficult time, there is a lot of doubt. There is no real pattern that this follows. Sometimes they will respect and other times will wonder/ doubt. This is a great thing to know considering they all have to work together, and are all struggling in these times.


“Colonel Henry Blake was endowed with more human understandings than is required of a regular army medical officer, but after three days of this he left his lunch uneaten, went to his tent, and called 8th army headquarters, arranged orders for Major hobson, drove him to seoul and put him on a plane for tokyo and hone where, a few weeks later, the major’s enlistment would expire.”( 26 Hooker ) - Character, plot, Understatement, juxtaposition


“We been living with the only man in history who ever took a piece in the ladies' can of a Boston & Maine train. When the conductor caught him in there with his Winter Carnival date she screamed, 'He trapped me! ' and that's how he got his name. This is the famous Trapper John.”    ( 34 Hooker )- character, understatement, imagery.


Overall war is unpredictable, you can be ready for what might happen but it will hit you when you least expect it.

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So far, in the novel, Eleven Days, by Lea Carpenter, a mom named Sara is grieving her son who went to war and was lost. Sara raised her son Jason to be a lover, not a fighter, but after 9/11 he is determined to join special forces and serve his country. The story reveals a lot about the bond between mother and son, through letters and emails while he is training. During the night of the raid on Bin Laden, Jason goes missing and Sara has no idea where he is. She is terrified, but at the very end of section 1 she hears that they have found him and he’s alive.

“He still calls her Mommy even though he is a man now. He is twenty-seven. He has been missing for nine days” (Carpenter 4). -- character, plot. This quote helped me understand a fundamental part of the relationship between Jason and Sara. It gives insight into Jason's character, and contrasts the nature of his involvement with the Navy SEALS. It provides a good example of both character and plot, by developing Jason early on to show who he is later on, and showing us something many people won’t know.

The zucchinis grow so fast, she thinks. Like a child. If you do not watch them, they disappear into something else before your eyes” (Carpenter 8). -- simile, metaphor, hyperbole 

“She looks out the window past Sam’s shoulders. She can see movement at the end of the drive through the trees and the rain, like a poorly lit silent film. Signifying nothing, she thinks” (Carpenter 59). -- simile, character, imagery

“But Sara felt the story was a parable of motherhood. We must love them, and then let them go. She wishes she’d had a chance to dip her son in that river. She would not have been as careless as Thetis” (Carpenter 75). -- character, juxtaposition, metaphor, plot. This quote shows Sara’s nature as a mother, and her feelings from the outside of Jason’s situation. She loves him so much that she let him do something that terrifies her, and thinks about him a lot. This is helpful to the novel because a majority of the first section is about their mother son relationship. This quote also provides a good example of character, showing Sara’s thoughts, and metaphor in the motherly nature between both stories.

The message about war in this novel is that however people might desire peace, the thirst for bloodshed is still alive and well in the world. Sara is symbolic of the desire for peace. Throughout she views Jason and his team mates as young boys, and she is scared for them. Jason is the noble warrior, fighting for something he didn’t think he’d have to fight for. Both Jason and Sara want peace in different ways. This is telling of the message, because they both want peace, but Jason is willing to fight against people who don’t.

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In the book, Fobbit by David Abrams, the novel is mostly about people avoiding war. They avoid war by staying in an office like place called the FOB. they will stay there and do things like paperwork, eat, sleep, and have sex in the porta-potties outside. They worry more about what to eat and where to sleep rather than the war strategies themselves making the book filled with dark humor and irony.

“F*ck those high-ranking desk jockeys fat, dumb, and happy with their air-conditioning and the illusion they kept thing under control in Iraq just by clicking a few icons on the computer screen, moving units around with tidy drag-and-drop” (Abrams 41). POV. This helps me understand war better because it shows multiple point of views. It tells us that the people who are actually fighting for their country and risking their lives hate the people who stay at the FOB and avoid war. While the people in the FOB have nothing to say because they know what they’re doing is wrong but they are too scared to risk their lives.

“CNN was breathing down his neck, calling every ten minutes to ask about the explosion half the people in al-Karkh saw and nearly everyone heard, the deep thud of rippling through the neighborhoods, the smoke pluming like a gray finger” (Abrams 12). Personification, imagery, simile. This better helps me understand the novel because it helps me better understand the situation these soldiers were in. Super traumatizing things were happening to them and they weren't even able to process them before news sources were begging for more information on it so they could make more money. This shows how much stress were put on these soldiers working and fighting at the FOB.

“Abe had dug in his heels and vowed to be in an immovable brick wall…” (Abrams 79-80). Metaphor

“The moaning man at the center of it all flapped his arms like a pair of flags. He wore a jester’s hat, one of those brightly colored floppy things with little bells on the ends of three petals. From their perimeter across the street, Shrinkle’s men could hear the jingle-jangle of the head bobs. Every now and then, hajji would lift one of the gas nozzles and sing into it like a microphone” (Abrams 111). Simile, onomatopoeia, imagery.

The message about war that i've gotten so far is that it is so unpredictable and rather than having assigned jobs they have assigned situations. Since soldiers have no idea when or what is going to happen at any moment they have more broad job scenarios making everything more stressful which can make people become very emotional. Throughout the book it describe how different people react to this type of stress. The overall message is that solider live in constant stress because they never know what is going to happen next.

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War Reading Response I

English III


    “Eleven Days” By Lea Carpenter

“But that September day when he called, he was shaken. He was begging her to come to school and collect him. So she did, and in the car on the radio she heard the news. When they got home, they sat in front of the television, like two Dead-Heads post-show” (Carpenter 14-15).

Simile, Imagery and Perspective are the literary terms I identified in this quote. This quote shows how Jasons mood and how he was feeling, affected his mood. Having to go through the loss of a family member isn’t anything easy for anyone to go through. Especially when this wouldn’t be the first time you’ve lost a father figure. Jason has been through alot in his life and he manages to keep this tough front so it’s important to understand why he is breaking down. 


  “The instructors yall variations of the same seemingly simple ideas and words over and over, until they become oddly foreign, and then newly familiar as particular to this time and place. Team. Detail. Drop. Push. Hoo-yah. Master Chief Jones is the new instructors’ instructor, and he is very precise in how he talked to his class. Jason thinks that in another life and another time, the master chief and his mother would have made a great match. He can see them fighting about language and politics-about everything, really.” (Carpenter 41) —Juxtaposition, POV and some Onomatopoeia are used in this quote. This quote shows Jason's feelings towards his team and instructor. His instructor seems to use random words and random noises. 

“If you’ll be my Dixie Chicken, I’ll be your Tennessee lamb And we can walk together Down in Dixieland. Down in Dixieland” (Carpenter 48). –Hyperbole and Repetition. The Master Cheifs’ songs represent a symbol of relief and peace. Singing is his thing and he likes when other people sing too. Chief Jones is a tough guy who is experienced in the teams. He is known to be hard on his “students”, he never talks about his experiences doing his own service. It would make sense for a man who could have possibly done things wrong to push his students and make them overworked so they don’t “fail”. He could be thinking about a time back in this life when he had it all and then it all went away. That also may be the reason he doesn’t talk about his days when he served. 

“He mocked friends who posed questions not unlike the ones she now saw in the letters from their son. He mocked anyone who wanted something more or, worse, who believed that there actually was more than what lay right in front of you. And while she was with him, she’d absorbed some of this, even if it never quite fit her” (Carpenter 73). - Understatement and POV.

Sara is starting to realize that Jason isn’t necessarily a good person. Jason has basically into a mocking bird with a big ego. He doesn’t see it in a bad way at all. He doesn’t think he is doing anything wrong which is where understatement and pov come from. He doesn’t see it the same way in Sara’s pov. And he kinda makes it an understatement. 

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They are doctors in the Korean war. They do surgeries for the injured. Hawkeye and Duke are put in the 4077th mash. Where they perform surgery for other soldiers injured. They meet someone named Blake who they dislike because he is praying too much. They then meet John he is mysterious but likes to drink. Duke starts to dislike him. Later they find out he was a football player. Wald’s a dentist who Announces that he is going to commit. After the whole thing they talk about the doctors in the 4077th mash. How Duke is friendly. Trapper is the best doctor and Hawkeye has mixed reviews. Jo-hon is the swampboy but was drafted and sent to war. He came back with mortar shards in his chest. They perform surgery and save him.

“By removing a lacerated spleen and a destroyed kidney from the same patient.” (Hooker 18) imagery shown through the talk of them removing a spleen and a kidney. 

“Deep in Ho-Jon’s chest was a mortar fragment.” (Hooker 67) imagery is seen through them talking about a person who they know has metal fragments in his chest. This also shows how cruel and horrible war can be. Someone who they had a close relationship with is on a deathbed and there trying to save his life. 

“proud to have been operated on by two of his three heroes and, unaware of the odds against him“ (Hooker 69) character   

“Im going to commit suicide” (Hooker 47) understatement is shown in this because he just says he is going to kill himself but that is a really serious topic. This also shows the cruelty of war. Yes he was questioning his sexuality but war definitely had a huge effect on him. 

This is all showing how war is cruel and what it can do to people. By your friends dying. People saying that there going to commit suicide. These are just some of the things that happen in war

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In this book “ Sand Queen” Is about 2  young girls, one of them named Kate from the US who joined the army at the age of 19 serving in Iraq. Naema, an Iraqi medical student is trying to free her innocent Father and 13 year old brother that are locked up in a camp by the Americans. Naema's hometown Baghdad, it was not safe for them to be there anymore and decided to move to their grandmother's house.

 “Just then some woman squeezes in between us and shoves a baby into my chest. It's limp and gray, and skinny as a chicken.” ( Benedict 24) In this quote this identifies a simile as its theme because she is comparing two different things, like the baby being light and skinny like a chicken.  

- “ She's wearing a long coffee colored sack of a dress and sky-blue head scarf wrapped tight around her neck and forehead. Her face is narrow, pale brown and pretty, except for her mouth which is clamped into a thin, schoolmarmy line. And her eyes, which are huge and greenish gold.” ( Benedict 20) The following quote has the literary term Imagery.This explains what Naema looks like to Kate. This helps me understand more about the story because this part is telling me what Naema is wearing, and what she looks like. 

-“ How would you feel…” (Benedict 51) is an example of Repetition because Naema keeps repeating and is  wondering if Kate understands what Naema and her family is going through. Naema wants Kate to know and have the feeling of what she is going through in this part of time. This quote helps me understand more about this story because it tells me how much of a hard time Naema and her family is going through. She got her innocent father and little brother taken away for her for no reason, her town is being bombed.  She wants Kate to feel her feelings by telling her these questions. 

 I like that tree, standing outside the wire all by himself in the middle of the desert. I call it Marvin. I spend so many hours staring at Marvin that I know every twist of his wiry little branches, every point of his needle leaves. I talk to him sometimes, compare notes on how we are doing.” ( Benedict 6) In this quote It identifies the literary term Imagery because he thinks of the tree being his friend. He likes to sit next to the tree and talk about how he is doing. 


The message of the 1st 3rd of the book is how hard it is being a woman is war and seeing the struggles of being a woman in war.

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The Book is about Three doctors in the Korean war. They are on the way to the 4077th Mash war hospital. On the way to the hospital they get to know each other better, and they make friends. The Dentist with the Nickname “the painless pole” wants to commit suicide.

  1. “This blake must have a problem or he wouldn’t be sending for help. Maybe we’re that help.” (pg 14, Paradox)


  1. “I’m going to commit suicide” (pg 47, Plot)


  1. “He arrived at androscoggin College on September 10.” (pg 77, Plot)


  1. “Within five minutes he was in dreamland” (pg 54, plot)

The 1. Quote shows me that there are not enough worker in the war hospitals and that they need more worker.

The 2. Quote shows me that some people get depressed when they are working in a war hospital.

The doctors and other worker in war hospitals have a really hard time and can get depressed because of the things they see.

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In the first section of the book “Sand Queen” by Helen Benedict.  Kate Brady is a 19 year old girl who joined the army to bring honor back to her family. Kate is serving in Iraq. Kate meets Naema Jassim who is an Iraq medical student. . Naema is trying to free her father and her 13 year old brother who is locked up in a camp by americans. Names hometown Baghdad is not safe for anyone and moved to their grandmother's house. Kate and Naema promised to help each other during the war

 “When a female voice calls out from the crowd, I speak English - do you need help? Startled, I looked around. An Iraq girl about my own age separates herself from the mob, walks right up to me and stares in my face with no fear at all”(Benedict 20).  This is shown as POV,  because Kate meets Naema for the first time and actually speaks the same language as her which is surprising to her since Kate is in a different country. 

“How would you feel”(Benedict 50). This is shown as repetition because Naema is wondering if Kate understands what her and her family are going through. Naema wants Kate to know what she is going through in this hard time. This quote helped me understand more about what is happening with Naema and her family  and more about the novel. Naema town is being bombed and her family got taken away for no reason and she wants Kate to feel what she is feeling. 

“Just then some woman squeezes in between us and shoves a baby into my chest. Its limp and gray, and skinny as a chicken”(Benedict 20). This is shown as simile because it’s comparing the two different things: a baby being white skinny like a chicken.  

“I like that tree, standing outside the wire all by himself in the middle of the desert.  I call it Marvin. I spend so many hours staring at Marvin that I know every twist of his wiry little branches, every point of his needle leaves. I talk to him sometimes, compare notes on how we are doing”(Benedict 6). This is shown as imagery because she identifies what he sees and thinks of the tree being his friend. He likes to talk to the tree and ask how he is doing.  

The message about war in the novel is that it is hard for women but they have to stick together in order to get through challenging times. 

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In the ⅓ of Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk we are getting to meet everyone in the novel and what they have done to get where they are now. They show how some of them have flashbacks of what happened to them in the war. And what happened to one of their friends on the battlefield, how he died and what they all did that day after he died. And they can get sent away so easily to a new place. And how the war affected their lives when they got home. 


  1.   “We’re all God's Pop-Tarts whether we like it or not.” in Shroom world, bricks were “earth biscuits,” trees were “sky shrubs,” and all frontline infantry “ meat rabbits,” while media pronouncements on the progress of the war were like “ being lied to on your tombstone.”-plot, point of view, imagery

    The quote helps us understand how the war goes after they die and one of them died and they could do nothing about it and they all lost someone very special to them and they couldn't show for it and how they all dealt with the pain in their own ways. 


  1.   “No!” Dime interrupts. “That's not it at all! We like violence, we like going lethal! I mean, isn’t that what you’re paying us for? To take the fight to America’s enemies and send them straight to hell? If we didn’t like killing people then what’s the point? You might as well send in the Peace Corps to fight the war.”- point of view, paradox, character 


  1.  “Nothing! That’s my whole point, doesn't do s**t! Won’t  do his physical therapy, never goes out, just sits in that damn chair all day watching Fox and listening to fat-a** Rush Limbaugh, won’t even talk unless he wants something, and then he just grunts. Expects us to wait on him hand and foot.”-character,plot, Juxtaposition

    This quote shows how some people who have the same background came back from the war    and one is trying to help himself and the one is doing nothing and he doesn't want to do anything and just stay home.  

  1.  “Nice to be home,” he said at breakfast, which was Cheerios, bacon and eggs, raisin-cinnamon toast, orange juice, coffee, and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. For lunch there would be homemade split-pea soup, Waldorf salad, fried bologna sandwiches, and warm brownies. For dinner, a slow-cooked pot roast with carrots, potatoes, and scallions, braised brussel sprouts, a citrus congealed salad, and double-fudge chocolate cake with Blue bell ice cream.”-Hyperbole, point of view, paradox 


The overall section of this summary states that some people in the war all deal with different ways of dealing with grief and loss when they get home from the war.


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In the novel A Farewell to Arms Frederic Henry an American ambulance driver in an Italian war and his friend Rinaldi who is Italian, share a room in the building they are housed in. Frederic and Rinaldi go out to meet Miss Barkley who is a nurse, who later on lands up starting a relationship with Frederic, and he doesn't love her and he just says he loves her but later on really does. Later he goes off to another section of the war to help and lands up getting pretty badly hurt and brought to an American hospital. Within a few days of him being there Miss Barkley or Catherine lands up going to the same hospital to help out. They continue their relationship there and he realizes he really does love her and he doesn't want to be away from her. 

  1. Fredric knew he didn't love Catherine but still tried to get with her because he thought it was better then going out to the club “I knew I did not love Catherine Barkley nor had any idea of loving her. this was a game, Like bridge, in which she said things instead of playing cards.” (Hemingway 30) this quote shows the characteristics of frederic because he knows exactly what he is doing to her pretty much playing her, he is aware that he is playing her as if you would play a game of cards. This quote shows the literary terms simile, character, juxtaposition, metaphor. 
  2. ““You're a nice boy,” she said “and you play it as well as you know how. But it's a rotten game.” “Do you always know what people think?” “not always. But I do with you. You don't have to pretend you love me. That's over for the evening. Is there anything you'd like to talk about?” “But I do love you.” “please lets lie when we don't have to…”” (hemingway 31) - juxtaposition, character 
  3. “I felt lonely and empty. I had treated seeing Catherine very lightly, I had gotten somewhat drunk and had nearly forgotten to come but when I could not see her There I was feeling lonely and Hollow.” (Hemingway 41) Fredric is finally starting to realize that he does love her, that he really does love her even if at first it was a game to get out of going to the bar to see the girls there. He more than loves her; he feels lonely and empty, lonely and hollow. character, plot, juxtaposition. 
  4. “Catherine Barkley took three nights off night duty and then she came back on again. it was as though we met again after each of us had been away on a long journey.” (Hemingway 111)  juxtaposition, character


The overall message of this section of this novel is war is about lust and desire 

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  1. “...and the man embarked on a rambling speech about war and God and country as Billy let go, let the words whirl and tumble around his brain, TerrRist, freedom, evil, nina leven, nina leven, nina leven, troopa\s, cuuj, support, sacrifice, Bush, values, and God.” (Fountain 2)-Plot, P.O.V, character

This quote starts to help show who Billy is. Right in the beginning of the book it shows a lot about him. His past within the war and how that affects him now. It hints that he might have ptsd from the war.

  1. “Life in the Army is miserable that way. You fuck up, they scream at you, you fuck up some more and that scream some more, but overlying all the small, petty, stupid, basically foreordained fuckups looms the ever-present prospect of the life-fucking fuck up, a fuck up so profound and all-encompassing as to crush all hope of redemption.” (Fountain 3-4)-Metaphor, repetition, 
  2. “He's silent for a moment. ‘Carl, what can I say? It’s a war picture-not everybody gets out alive.’” (Fountain 5)-Plot, P.O.V., character, 
  3. “And Billy, Billy went to Stovall, to the three-bedroom, two-bath brick ranch house on Cisco Street with sturdy access ramps front and back for his fathers wheelchair, a dark purple motorized job with fat whitewalls and an American flag decal stuck to the back. “The Beast,” Billy’s sister Kathryn called it, a flanged and humpbacked ride with all the grace of a tar cooker or giant dung beetle.” (Fountain 74-75)-P.O.V., imagery

This quote is very descriptive and helps picture where they stayed. 

I think the first section of this book is mostly Billy getting used to the regular world. Settling back in and dealing with going from war to the normal world. The appreciation for what his team did is shown. I think this sections message about war is the difference between war world and how it is to go back to the normal world.

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Lieutenant Henry’s unit moves to Gorizia which is further away from the fighting and a more enjoyable life. Henry takes his leave where he traveled through Italy, Rinaldi, who is obsessed with “beautiful girls” finds himself attracted to an english woman named Cathrine Barkley, who was just just sent to the front and he has fallen in love with her. The next day Ranaldi tells Henry to come along with him to meet Cathrine and while Rinaldi is talking to Helen Furguson Henry is acquainted with Cathrine and becomes attracted to her beauty and wishes to see her again. Henry finds out that Cathrine loves him but he does not love Catherine. Catherine pushes him away for the night and when Henry is driving he picks up a soldier with a hernia, he thinks about the upcoming offense that starts in two days and wishes that he was having a hot night and good wine in Milan with Cathrine. At Palva where the fighting takes place Henry and others are thrown into a dugout, they find them talking about the end of the war, Henry maintains that they would all be worse off if the Italian army decided to stop fighting. A trench mortar explodes through the door and the two remaining drivers carry Henry to the wound station where the British doctors treat his ruined leg. Henry is sent to the hospital in Milan where he is treated for his knee and leg there and Cathrine is also transferred to the hospital in Milan.

“The trunks of the trees where too dusty and the leaves fell early that year.”(hemingway 1)--Imagery 

 “In late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains.”(Hemingway 1)--Flashback

 “ There were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels”(Hemingway 1)--Imagery 

This quote helps show imagery because even though the war is going on there are still some things in life that carry beauty. 

“I thought she was probably a little crazy. It was alright if she was. I did not care what I was getting into.”(Hemingway 30)--character

This quote shows character because Henry doesn't matter whether or not Cathrine is crazy because he likes her no matter what. And he would rather stay loyal to one girl then go to the club with the rest of the guys and have girls climb all over them.

The overall message of this section is the fact that even though war is going on there is still beauty to be found and love can still found. 

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