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War Novel Response 1

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The novel “Mash” by Richard Hooker is about three army doctors. Hawkeye, Pierce, Duke, Forrest, and Trapper. Radar O’rielly just graduated high school before joining the U.S army. He is a corporal in the US army. A corporal is the lowest position you can be in the army. Each MASH tent has a young Korean attendant called a houseboy. The Swamp therefore has "Swampboy" or Ho-Jon, a tall, bright, Christian and relatively English-capable Korean. “We got to do something for Dago red,” said Duke. “I mean to show our appreciation for all the good fixes, bead jiggling, and skillful Cross Action.” (Hooker Page 39)


  1. “I mean to show our appreciation for all the good fixes, bead jiggling, and skillful Cross Action.” (Hooker Page 39) Imagery This quote helps me understand what's going on because the author worded it in just the right way I can see it. This quote helps me understand the message of the book because it helps me understand real life examples of this quote.


  1. “I don’t care if it rains or freezes,” intoned Trapper John “Sammy’ll be safe in the arms of Jesus.” (Hooker Page 41) Perspective, Imagery  This quote helps me understand what's going on because the author worded it in just the right way I can see it.


  1. “You c-c-crazy bastards, get the h-h-hell out of here. They don’t have any replacements for you, but if you don’t get out of my sight so h-h-help me C-C-Christ I'll have you s-s-shot.” (Character/plot Hooker Page 43) Perspective, Plot This quote shows perspective and plot because it is a sequence of events. Perspective helps me understand because it puts me in different scenarios so I can see something for myself in someone's shoes.


  1. “Keep your voice down,” Trapper said because "I think we are about to hook a live one.”(Hooker 91) Imagery because they are about to hook onto a live fish.


The message of the book so far is Medical Practice in War.

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Hawkeye and Trapper return to the 4077th to find it busy with wounded patients. They immediately change  and get to work. The camp is abuzz (<Membean word) as Duke prepares for surgery, relying on Captain Bridget McCarthy, a thirty five  year old nurse captain they called "Knocko" for her having no-nonsense. Duke and Knocko have to do brain surgery, the soldier still has blood coming out of his neck. Hawkeye discovers the neck wound and has to do surgery with the anthesiologist.

“Mama, Mama!” The patient was yelling. “Im dying.” (Hooker P107) Charecter

“Don’t get overheated honey.” (Hooker P 133) Imagery

“Death is an Elephant, torch-eyed and horrible.” (Hooker P148) Analogy

“We look like a lotta goddamn cherry parfaits,” Trapper said. (Hooker p166) Imagery

The message of the book after the second half of the book is about working while under pressure. These Literary devices listed above help me get a better understanding of “Mash” because you watch all these war movies of all these medics and this book puts me in the medics perspective.

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In the first part of this novel Jason is a senior in highschool thinking about what he will do after school. He is a great student and has some high ambitions for college, But one day after school he tells his mom that he no longer wants to go to college and wants to join the military to be a navy seal. He goes to the training and sends her letters of what is happening in his training. Two men Captain Smith and Master Chief Jones come to her house with news that her son is missing. This makes her worry so much, to pass the time waiting for news she reads the letter that Jason used to send her. As she comes down for dinner she gets a call telling her that they have found her son and she needs to get to D.C. as soon as possible.

“Most of the letters were not about guns or weapons. Only when she prodded him with questions would he answer with an ordnance lesson.” (Carpenter 66)--Character, plot, understatement, repetition.

“One irony of Jason being gone was that unlike other mothers who perhaps saw their sons more often, these letters were a look into the soul of a boy becoming a man.” (Carpenter 72). This quote shows character, plot, understatement, and Juxtaposition. I think the most important literary term in this quote is plot. It shows the plot because it's an example of how she feels a lack of connection to her son because he is gone. This is the conflict in the story so far. Because Jason's dad was not around, Sara was left to raise Jason and she was around him his whole life. Now she doesn't see him at all, she doesn't know where he is, and she doesn't know if he is safe.

“Even from a very young age, their son had a sense of respect for action over talk, and a sense of respect for the things he did not know. His father had opinions; he had questions.” (Carpenter 5)-- Character, Juxtaposition, Plot, POV. This quote best shows Jason's character. It shows how the son was always curious and thought out the options meticulously. When it says action over talk it shows that Jason took action first when needed to. Jason has respect for the things he did not know shows how understanding he could be towards things and his willingness to learn new things. The fact that they were able to recognize this from such a young age really shows the type of person Jason is.

“She didn't care what people thought about her, which made her a revolutionary in small town life-- or at least that was how Jason saw her.” (Carpenter 44)-- Character, POV, Plot.

The overall message of this novel so far is, war causes separation and worry within close ones.

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In the novel Billy Lynns Long Hafttime Walk by Ben Fountian, Billy faces troubles of coming home from war and the citizens being ungrateful for his service. Billy has trouble grasping the feel of being home and dealing with people who don't care but he decides to let it go knowing he will be at the Texas stadium and having a good time. Billy thinks that in a couple days he will be back at war in Iraq but for now he is trying to live in the moment.

  1. “Why him nest up theah? Why him gaddar nuts? Why? Why? Why?” (Fountain 82) (repetition) In this quote repetition is used to show the confusion and how he feels lost and wants to know why. Repetition is a great way to show how urgent or confused someone is about something.

2.”Dont relax. Once they reach the course Billy feels better.” (Fountain 43) (understatement)

3.”You had to be inside it to understand the pure human misery of that day, the desolation, for instance, one among many…” (Fountain 67) (Imangrey)  This quote shows how someone that didn't experience war might not feel what a veteran might feel and what they see isn't the same as someone who went through all the trauma and the hard fought fights for their countries. 

  1. Where r u she wants to know, and he texts Stadium.” (Fountain 25)

Overall message of these first parts of the book are how war is commercialization and looked at differently from everyone and what they see war as other than what it actually is. The way soldiers that fought in war and just plain civilians who only lived through war see and have different feelings about war. 


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In MASH there are a bunch of American army doctors who are on the battlefield of the Korean War. The Gooks had hit Kelly Hill and a number of casualties had begun coming into the triage  Hawkeye Pierce and Duke performed on many soldiers who were injured in the battle. Many soldiers who had been injured came in waves often making them work overtime till they were too exhausted to work any longer. They saw many injured soldiers with a wide spectrum of injuries.

The soldiers when they performed on the injured saw many gruesome injuries “To top this off by removing a lacerated spleen and destroyed kidney from the same patient” (Hooker 18)-- imagery, understatement 


  “Hawkeye had claimed to be brought up to be an all-over Baptist but that he had lost his nerve at the last minute. Duke was a foot-washing baptist, and Trapper John was a former mackerel snapper who had turned in his knee pads.”(Hooker 36)-- Character

They began talking to each other about their lives and how they were brought up religiously but with different religions and this quote shows the beliefs of the character that impact some of their decision-making with people who have different beliefs/ ideals. 


“I’m going to commit suicide” (Hooker 47) -- Understatement Plot character

“Korean nights can be dark, often you can see your hands in front of your face. Captain Burns never saw the hand that broke his nose, or split his lip, or the knee that made him terribly uncomfortable for the next three days”(Hooker 58) -- Imagery, plot character 

This quote shows that some characters do not like each other and they get into altercations between one another. This quote shows why some characters act the way they do towards certain characters. 


The overall message of this section is that war is chaos

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The book I am reading is called Eleven days and it is by Lea Carpenter. So far this book is about a mother (Sara) who wants to know where her son Jason is because he went missing after one of his private Navy Seals missions. The first few chapters go back and forth between present time where her son is missing and past time when he was a child and had a great relationship with his father who was in the military. The chapters start to build up to the reasoning of why Jason chose to be involved in the military. 

  1. “They’re bright red. “Running is fun, Mommy,” he’d said. “Don’t take it so seriously.” He still calls her mommy even though he is a man now. He is twenty-seven. He has been missing for nine days.”(Carpenter 4)-- repetition, juxtaposition. This quote helps me understand repetition more because so far there has been constant talk about how close Sara and Jason are and the amazing bond they share as mother and son. It also helps show me how much Sara cares for him by bringing up the fact he has been missing for nine days.
  2. “She wanted him to not only be different from his father but also free from the demons that had come with what his father did, or at least from what she knew of what he  did.”(Capertenter 4)-- plot, understatement, juxtaposition 
  3.  “He’s still in shock, she remembers thinking. We all are. This will pass.”(Carpenter 15) -- repetition, plot
  4. “Her heart beats very slowly, like an athlete’s. It had always given her doctors the impression she was calm; It now gives that illusion to everyone else.”(Carpenter 11) repetition, character, understatement. This quote helped display character because what this quote is saying is that Sara typically comes off as a calm and relaxed person who has it together but the reality Sara lives is far from calm. The overall message I chose is war is susceptible to the unknown.
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In the first 1/3 of the novel M*A*S*H by Richard Hooker we are introduced to 3 main characters: Hawkeye Pierce, Duke Forrest, and Trapper John who are all doctors in the 4077th MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) during the Korean war. Even though being an army doctor is hard for them at times they still end up being successful at what they do. They encounter people that they don’t get along with several times throughout this part of the book, which usually ends with them leaving.
“. . .but because that bastard Burns didn’t observe a few basic principles, the boy almost died. . . . Frank thinks he’s a big hero because he did a successful cardiac massage. Therefore Trapper John administered a knuckle sandwich.” (Hooker, 60) Literary terms are plot, character, understatement.
“Major, . . . you seem to be somewhat preoccupied with religion. Are you on this kick for good, or is this just a passing fancy? . . . we don’t wish to cause any trouble, but we strongly suspect that something that might embarrass this excellent organization could occur if you don’t get that sky pilot out of our tent.” (Hooker, 21-22) Character, understatement.
This shows Hawkeye’s character because of how he shows his thoughts on people that are overly religious.
“Despite repeated warnings, Shaking Sammy also had the bad habit of writing letters home for wounded soldiers without inquiring into the nature of their wounds. . . Sammy wrote a letter for a boy that died two hours later. The letter told his mother that all was well and that he’d be home soon. . .They escorted Shaking Sammy out of the hospital and, as he left, they shot all four tires of his jeep. . .” (Hooker, 38) Literary terms are plot and understatement.
“. . . He saw a cross. Lashed to it was his Protestant colleague, Shaking Sammy. Surrounding him on the ground was a pile of hay, assorted flammable junk and a couple of old mattresses. . . This ain’t no bottle, Red. . . this here’s a Molotov Cocktail.” (Hooker, 40) Literary terms are plot, imagery, character.
This shows the character of Trapper John, Duke Forrest, and Hawkeye Pierce by showing how they don’t put up with people who make bad mistakes because of not following rules or procedures.

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In this book, Billy and other men, called the bravo team, are going into wars. As of right now they have been traveling for the past two weeks. Their next war is in Iraq. They are in a Texas Stadium, as a game is going on. Many people notice them and bombard them with support and thank yous. 


“‘I'm not sure,”’ he answered. “‘Mainly it was just this sort of road rage feeling. Everything was blowing up and they were shooting our guys and I just went for it, I really wasnt thinking at all.” (Fountain 3)  This quote helped me understand the book a little better. It put the war into perspective for me. It made me think about what the soldiers were feeling while in war. This quote shows the literary terms of imagery, perspective, and metaphor. Maybe even understatement too, saying it's a road rage feeling but this is way worse than road rage. 


“Being shot at, shooting back. Killing people, almost getting killed yourself. Having friends and comrades die right before your eyes.” (Fountain 40) This quote helped me understand war a lot better. Being one person and having to go through all of these things while trying to survive is terrifying. The literary terms used are plot, imagery, POV. 


“There it was, this sense of reprieve or release, of a terrible burden eased, and all with no more effort on Billy's part than the exhalation of a normal breath. This feeling of ahhhhh, like there was hope for him?” (Fountain 4) Onomatopoeia, Simile, Perspective. 


“The freaking randomness is what wears on you, the difference between life, death, and horrible injury.”(Fountain 27) Perspective, repetition (they keep talking about what can happen in war), POV. 


The message I get from this book so far is that war is a dangerous game. You never know what may happen, and it's scary. 

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Fobbit, by David Abrams is a book that goes through the fictional stories of a group of Army soldiers fighting in Operation Iraqi Freedom. A Fobbit is defined as a U.S. Army employee stationed at a Forward Operating Base during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Chance Gooding is a Staff Sergeant and is very cognitive of the fighting, yet he doesn’t get to fight himself. On the other end is a soldier named Duret, an idiotic yet well meaning soldier who is out on the frontlines, putting his life on the line with his brothers in arms. 

The first person the story tells about is a Staff Sergeant named Chance Gooding Jr. He is the first look into the story showing point of view from the government media side. ¨Staff Sergeant Chance Gooding Jr. was the Fobbitiest… His job was to turn the bomb attacks, the sniper kills, the sucking chest wounds, and the dismemberments into something palatable–Ideally something patriotic– that the American public could stomach as they browsed the morning newspaper with their toast and eggs. ¨ (Abrams 2). At home we only see a war from the civilian side, so we don't see the carnage and terror of war. That makes it a lot easier for the media to say a soldier was killed in action, honorably serving his country, as opposed to, a soldier burned alive at the hands of an enemy flamethrower, but that's just an example. 

In the midst of trying to keep a crowd to stay inside a safe distance from a car with an explosive in it, a young Iraqi boy runs past the Americans and to the man in the car who is seriously wounded. He gives him some water, the man speaks to him, and then returns to the Aericans. The boy speaks with the translator and gives info about the terrorist to the Americans. ¨a small boy slipped through the cordon and dashed out to the crushed Opel…. The translator and the boy jabbered back and forth. ¨He say the man tell him to tell you he is from Syria and his terrorist group has planned to launch many vehicle bomb attacks today and also other attacks will follow.¨ (Abrams 29, 30). This is an example of juxtaposition because the Iraqi kid had a choice. Help the man in the car, or help the Americans, in a way he did both.

 The media wants you to think of war as the good guys, the bad guys, and they would also like for you to not think about civilians and or at least assume they will be alright. The media often creates false images in times of war, connecting this quote about imagery. ¨complete the mission, but make it clean and professional so no Local Nationals were left broken, bleeding or oozing in the wake. And if there were news cameras in the area, make good and goddamn sure the soccer balls and lollipops were distributed. Don't forget to tousle the kids' hair for good measure before moving on.¨ (Abrams 28). The truth is civilians are killed all the time, in both accidents or by being pursued by one or another side of the war. 

There hasn't been a war fought on American soil since the American Civil War. As Americans, both civilians and service members of today have never seen war in the borders of our country, but the Iraqi people, living in specifically Baghdad, seem to just live their lives inside a warzone. ¨On the left-hand TV screen are fuzzy-gray images of a live video feed from one of the many blimp-cams floating over Baghdad, panning and zooming around the streets to keep an eye on shoppers, schoolchildren, and little knots of terrorists digging holes for their IEDs along the highway.¨ (Abrams 105). I can understand the point of view of the Iraqi citizens, living day to day in potential danger at all times. 

War obviously affects the soldiers directly fighting, but it also affects civilians caught in the war. It’s hard enough to be a soldier, executing a smooth mission, but mix in a bunch of scared civilians to look after, and it becomes an entirely new operation.

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The Sun Also Rises Is set in Paris, France and the characters are mostly a group of american writers who came to Europe. The main character Jake, and this girl named Brett are both in love with each other, but they seem to be scared of committing to one another. Most of Jake’s time is spent in his office writing (although he’s experiencing writer’s block), or going to bars and cafes with friends. At the end of the first third Jake and Brett are spending lots of time with each other and Brett keeps trying to escape their relationship because she doesn’t like the feeling it gives her. Eventually, she moves far away and is married to someone else, Jake is exceptionally sad about this but he tries his hardest not to show it. 

“”Good night, Jake. Good Night, darling. I won’t see you again.” We kissed standing at the door. She pushed me away. We kissed again. “Oh, don’t!” Brett said.”(Hemingway 71). This quote adds to the plot because it shows how she’s upset about leaving and that she’s only doing it to push her feelings away. This is also POV because it’s showing us how she feels about it and how she sees it as the only option for her. 

“Isn’t it rotten? There isn’t any use my telling you I love you” ”You know I love you.”(Jake) “Let’s not talk. Talking’s all bilge. I’m going away from you, and then Michael’s coming back.” … “Better for you. Better for me.”(Brett)” (Hemingway 62). This shows more of Brett’s POV, showing her feeling the need to leave and thinking it’s better for the both of them. In this same scene right before that Jake was trying to get her to move in with her and she kept insisting that she is bad for him, saying the people she brings around will not be tolerable for Jake. This lets us in on Jakes POV too. Jake wants Brett to stay and wants to have a real relationship with her. He is sad she’s pushing him away. This is also part of the plot because her moving away changes many aspects of his life afterwards.

“Wish he wouldn’t keep going off like a cat, though. Makes me nervous.””(Hemingway 79). This is a simile saying that the way Harvey Stone is like a cat because he keeps running off disappearing for periods of time.

“Brett looked at me. “I was a fool to go away,” She said. “One’s an ass to leave Paris.” (Hemingway 81). This quote describes Bretts character and her POV, because she regrets leaving.

The war took a major toll on Jake after it was over. He suffers from an injury to his groin leaving him incapable of indulging in any sexual activity. This makes his relationship with Brett very weird and complicated. She sees other guys for her physical needs but seems to always go to Jake for her emotional needs. Jake’s life is completely different since the war and he wants to make a life for himself with what he has in Europe, but so far it isn’t going very well for him.

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In ⅓ of the book, Billy Lynn and his bravo team get invited to a Cowboys game where they will do a walk during halftime. They go to the game and talk about this new movie that is based on the Bravo team. Major Mac gets lost and found. They go to a buffet and Billy remembers Shroom's death. Billy then goes back home to Stovall, Texas to see his family before he has to go back to Iraq.


“We pray, hope, honor-respect-love-and-revere and they do, in the act of speaking they experience the mighty words, these verbal arabesques that spark and snap in Billys ears like bugs impacting an electric bug zapper.” (Fountain 37).

Simile, Onomatopoeia, P.O.V., Character.


“The DA agreed to drop the felony charge down to criminal mischief if Billy joined the Army, which seemed as good a place as any to be sloughed off, better than jail and being raped every night by guys with names like Preacher and Hawg.” (Fountain 19).

Character, P.O.V., Juxtaposition.


“Advil,” Billy says, “were you able to find me any-”. (Fountain 41).

Character, Understatement.

This quote better helped me understand that war can be physically draining. Billy throughout the story keeps asking for Advil to help with his hangover, but I think he has developed some physical problems throughout his years of war, and that's why he can't get rid of his “headache”.


“It was the sixties, exactly, all we wanted was to smoke a lot of dope and ball a lot of chicks. Vietnam, excuse me? Why would I wanna go get my ass shot off in some stinking rice paddy just so Nixon can have his four more years? Screw that, and I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. (Fountain 55).


This quote helped me better understand that war can be real and dangerous. It shows that not everybody wants to go to the military and it shows that they are selfish.


The overall message of this section of the novel is that war can be physically and emotionally draining.

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Billy Pilgrim can travel in time randomly. He graduated from Iliam high school. His senior year he became engaged to the daughter of the founder and owner of the school. Billy became very successful, he was rich and had two children. Billy fought in Vietnam. Billy was the only passenger in a plane crash that survived and shortly after that his wife died from Carbon monoxide poisoning. 

Quote #1:    “you were just babies in the war-- like the ones upstairs!” (Vonnegut 14). Character, P.O.V, hyperbole, paradox, metaphor. 

Quote #2: “Sometimes I try to call up old girlfriends on the telephone late at night, after my wife has gone to bed.” (Vonnegut 7). P.O.V, character, understatement.

Quote #3: “...To find himself in 1963. He has seen his birth and death many times, he says, and pays random visits to all the events in between.” (Vonnegut 23). flashback, plot, character. This quote shows flashbacks and  how Billy Pilgrim can go back and ahead of time. Sometimes he doesn't choose to see the future and go back in time either. He has been through a lot of events because of war and has had to re-see them because of the flashbacks and time travel. This quote is also plot because flashbacks affect how the story line goes. 

Quote #4: “ …Billy wouldn't do anything to save himself. Billy wanted to quit. He was cold, Hungry, embarrassed, incompetent.”(Vonnegut 34). Plot, character. This quote shows how people feel in war. War isn't an easy thing and not everybody can handle it. He was not confident in himself that he could continue doing it. This quote shows character because it explains what kind of person and partner he was. He was almost not willing to try for the people he was in war with. This quote also shows plot because it helps develop how the story line is going. 


War is not easy, it is very difficult emotionally and physically and involves everybody involved or even remotely close to the event.

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In the first ⅓ of the novel M*A*S*H it starts out with the daily lives of the 4077th Mash unit. Hawkeye, and Duke have many challenges and experience many things, such as treating wounded soldiers during the Korean war. There are many moments of humor, drama, and friendship throughout the novel. Such as when they went through surgeries that failed and were completed. TImes like when Shaken Sammy was sending letters to people's relatives that were not what was happening. They eventually got to where they needed to be and settled in.


“Oh.” Captain Forrest said, and then: “Where you from?”

“Crabapple Cove.”
“Where in hell is that.”

“Maine,” Hawkeye said. “Where you from?” (Hooker pg12)

Point of View

They're wondering where they are from and they come from different places.


“The Duke, between complaints about the Yankee weather, was writing to his wife, and Hawkeye was reading The Maine Coast Fisherman, When McIntyre got up from his cot and headed for the door.” (Hooker pg 33)



“I thought you guys oughta know,” he announced.

“Know what.”

“I’m going to commit suicide.” (Hooker pg 47)

Point of view

“The Major advanced like an avenging angel.” (Hooker pg 25)


The major really felt it was the right thing to do.


War never changes

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MASH: A Novel about three army doctors, a novel by Richard Hooker and W.C. Heinz, throughout the book so far a lot of the doctors aren't prepared for the war. They prepare themselves and try to get them to not think about it by drinking even though it doesn't really help but it helps in the moment. They also meet a few new doctors as the chapters go along and they think they are a little weird and one tries to teach them how to do chest surgery.

“Most of the regular army types are insecure. If they werent, they'd take their chances out in the big free world.Their only security is based on the efficiency of their outfits.”(Hooker 14) Character,P.O.V, plot

“Is that we work like hell when there's work and try to outclass the other talent.”(Hooker 15) P.O.V, Character. I chose this quote because it ties in with a lot of different things. A lot of people would want to try to work harder to have a better job or to be better at something then other people, in this case they are working harder because they need to outwork the Koreans in the war. I chose P.O.V because its very relatable and people want to work harder to be better and stronger as a whole and that's what they are doing.

“He reached under his cot and came up with three cans of beer.”(Hooker 23) Character. This quote says that war is really stressful and that people especially during this book dont want to be stressed or really understand what they are going through so they drink a lot. This quote shows character because its showing what the characters do and how they cope and handle these terrible things that they go through.

“The fortunes of war had given him a job for which he was unprepared, and associated him with people he could not comprehend.”(Hooker 17) Character, plot.

The overall message of war is that war is stressful and anything can happen so try to live your best life.

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In this part of the novel it is the introduction of some of the characters. It is also about where some of the characters are from and how they go to the 4077th mash. What happens during the first part of the book is that the first four characters are introduced and those characters are Hawkeye, Duke, Radar O’Reilly, and Major Hobson. The first part of the novel tells us the story of what they were doing at the 4077th mash and how they got there “This Blake must have a problem or he wouldn't be sending for help”(Hooker 14) it helped me better Understand how the novel is sent up and it helped me find the thematic topic for the first part of the book. It also shows that duke and Hawkeye are good surgeons “it was clear the most work had been done by Hawkeye Pierce and Duke Forrest”(Hooker 18) that is why I think they are good surgeons.

It was also tough on them with their shifts `` There came a lull in business, and the shifts changed so that the two were working days.”(Hooker 21) That is why I think it is tough on them. It also helped show some of the backstory of the novel. They also had their fun 

In their off time “when not in a poker game. Hawkeye and Duke were likely to be in their tent”(Hooker 25) that is the final reason I think they had it kinda rough. I think in this part of the novel the message war is tough and can be kinda slow sometimes but it is also gruesome.

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“Thanks Hawkeye. I wondered when you'd recognize me. The minute I saw you I knew you were the guy that intercepted that pass.”(Hooker 34) For several weeks the indentification of  Captain John McIntyre as trapper john.”(Hooker 35) Plot, Character, Imagery, This quote is important because they go to call him trapper john throughout the book and this quote identifies the origin of his nickname as well as he had known hawkeye before becoming a M.A.S.H.

 “ As the components if the 4077th MASH were arranged around the horseshoe, the operating tent, with its tin quonset roof, was in the middle of the closed end.”       

( Hooker 18 ) Imagery, Pov.

“Although Several people lunged at Duke, he lit the wick of the Molotov cocktail and hurled it inro the Shaking Sammy’s funeral pyre. Sammy screamed, and the Swamp men took off for The Swamp. As the crowd surged foward the Molotov sizzled and went out.” “You know the silly bastard really thought it was gasoline we poured on him.”

( Hooker 41 )

Imagery, Pov, Plot, character. This quote became interesting to then a good smile and I think feeling emotion is important in reading and this quote shows major emotion. They tied shaking Sammy up and threw a fake Molotov at him. The surges of Intesity make this a great quote. “Colonel Blake finally decided to create a chief surgeon.” “This job could logically be only given to trapper John) ( Hooker 62 ). Character, Plot,

This section is all about making the best out of sad situations, examples how are from when they threw a fake molotov on shaking Sammy might of been cruel but they had a laugh. Then saving Dr. Waldoski from suicide, as well as trapper John getting a promotion to chief surgeon and how he saved  Ho-Jon by removing the shell fragment. All these being the major events Summarized in this first section all relate to my theme.


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What is your overall theme/message about war?

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The first part of my Book dives into a story about a Man named Joe Bonham, Joe Became a Quadruple Amputee, Losing his hearing, Losing an eye, a left arm and both legs. Joe begins to conflict within himself and you can see that as he talks about how he compares his current state to being in the womb, and despises how people have died with much less severe injuries than he has endured.


Q1- “But why hadn't he bled to death? You'd think that with two stumps on your arms and legs  spouting a man could at least die.” (Trumbo 83)  This Quote shows Character and expands on how Joe Ponders on why he isnt dead with all the injuries he has endured, and finds himself ungrateful of having the gift of life.

Q2- “He couldn't live like this because he would go crazy. But he couldn’t die because he couldn’t kill himself.”  (Trumbo 63) This quote shows Plot. It symbolizes this ever longing purgatory that Joe is stuck in, where he can't necessarily live his life nor kill himself. 

Q3- “Hurry mother hurry hurry hurry and wake me up. I'm having a nightmare mother, where are you?” (Trumbo 63) This quote shows character. It shows Joe's dependency on those around him, as now he can't do anything for himself.

Q4- “No more walking, running , crawling if you have no legs, No more working.” (Trumbo 60) Joe has this moment of realization that he will never be able to walk, or work ever again.


 “He couldn't live like this because he would go crazy. But he couldn’t die because he couldn’t kill himself.”  (Trumbo 63) 


This quote helps the reader understand the physical embodiment of being “stuck in neutral”, where he can't make decisions for himself. And this mental war that he is being inflicted with. This quote helps us understand the plot in such a manner as we can see the feelings that Joe is going through, and this physiological warfare that progressively gets worse through the book.

“But why hadn't he bled to death? You'd think that with two stumps on your arms and legs  spouting a man could at least die.” (Trumbo 83)  


This quote helps the reader understand how Joe feels about people having much less severe injuries dying. Where he has much more severe injuries, but survives them. This helps showcase character as Joe finds himself unlucky for being alive after enduring all of his injuries. He believes he would be better off dead than have to deal with his current quality of life.


Overall, the message of war is Unforgiving and Malevolent.

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M.A.S.H features a group of army surgeons during the events of the Korean War. The story follows Duke Forest, Hawkeye Pierce, and Trapper John. Due to the demand of servicemen, many of the enlisted were young in age. The novel depicts the struggle of the youthful members of M.A.S.H dealing with events and tragedies conflicted with their maturity level. 

“He lifted a gasoline can and poured the contents on the debris surrounding Shaking Sammy and some on Sammy himself… Although several people lunged at the Duke, he lit the wick of the Molotov cocktail and hurled it into Shaking Sammy’s funeral pyre” (Hooker 40-41) Character, plot. This quote helps show the character traits that the swamp-men have, it shows impulse thinking and a true lack of maturity. The swamp-men are hot headed and have no repercussions for their actions allowing them to continue without the reasonable level of maturity that should be a requisite of being in such a high importance role in the military.

“They announced the availability of personally autographed photographs of Jesus Christ, and their timing was perfect. At each point, as the sales talk ended, a brilliant phosphorus flare would be lit and a helicopter would appear. Spread eagled on a cross dangling beneath the chopper and illuminated by the eerie light of the flare was the loinclothed, skinny, bearded, long haired, and pretty welled stoned Trapper John.” (Hooker 75) Character, imagery, plot.

"As it turned out, Captain Pierce did see Ho-Jon again. It was six weeks later, when Ho-Jon returned in the uniform of a private in the ROK Army. The uniform was covered with blood. Deep in Ho-Jon’s chest was a mortar fragment.” (Hooker 67)Imagery, plot, perspective. This quote helps show the severity of being an army medical surgeon. The position of which the characters have is one for people with a high maturity level, contrary to the swamp-men. Through the Imagery, this puts in perspective the dark nature of war mixed with the immaturity of the youth.  

“Then his head disappeared into the parka like a turtle’s into its shell, and the beer followed it.” (Hooker 28-29) Simile, character. 

The message of this section is that the severity of a situation is over weighed by immaturity.

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The first seven chapters of M*A*S*H shows how the soldiers of the 4077th MASH unit live during the Korean War. In these chapters the main characters we learn about are Hawkeye Pierce and Captain "Trapper John" McIntyre. We learn about the unorthodox methods they have to use, such as improvising tools to use during surgery. We hear stories about the other people at the 4077th M*A*S*H such as Father Mulcahy, Shaking Sammy, Painless Pole, etc. "I'm crazy. Im just as crazy as you guys. Go ahead, cure him, and let me the hell out of here” (Hooker 49) This showcases the liteary term Irony becuase it contrasts what Henry, (Painless Pole) is saying and what he is actually doing. He claims to be crazy as all of them but then wants to be released after. If he actually was crazy then he would stay or try to resist staying there, but instead he just leaves. "From then on Dago Red put in many a fix. With the Swampmen it was mostly a gag, but one they could not quite bring themselves to forgo when things were rough." (Hooker 37) This quote showcases Understatement as the literary term. Understatement is shown through saying that the Swampmen’s acts are “Mostly a gag”. “Gag”, which means a playful joke isn’t really meant in that way because it says “mostly” Implying that there might have been more of a reason for the Swampmen’s antics instead of it just being a joke. “The fortunes of war had given him a job for which he was unprepared, and associated him with people he could not comprehend.” (Hooker 17) This quote showcases Irony as the literary term. It is shown through the idea that there are “Fortunes of war” which means that someone will get something out of war. But the rest of the quote contrasts with the “Fortunes of war” because Major Hobson finds himself in a tricky situation and is not prepared for his role in the war. “When they awakened at four o'clock in the afternoon, all was quiet. Duke peeked out the door and closed it quickly.'What do the initials M.P. stand for?' he inquired.'Shore Patrol,' answered Trapper John.” (Hooker 41) This quote showcases the literary term Humor. Humor is pretty clearly shown through saying that M.P stands for Shore Patrol when it does not. Overall the message about war is that war is very challenging for the people that are fighting in it.

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The main character is paralyzed (?) And he thinks about his life until then. About how  he gets drafted into the war. Jose spills pies and gets fired. “Oh no. I can't. I can't stand it. Scream. Move. Shake something. Make a noise any noise. I can't stand it. Oh no no no. Please I can't. Please no. Somebody come. Help me. I cant lie here forever until maybe years from now I die.” (Trumbo 64) pov, character. This quote ties into how war changes people, before he reluctantly left, he could not wait to see his girlfriend again, but being away for so long he convinced himself that she had cheated and that all girls were unloyal. To cope? Maybe? “He thought girls were a terrible thing all right. Girls are probably all untrue and faithless and they try to smash a guy but you've just got to expect it from them.” (Trumbo 44-45) hyperbole, character. “Mother. Mother where are you? Hurry mother hurry hurry hurry and wake me up. I’m having a nightmare mother where are you?...I cant wake up mother. Wake me up. I cant move. Hold me. I’m scared. Oh mother mother sing to me and rub me and bathe me and comb my hair and wash out my ears and play with my toes and clap my hands together and blow my nose and kiss my mouth like I’ve seen you do with Elizabeth like you must have done with me.” (trumbo 63-63) imagery, pov. This also goes with the war changing people theme. Because of the war he was left paralyzed, deaf, blind, and mute. It leaves a soldier crying for his mom. “You’ve robbed the dead that's what you’ve done” (Ttumbo 28-29) hyperbole

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