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War Novel Response 2

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-First, summarize what happens in this part of your novel. Make it at least four sentences.

-Second, find 4 quotes from the first third of your novel to analyze. Quotes should be moments that stood out or seemed significant to YOU. (There aren't specific quotes that fit this assignment best, and using the same quotes as others reading your novel will look suspicious.)

  • In your analysis, explain which literary terms each quote could be identified as---list any and all literary terms that apply. 
  • Choose two quotes to go into a deeper explanation of what they helped you better understand about the story and how they helped showcase a specific literary term.

-Third, based on the textual evidence you chose, write a statement that addresses your message about war (so far).  

To exceed: Respond to someone else’s post with a comparison of a quote from your novel with a quote from theirs (it could be someone reading the same thing, could also be someone reading something else). It must be a different quote from each of you. And, you must discuss at least two things about how the quotes compare/contrast one another. 


Please make sure to draft ideas first on a Google Doc and submit the Google Doc to to protect your work. 

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Still at the football stadium, Billy is having lots of conversations with important people. He talks with people who know all about the money behind big football teams and he wants to learn more but doesn't want to go back to school, so he gets involved with them directly. Billy seems to always be surrounded by reporters in this section and also a cheerleader. The Bravos end up meeting all the football players and get a tour of their locker rooms and also get lots of questions until they have to leave. When Billy and his Bravo squad are invited into Norms box to watch the game Billy gets questioned a lot more by all of these old rich people he's met. 


 “So you shot them. A rank nausea is spreading out from his armpits.” (Fountain 137) - P.O.V, Plot, Understatement, Character

The scene where this quote is found shows a lot of Billy’s character. Billy is explaining a war story about one of their lost sergeant and when he explains that he did shoot the people exchanging fire the press applauded and were excited.Billy on the other hand, didn't even want to talk about it. His war stories don't bring him joy or make him proud, they scare him. 


 “He was done with football his sophomore year, except the army is pretty much the same thing, though the violence is, well, what it is, obviously.” (Fountain 164) Juxtaposition, Simile, P.O.V.


“We like, wanna do somethin’ like you. Extreme, you know, cap some Muslim Freaks,...Billy sees that they are, up. They're up for it. He tries to imagine the world in their heads, and he can't.” (Fountain 186) - Understatement, P.O.V, Juxtaposition, Character. 

This quote shows that a lot of people don't really know what it's like to actually be in war. The football players asking Billy all the questions about guns and wanting to go to Iraq for a week is extreme understatement because they don't get what it's actually like.


 “Sometimes he has to remind himself there's no dishonor in it. He hasn't told any lies, he doesn't exaggerate, yet so often he comes away from these encounters with the sleazy, gamey aftertaste of having lied.” (Fountain 194)Character, P.O.V, Plot.


The overall message of this section of the novel is that war can change a person’s social reputation. The whole section Billy was getting interviewed and hassled about his time in Iraq because these people think of him as a celebrity and they want to hear all the ‘exciting’ things he's done, but to Billy all those things are not exciting, they're painful, and traumatic. 


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Trapper and Hawkeye get sent to Japan to work on a congressman’s son. They trick the hospital to operate early so they can play golf. Which turns into Hawkeye meeting a friend. Which then turns them to blackmail a commanding officer to operate on a baby who his friend adopted After they return from Japan. They find out that Mash 4077th is a hell hole because of how busy it is. Hawkeye is super stressed from the work and partially messes up a surgery. Hawkeye is under lots of stress and is playing games like poker to get his mind off of it.  

“She agreed a name like Ezekiel Bradbury Maston must not die” (Hooker 100) This is showing the character because Hawkeye was thinking about what to do with the baby, and acted right away to get the baby adopted. 

“He had no desire to go through the skull with a hammer and chisel.”(Hooker 105) This is showing imagery because of how they describe what they have to do. This shows the theme of the book how war is cruel. How its making the surgeon do something so cruel to a human to help him live. 

“Everyone else would listen for and dread the sound of the six o’clock chopper.”(Hooker 109) this shows onomatopoeia because people are dreading the noise of the chopper. This also works with the theme that war is cruel, because the surgeons are dreading the chopper. They dread the chopper because of the severely injured soldiers. 

“I seem to be a little overextended these days.” (Hooker 120) Character is shown through Hawkeye because he is getting exhausted from the 10 months of doing surgery on dying soldiers.

This book's theme is how war can be cruel. You see this through soldiers on death's door being brought back through surgery. The gross and disturbing text about soldier wounds. The fact that Hawkeye is starting to break and go from energetic to exhausted and tired.

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    elemont25 and I have Quotes from the same book that represent the same literary terms and general topic. “I seem to be a little overextended these days.” is hawkeye saying how exausted he is, my quote “For a full two weeks the wounded would come and keep coming, and for a full two weeks every surgeon and every nurse and every corpsman, as the shifts overlapped would work from twelve to fourteen to sixteen hours a day, everyday, and sometimes some of them would work twenty out of the twenty-four.” (103) Show how busy the 4077th is and the time and hours that the docotors have been having to put in.

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Sand Queen 

In the second half of the novel “Sand Queen” by Helen Benedict. Kate faces daily threats of combat duty. She is a woman and is in danger with the predatory men in her unit. The prison is in the desert near Kuwait border.  Naema suffers from bombs, starvation, and the loss of her home.  Naema and Kate both struggle to survive and hold onto the people they love, they each have a drastic unfeasible effect on one others life. 

“They point. They jeer. They gesture at me over and over to take off my helmet to show them my hair.  And then one guy swaggers up, pulls out his dick and jerks off right in front of me”(Benedict 98).  This quote shows POV because Kate is not letting it bother her and she is standing up for herself.  This quote helps me understand that it's hard for women to be in war because you get harrassed especially in this time period. 

“My rifle, which I just cleaned, is already too sand- jammed to shoot; I’m blind from the dust, deaf from the wind”(Benedict 109).  This quote is shown as imagery because it explains what she is going through and what's happening in the moment. The sand can get too powerful sometimes where you can’t see or do anything. 

“No more cooling off in the night air for us; not with the bullets and bombs this near”(Benedict 112).  This quote is shown as imagery and repetition. It's no surprise for Naema because the shooting and bombs happen often where her family lives.  It’s also repetitive for the same reason because they get no break of it.  This helps me understand the environment for families during war time.

“I’m the prison guard here, I have the weapon. But those burning eyes of his won’t leave me alone. They even get into my dreams”(Benedict 127).  This quote is shown as characteristics because she is showing her power over him by being the guard. She is trying to look tough but he is getting inside her head and it haunts her knowing what occurred her first day. 

The overall message of war is that it is traumatizing to one's soul. What a person has to see everyday, what they have to do to survive and to maintain the safety of the troops. It wears on your mental being.

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In the second part of this novel “Sand Queen” By Helen Benedict. Katie is scared and struggling. She works at a prison and because Kate is a woman, she is not treated well at work by the prisoners. Even though Kate does not want to suffer from this and wants to go home, she tries her best and fights through it. Naema’s brother and father are still in prison but Naema and her mother made it to her grandmother's place but war was getting close and they were not safe. 

“ I wash and say morning prayers, then go to the mirror, pick up my blue hijab, a garment to which I am still uncustomed, and put it on by the light of a candle: fold the front over my forehead and pull the sides over my ears to hide every of the black. I have never worn a hijab before this war, just as I have never worn long skirts, and have not yet learned to move my head without fear of it slipping off.” ( Benedict 113)This is an example of character because Naema is seeing a different person in her because she never wore a hijab or long skirts before the war. This quote helps me understand how the Iraqi women have to dress to stay safe and away from harm. 


“ Last night, the sky above Umm Qasr was lighting up in white flashes, and plumes of black smoke were blotting out the moon.”(Benedict 112) In this quote, it shows that this is an example of imagery because it is describing what Naema was seeing where she was during the middle of the night. This quote helps me understand what it looks and sounds like when places are in war.


“ Mama has always said I am as stubborn as a goat.” (Benedict 117) in this quote, it shows that it is an example of a simile because there are two different things being compared that are similar in the quote such as Naema and the goat. 

“Kate, be real, this chick is built like a wall” ( Benedict 138) this is another example of a simile. This shows that this is a simile because someone is comparing a different thing like the wall to the person because those two different things are similar. 


The overall message of war in the second part of the book is traumatizing. What people go through to suffer for their own and others safety brings them pain.

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Hawkeye and Trapper had to fly to Kokura to work on the congressman's son, and they made jokes most of the way there. They get back from the operation and the 4077th is busy with wounded. They had to get straight to work putting in long hours. One of the chapters mainly focuses on “Ugly” the anesthesiologist in the 4077th. Hawkeye is under a lot of stress and ends up talking to Dago Red.


  “Within forty-five minutes the definitive work was done and only the chest closure remained” (86)-p.o.v


“For a full two weeks the wounded would come and keep coming, and for a full two weeks every surgeon and every nurse and every corpsman, as the shifts overlapped would work from twelve to fourteen to sixteen hours a day, everyday, and sometimes some of them would work twenty out of the twenty-four.” (103)-plot,pov,understatement this quote mainly shows pov, and it helps you understand that war can be stressful and it is not easy even for the surgeons and medical staff. This quote helped me better understand the work environment that the surgeons are in, and the stress they are under.


“ and that kid on the table may be pretty hard for someone to live without” (120)-Understatement. This quote shows Understatement, and it shows an understatement by making you think about how the family would feel if they didn't save their child or the operation was unsuccessful. That also connects to the theme of war is stressful. I Better understood what they felt like when operating after this quote because you realize they aren't just operating to help them sometimes it's to save them, and if they can't save them they have to live with that.


“I'm bored with the company around here. I wanted someone to have a couple of drinks and some lunch with” (135) - imagery, character 


The theme of the books so far is war is stressful. The doctors and staff have been undergoing great deals of stress.

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In this part of the book Henry is in the hospital in Milan, he is told that they wouldn't operate for another 6 months. Catherine is also now working at the hospital in Milan so she and Henry are having an affair. Henry has his surgery and then soon leaves the hospital. That summer he and Cathrine grow their relationship and Henry finds out that Catherine is pregnant. Henry goes back to war while Catherine stays in Milan and creates a home for them. 

“I heard someone coming down the hallway. I looked toward the door. It was Catherine Barkley.” (Hemingway 91)--Plot and Imagery 

This quote helps show Plot and Imagery because the fact that Catherine moved to Milan as well as Henry keeps their life together moving through the book. It shows imagery because Henry talks about how he can hear someone coming down the hallway.

“Please ask the house doctor to come back a minute . . . I can’t wait six months to be operated on.” (Hemingway 97)--Character

“I’m going to have a baby, darling. It’s almost three months along. You’re not worried, are you? Please please don’t. You mustn’t worry. . . . Is it all right?” (Hemingway 137-138)--Plot,Character 

This quote explains character and plot because it shows how Catherine is as a person because she is worried that after she tells Henry that she is going to have a baby that he might leave her because they are secret. 

I suppose you can’t be blamed for not wanting to go back to the front.” (Hemingway 144) Character, P.O.V– This quote shows P.O.V because they are in a situation where they can understand how Henry is feeling about going back to the front.

The overall message about war is that it can be unforgiving always having to go back war can kill but it also resurrects.

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I am comparing my quote, “Sometimes he has to remind himself there's no dishonor in it. He hasn't told any lies, he doesn't exaggerate, yet so often he comes away from these encounters with the sleazy, gamey aftertaste of having lied.” (Fountain 194), with Avas quote, “I’m going to have a baby, darling. It’s almost three months along. You’re not worried, are you? Please please don’t. You mustn’t worry. . . . Is it all right?” (Hemingway 137-138). These Quotes are similar because they both have a sort of shame being looked at. In my quote Billy has to realize that telling people what they want to hear isn't being dishonest and in Avas quote its talking about not wanting ti tell the truth because of what that other person is going to think. 

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In this part of my novel Billy is hanging out with his friends when the cheerleaders start to get involved and one specifically catches his eye. Billy has come to a realization that sometimes football is like war in some ways by just wanting boys to run and knock into each other. Some of the football players ask Billy questions about the war and how it feels to kill, and Billy honestly just brushes it under the rug and treats the question like another question. Hawey and Billy had very different experiences in war and Billy is struggling with the fact that no one person is gonna have the same story and have seen the same things he has. 

“It seems the airiest thing there is and yet the realest,but how you enter that world he has no idea except by passage through that other foreign country called college, and that aint happening”. (Fountain 121) In this quote understatement and conflict were broadcasted with a lot of examples. Starting with how he sees things and how surreal they are to him and how other people dont see those things and not just in our country other countries too.

“TV’s toy-soldier scale doesn't do them justice,these blown-up versions of human frames with their beer-keg, heads and redwood necks and arms packing softball sized bulges,..” (Fountain 172) In this quote it shows a lot of imangrey and compairsing. This quote compares how soldiers are looked at by the toys that are supposed to reflect them.

 “I hear him Screaming in the media room and I ruu ssshhh downstairs to find him standing on my good George Fourth library table,” (Fountain 193)Understatement, plot.

”Is anybody surprised that a texan led the charge at the AL- Ansakar Canal” (Fountain 198) Choice,conflict


My message from my book hasn't changed much as neither has the story. I think that war is extremely hard on someone and if you dont allow yourself to have a conversation and not focus on all the bad things then it can really eat you and it won't get better. Dealing with someone as tragic at war you have to allow yourself to grow and move on and I think Billy is trying to move on and trying to be opened about it but it's not that easy

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This part of the novel wasn't too action packed. Billy and the bravos were at the Dallas Cowboys game. They talked to reports about war, got tours of the place, took pictures, met players and got signed footballs, and talked about the movie. The biggest part was when he met the cheerleaders. He met one and they fell in love right away, and also had relations right away. 

“Let’s bounce” (Fountain 221)-Character 

Billy asked his friend to go on a walk because he was getting anxious and he also wanted to see his “girlfriend”. He snuck down towards the field to talk to her. This shows who he is as a person not only getting anxious and wanting to leave a crowd, but how he already is calling her his girlfriend and wanting to see her. 

“‘I don’t like Debt,’ Billy says. ‘Owing money makes me nervous.’”(Fountain 122)-Character

I think this quote shows the type of person he is. He is a nervous, antsy, and anxious person. Something so little as owing money to someone makes him nervous and he doesn't like it, so he tries not to owe people anything.

“Meanwhile Billy is looking for a certain kind of kid to give his football to…Billy is looking for himself.” (Fountain 189)-Character, juxtaposition 

“The color guard presents the flag. The bravos scattered about the suite snapped to attention.” (Fountain 202) Character, p.o.v.


I think the message this gives out about war is the difference between war and the regular world. This kinda shows what it's like when soldiers go back for a little while, and what war has done to them. How it might shape you and make you appreciate regular world things.

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The second part of MASH starts off with Trapper and Hawkeye playing golf with golf clubs that they got from japan, while they are golfing they get word that they are requested in Kokura to operate on a congressman's son. They then continue to do the surgery which goes to plan, then play in the Kokura open in their recovery period after the surgery. After they finish golfing they get talked to by an old friend of Hawkeye who tells them about a baby that needs emergency surgery, in which they then blackmail the hospital to let them do the surgery. After they finish they go back to the 4077th where there are many casualties and then the three surgeons get to work uninterrupted for hours on end. Hawkeye is under serious stress and goes to talk to Dago Red which he then sleeps off the stress until he is inturrupted by an emergency surgery on Captian William logan. Hawkeye mildly messes up the surgery in which he then has to fix his mistakes nine days later. There is another mass of casualties where Colonel Blake is not present due to duties in Tokyo, he is replaced by Colonel Delong who Hawkeye does not get along with. The two butt heads when Hawkeye relaxes while waiting for a patient to be ready for a second string of surgery. Colonel Delong then gains respect for their work as he watches over them and compliments them on their work that they do there.


  1. “I think it’ll be safe now to take the kid back to Dr. Yamamoto’s Finest Kind Pediatric Hospital and Whorehouse” (99 Hooker) Juxtaposition, Metaphor. 


  1. “They came in by helicopter and they came in by ambulances-arteries lungs, bowels, bladders, livers, spleens, kidneys, larynxes, pharynxes, bones, stomachs.” (103 Hooker) Imagery, repetition

This quote helps me better understand the story because it shows how brutal war and injuries are, by describing how many different types of injuries the doctors of the 4077th see in one day. This showcased Repetition because it repeated different injuries and over and over again to emphasize the point the author is trying to make.

  1. “‘Where's the pro shop?’ ‘What?’ she said ‘what times the bar open?’ Trapper said ‘what?’ she said ‘you got any caddies available?’ Hawkeye said ‘what?’ she said.” (83 Hooker) Repetition. 


  1. “‘Death is an elephant, torch-eyed and horrible, foam-flanked and terrible’” (148 Hooker) Metaphor, imagery.

This quote helps me better understand the story because it talks about how brutal and horrific death is by describing how horrible it really is. This showcases a Metaphor because it compares death to an elephant showing how big death really is.

The message about war of this section in MASH is that war is horrific and critically wounds and kills soldiers and civilians through its path of destruction.

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At this point in my novel Sara is still looking for her son Jason but now with the help of one of Jason's former navy seal friend Eric. Eric and Sara begin to gather some information on the secret missions and sacrifices Jason has made in his military career, Sara is starting to realize the importance and dedication of Jason's job as a navy seal. Although Sara is proud of her son for his achievements she is still concerned for his well being and will not stop until she finds him. 


  1. “Jason sees a patch he recognizes on the back of the guy’s jacket. The patch was made by an NSW platoon in Iraq, and only guys who have served there are merited to wear it. It’s a skull wearing a pirates hat, foregrounded by crossed swords. The skull’s eyes are red.”(Carpenter 94)-- imagery, repetition, juxtaposition  
  2.  “They have done this so many times, they could build this house from sand, in their sleep.”(Carpenter 89)-- metaphor

What this quote helped me better understand is that these men in the military are so used to doing these things that they’re professionals at it and that it is engraved in their mind.

3.  “His gift is his curse.”(Carpenter 93)-- Paradox, understatement

4. “But it never occurred to most of them that someone who had seemed so strong could in fact be slipping away and changing psychological course dramatically. It occurred to Jason; he’d tried to intervene.”(Carpenter 97)-- repetition, understatement

What this quote helped me better understand is that Jason's military career started to affect him mentally and he started to lose his sense of reality and control over himself and his friend Eric tried to intervene but it didn't work. The overall message about war I gained is that war is damaging regardless if you’re a soldier, family member, or even a friend. 

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The second part takes place before Jason is missing. Jason has to learn how to raid using the kill house and talks about the process of learning military procedures. At one point in his training he was able to come home, but only for one day. Jason and Sara don't act like they have seen eachother everyday. They didn't act like this for the first time in a longtime, they didn't even do that much together besides go for a run which they probably would do on a daily basis.

“Now only weeks before leaving for war for the first time, controlling his emotions is his primary goal. It is one he will reach.” (Carpenter 96)--Character, Plot.

“‘A more violent peace. Sometimes I think we’re preaching a more peaceful violence.’ ‘What makes a peace violent?’ Jason asks after a while. ‘Ah: now there’s a ‘known unknown.’’” (Carpenter 142)--Paradox, Plot.

“Even more than the statics and rituals of battle, he has learned how to compartmentalize his emotions and his thoughts. (Carpenter 150)--Character, Plot. This quote shows the plot of the story very well. Sara and Jason are not able to communicate properly and with him away it makes it worse. This communication struggle comes from the fact that they didn't show enough emotion towards each other. Jason is able to compartmentalize his emotions meaning letting them be separate from each other making it harder to express. That is were this quote also can show character. It can show character because Jason struggles to communicate in general, which is just how he always worked.

“He hung up the phone and smiled. She hung up the phone and wept.” (Carpenter 172)--Plot, Character, Juxtaposition. Sara and Jason have always been different. They still try to work together though. This just shows so well how different they are. Jason is very happy that he was able to connect to talk to his mother. On the other hand Sara was sad that she was not able to talk to him more or not talk to him in person. Jason is satisfied in what he is able to get while  Sara wants more. This shows Sara and Jason's character so well is the difference in how they reacted after the phone call.

The second part of the book didn't change the theme very much, it just added to it more. Overall the theme so far is, The separation and apartness caused by war and be stressful and very hard on the people involved.

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“Meanwhile Billy is looking for a certain kind of kid to give his football to. Not one of the money kids…No he’s looking for a little redneck kid…Billy is looking for himself.” (Fountain 189).


P.O.V., Character.


This quote shows a lot of character for Billy. It seems as though he misses being a kid and knows what it's like to be an outcast.


“He hasn’t told any lies, he doesn’t exaggerate, yet so often he comes away from these encounters with the sleazy, gamey aftertaste of having lied.” (Fountain 194).




This quote shows character for Billy also. It's interesting because he knows he didn't lie but he feels like he lies about his experiences with the Bravo team.


“Mercy was not a selection, period. Only later did the concept of mercy even occur to Billy, and then only in the context of its absence in that place, a foreclosing of options that reached so far back in history that quite possibly mercy had not been an option there since before all those on the battlefield were born.” (Fountain 125).




“They should stay true to the story, not go twisting it around just to suit some star’s whim.” (Fountain 170).


P.O.V., Juxtaposition.


This helps me understand and makes me believe that the message about war is that you do things in war that you may not want to do. War makes you think about the things you’ve missed out on in life.

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In ⅔ of the book Billy talks with one of the Cowboy’s cheerleaders named Faison. The Bravo team gets on the football field and starts passing a football. They get yelled at to get off the field. The Bravo team had to make a short video for the public and they signed a football. Billy gave the football to a kid that resembled Billy.

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In the second 1/3 of the novel M*A*S*H by Richard Hooker Trapper John and Hawkeye Pierce are sent to Japan to operate on the son of a congressman. While they are in Japan they also enroll in a golf tournament. After they got back from Japan wounded soldiers started to come in constantly which went on for days, which ended up taking a massive toll on the mental health of everyone there because they had little time to rest because of the number of wounded soldiers.
“The corpsman removed the bandage. The patient turned his head to the left. Blood shot two feet into the air from the hole in his right neck where a mortar fragment had entered.” (Hooker 106) Literary term is imagery

“Win or lose. Life and death. At the beginning of it, all of the surgeons, and particularly the Swampmen, had experienced a great transformation. During periods of only sporadic employment they often drank far too much and complained far too much, but with the coming of The Deluge they had become useful people again, a fulfilled, effective fighting unit and not just a bunch of semi-employed stew bums in the middle of nowhere.” (Hooker 111) Literary terms are character and plot.

This quote shows how their characters have developed and how certain situations can cause them to become closer with each other and more efficient at their jobs.

“For Christ sake, Colonel, don’t you realize that I blew this one? I almost killed your buddy with  bad surgery. I got him out of trouble, but he never shoulda been in it!” (Hooker 122) Literary terms are character and understatement.

“. . . but you people in The Swamp have got to get over the idea that you can save everyone who comes into this hospital. Man is mortal. The wounded can stand only so much, and the surgeon can do only so much.” (Hooker 120) Literary term is character.
This quote shows how they wish that they could save everyone and how they deal with it when they aren’t able to.
The overall message about war in this part of the book is that war can be unforgiving and overwhelming even if you aren’t in active combat.

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 He and Catherine enjoy their time together in Milan. He makes friends with lots of people their including the Meyerses, an older couple who enjoy going to the horse races that are held there. Later on him and Catherine go to the races with a few friends;The Meyerses are their. The couple, being tired of being around others, watches the rest of the races by themselves. As his leg is nearly healed, he receives his three weeks of convalescent leave letter, after the three weeks are up he will have to return to the front. Catherine offers and wants to travel with him but he says no, and she gives him a big piece of news that she is three months pregnant. The morning after he found out the news he was diagnosed with jaundice and one of the nurses blamed it on the alcohol he was drinking and succeeded in getting his convalescent leave denied. When he gets back he meets up with his friend Rinaldi and they talk about Catherine and rinaldi looks at his knee and says that he shouldn't have been sent back to the war. The morning after he goes to Bainsizza where the enemy starts a bombardment that they later found out was the Germans, this created panic and they started to retreat.  As he is retreating Bonello, and two other drivers, Piani and Aymo, join him and as a ground continues driving later they decide to separate from the group and go down a separate road. As their driving Aymo’s car gets stuck in the soft ground Henry orders the two engineers that are riding with Bonello to help. They refuse and try to leave. He draws his gun and shoots one of them; the other escapes, The drives eventually land up walking on foot. As they are walking they start down an embankment and are shot at. A bullet hits Aymo and kills him almost instantly. Piani and Bonello go to search for food, Piani returns alone and reports that Bonello, fears being linked and would rather be taken prisoner. They come upon a large gathering of soldiers where officers are being separated and interrogated, shot, and killed. So he jumps into the river, later getting out and ripping the stares off his shirt that represent him as an officer. 


  1. “” I'm going to have a baby, darling. It's almost three months along. You're not worried, are you? Please please don't. You mustn’t worry.””(hemingway 138) - plot , character.  This quote helps me understand what this part of the story is about. It shows how unsure and scared Catherine is around Henry and what he will say to the things she says and does. And how scared she is of losing him 
  2. “”Are you married?” he asked from the bed… “not yet.” “Are you in love?” “yes.” “with that English girl?” “yes.” “poor baby. Is she good to you?” “of course.”” (hemingway 169) - juxtaposition character   Rinaldi  makes sure that Catherine treats him well.  But he asks if he's married and he says no even though before this he and Catherine were talking and they told each other that even if they weren't physically married that they were still married to each other, and loved each other and that was enough to call each other married. 
  3.  “”We won't talk about losing. There is enough talk about losing. What has been done this summer cannot have been done in vain. I did not say anything. I was always embarrassed by the words scared, glorious, and sacrifice and the expression in vain..””  (hemingway 184) - character, p.o.v
  4. “”If those bastards let them through we are cooked,” he said. “Its Germans that are attacking,” one of the medical officers said. The word Germans was something to be frightened of. We did not want to have anything to do with the germans (hemingway 187) -plot, character 

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MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors, a Novel by Richard Hooker and W. C. Heinz, so far, is about Trapper and Hawkeye being sent to operate on a very important person, a congressman's son after playing golf, they end up completing the surgery, they still keep up with their joking and messing around. Later on they go back and have to deal with a lot of wounded, which affects everyone badly mentally and is very stressful. 

  1. “Certainly if there are mermaids in this river, we'd be just plain foolish not to grab a few of them’/’How y'all gonna catch a mermaid?’ Asked Duke/’In a mermaid trap, naturally,’ said the Hawk./’How do you make a mermaid trap?’/’Just like a lobster trap, only bigger.” (Hooker 141) Perspective, simile 
  2. “The temperature at noon, day after day, was between 95° and 100°…As the tempo of the war picked up again, the wounded soldiers kept coming by ambulance and helicopter, and the Double Natural was too busy and too hot.” (Hooker 136) Imagery, plot, perspective
  3. “The right temporal area was quickly shaved and scrubbed, and Duke incised down to the bone. He had no desire to go through the skull with a hammer and chisel, but he also had no choice…With luck, or skill born of need, he cracked a jagged hole in the skull in less than a minute. As he broke through, blood flowed out in a torrent.” (Hooker 105) Imagery, Character

This quote helps show how much more difficult the job everyone is doing is, in this specific scenario they have to drill into someone's head, which is a very gruesome and dangerous job and the fact that Duke is ready and good at it, shows he really cares about helping this person. 

4. “For a full two weeks the wounded would come and keep coming, and for a full two weeks every surgeon and every nurse and every corpsman, as the shifts overlapped, would work from twelve to fourteen to sixteen hours a day, every day, and sometimes some of them would work twenty out of the twenty-four” (Hooker 103) Plot, POV

This quote helps show that this is one of the most busy days ever for everyone, and that they have to do so much which is very draining and horrible for them. Working for that many hours is a horror and it is surprising they were able to do it and it shows they care so much about their job. 

The overall message so far is that a lot can happen in a moment. This is true in war because at one point you might be relaxing and bored and at another second you might be in a fire fight or helping people with their injuries for days.

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In this part of M.A.S.H. they sold pictures of trapper John dressed up as Jesus and went around to different camps to gather money to send a Korean boy to send him to Androscoggin College. The doctors also entered a golf tournament and saved a baby who was going to die if they did not operate on him he would have died and this baby was living in a whorehouse, and trapper John decided to adopt the child and send it to America. And worked on many more injured soldiers who were in critical condition from the war.

“‘One more word out of you.’ and I'll kill you Frank erupted, screaming it,’ and I'll kill you” (Hooker 66)  This quote shows Character. It shows who Frank is and how he reacts in situations and this helped me understand and this helped show what I imagine a lot of soldiers ' attitudes were during this time. 

We can't walk away from it, no matter whose rules are broken this baby will die if we don't fix him (Hooker)96  Character This quote shows how they are dedicated to saving lives they knew that they could save the babies life and didn't care about the punishment for doing so, this helps you see them who they are as a person how they make their decisions and showed that they were not opposed to breaking the rules.

 “If we find anything wrong when we come back this afternoon, we will burn the hospital down. (Hooker) 98 

“‘Because’ Trapper mumbled, ‘although you are a leader of men, there are no men left”

(Hooker 101) 

The overall message in this section is that War is chaotic

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In the ⅔ of the story we are getting to know everyone a bit more and what they do after the war and when they get home to their families and some don’t have no one. And they are getting into a cowboys game and doing something for the halftime show. They all talk about what they are gonna do. Some don’t take it seriously and just wanna see the cheerleaders and wanna watch the game. Then they get yelled at and kicked out. 


  1. “But Texas Stadium has been a wonderful home for the cowboys. I don’t see that changing any time soon.”(hyperbole, metaphor)


  1. “World War Two gets its due, there’ve been plenty of great movies about World War Two. The longest day, the big red one, those are great, great movies. But Bravo's story is all 

about the here and now, and I think that context should be honored.”(simile, perspective) 

These quotes help us with the story because when you're in the war you can’t mess up anything but in a movie you can mess up all you want and you're not fighting for your life if you do something wrong. 

  1. “Let me ask you something,” Hawey says, leaning into Billy’s space. “Is it getting better?”(plot,paradox)


  1. “Shoot, I feel like I’m talking to a twenty-six-year-old lawyer, just the way you handle yourself.”(understatement, metaphor)

This quote helps us understand that when you go to war you have to not act like a kid because if you do that in the wrong situation you could lose a lot of people being stupid so you gotta act macher so you don’t get killed.


The message of this section really stuck out to me in the book when they were talking about War movies and how they're all great but they never have now and there and that's true because if they mess up in war they get killed or worse.  

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Billy Pilgrim has a wife named Valencia. He married her in Cape Ann, Massachusetts. His wife got her ovaries and uterus taken out by Billy's partener in the holiday inn. Roland weary died from gangrene. Edgar Derby was 44 years old. The saucer Billy went into had a time warp and Billy was back in his childhood. After the war, Billy finds life meaningless. 

Quote #1: “The poor woman didn't have ovaries or a uterus any more. They had been removed by a surgeon-- by one of Billy's partners in the new Holiday Inn.(Vonnegut 72). Imagery, character, plot, understatement.  This quote shows these literary terms because it explains what happened in enough detail to imagine it. It shows what kind of people they were to do that to her. It is plot because it is a major event. It is understatement because they didn't make it sound like it was a big deal.

Quote #2:  “ There was something about a death on the ninth day in the car ahead of Billy's too. Roland Weary died-- of gangrene that had started in his mangled feet.” (Vonnegut 79). Plot, P.O.V, character, understatement. This quote is an understatement because when people in the  cars kept dying they would just push it away like it was nothing.

Quote #3: “My God--what have they done to you, lad? This isn't a man. It's a broken kite.” (Vonnegut 97). Plot, hyperbole, character, imagery, metaphor. 

Quote #4: “...Billy had zoomed back in time to his infancy. He was a baby…”(Vonnegut 84). Flashback, plot, character. 

War is not something anybody can do, not everybody can handle it mentally.

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During the second half of the novel the three doctors had to do a lot of back and forth. Going to Kokura and doing things there then coming back and having to do more surgeries. When they came back from Kokura they had a lot of surgeries and injuries they had to deal with. A lot of them are very stressed out because of everything that's happening so they have people there to calm them down.

“Am I supposed to call up my wife and saying im sending home a half-breed bastard from a Japanese whorehouse?”(Hooker 101) character,P.O.V, plot. I chose this quote because while they are gone they were getting asked if they wanted to take a child. These people had too many kids so they are trying to get Hawkeye to adopt a kid because they don't know what to do with the children. This helped me understand the story better because it shows what its like in other countries and how different it is.

“‘A nice intelligent girl. She asked me this morning what we'd do with the baby. I've been looking into a few possibilities, but i'll tell you right now there aren't any good ones.”( Hooker 100) character,understatement,P.O.V

“ His clothes were saturated with mud, as was his hair, and there was a muddy, bloody bandage around his neck.” (Hooker 105) character, P.O.V. I chose this quote because I think that you can really feel how the character is feeling. A lot of people can relate to having mud on themselves, not necessarily having a bloody bandage. This quote helped me understand the story better because this was the main topic for a few pages so you get to understand what happened to this guy.

“Father Mulcahy led Captain Pierce to Father Mulcahy's tent, gave him a cigarette and a canteen half full of scotch and water.”(Hooker 120) character,P.O.V.

The overall message of this section of the novel is you dont know everyone's circumstances during war and what they are going through.

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