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War Novel Response 2

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As time goes on, Joe attempts to occupy his mind by reliving his old life and old memories. One day, Joe has an epiphany of using the last bit of skin he has, and tries to experience the sunlight. He also attempts to tally the days by counting the nurse visits. Joe awakens from his sedation to realize that he has a new day nurse. The new nurse tries to communicate with Joe by spelling out "MERRY CHRISTMAS" on his chest. Joe tries to talk back to her by nodding his  head that he understands, and he begins trying to tap Morse code to her.


“Maybe neither was real. Maybe both were real. Maybe nothing was real, not even himself. Oh god and wouldn’t that be wonderful.” (Trumbo 100) This Quote represents Character and P.O.V, This moment showcases Joe’s derealization from life, and doesn't know whether his life is real or not.


“Did any of the dead ever come back?..... Did any of them come back and say by god I'm glad I'm dead because death is always better than dishonor?” This quote represents P.O.V and Paradox. This quote shows Joe’s Perspective on all those soldiers who died, and mocks how they all would rather die than be dishonored. It helps us better understand paradoxes since soldiers pass away for the liberty of our country, but are never offered liberty for themselves. And are forced to go to war. 


“The whole thing was simple, that his stomach grew with excitement just from thinking about it. All he had to do was to feel with his skin. When the temperature would change from cool to warm he would know it was the beginning and the end of a day.” Plot, Understatement. 


“Oh god Oh god thank god he thought I’ve got it now and they can't take it away from me. He thought I have seen the dawn again and I will see it every morning from now on.” Character, Plot, Pov


Overall, the message being presented is how mysterious can work, and how even through adversity. You can always be grateful of something in life.

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Add citations for all of your quotes in a reply. 

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“Did any of the dead ever come back?..... Did any of them come back and say by god I'm glad I'm dead because death is always better than dishonor?” (Trumbo 115)

“The whole thing was simple, that his stomach grew with excitement just from thinking about it. All he had to do was to feel with his skin. When the temperature would change from cool to warm he would know it was the beginning and the end of a day.” (Trumbo 132)


“Oh god Oh god thank god he thought I’ve got it now and they can't take it away from me. He thought I have seen the dawn again and I will see it every morning from now on.” (Trumbo 139)


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In the second half of Billy Lynn's long halftime walk the story begins to go deeper into the experiences the soldiers have. As they experience things in the halftime show they face challenges of their emotions, and the fame that they are getting from the war. They are dealing with the trauma from being away from the real world for so long and are now coming back into it. They have to put on a brave face while on the inside they are freaking out because that is how the world sees them. One thing that really stood out to me was “ a hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom” (Fountain 147) This shows character because it shows what he is thinking about other people and that people who take their freedom for granted he does not like. Also you said” sometimes you have to just put the past behind you and move on because no matter how hard you try it can't be undone”( Fountain104) I think this shows character and POV because it's showing more about what he is thinking. “Sometimes he has to remind himself there's no dishonor in it. He hasn't told any lies, he doesn't exaggerate, yet so often he comes away from these encounters with the sleazy, gamey aftertaste of having lied.” (Fountain 194) I think this shows Character, POV. The overall message is that people should respect their freedom when they have it because some people do not have it. Also that war can be scary

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I'm only seeing three quotes here. Add a fourth quote. 

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“you want to see what deadly force can do?”(Fountain145) This shows imagery because he is asking you a question while also paying a pitcher in your head of what he is saying.

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Fobbit in pages 123-246 in a paragraph can be described as drama filled, funny, and violent. A lot of new characters arrived, such as Abe, Boordy, Zeildorf, mainly. This section has been my favorite so far because it has more detail, and isnt as stagnant in the story. One of the funnier riffs talked about how to refer to suicide bombers. Terrorists or insurgants, and that actually made me laugh.

  1.  “To her, he is just an oddity-charming, but deserving of muttered curses because of all/ the backaches from lifting and toting those boxes every single blankety-blank day.

To Abe, however, Little Miss Mail Clerk is an angel, delivering fresh supplies of hand-packed home goodies every after/noon, starting at 1600 hours.” (Abrams 166)- juxtaposition, metaphor. 


This quote helps show the difference in perspective between two people. The mail clerk hates Abes' guts, and Abe loves the mail clerk, even considering her an angel. This shows juxtaposition and metaphor. This quote also shows more about the story because if this was never told, it could’ve been assumed that they both hated each other. I understand more about the characters because of this quote. 


  1. “BAM! BOOM! BAM! The first continued to thunder on his trailer door./ Abe sat quiet as a mouse on anesthesia” (Abrams 174)-Onomotopia, simile. 


  1.  “He felt like an actor in a toothpaste commercial who shows up with new breath and all his female coworkers swoon/ when he passes them in the hall.” (Abrams 202)- simile. 


  1.  “Nobody seems to notice. The laughter doesn’t dip/, the baseball doesn’t waver in its trajectory between glove and/ glove. Life goes on, same as always. And sometimes, if you're/ lucky, life tastes like coconut cream pie.” (Abrams 241)-simile, plot, metaphor. 


This quote is my favorite because it’s right at the end of the chapter, and can be perceived in many different ways. This quote shows simile, plot, and metaphor. The quote is saying that life can taste like coconut cream pie if you’re lucky, and life can actually be good if the right things happen. This quote helps me better understand the story development because it’s imagining a world outside the war, where things were better and easier. Unfortunately, that’s not a reality for these soldiers. Bombs go off, work needs to be done. 

Overall, the message about war is that war is work, and life is better without it. If daydreaming about life outside of war is what makes you happy in war, then it’s really not worth it. War is brutal and merciless. Nobody gets a day off. 

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They try and succeed to get out of the hospital because they were sent to work for the congressman's son in Korea but they wanted to go golfing instead. Then they catch wind from someone that they have to go operate on a baby but in the process of heading back to the hospital they find it with cluster apon cluster of people who need to be treated so they start to get more irate and panicked because the amount of people who are in the hospital and because they are trying to get an x-ray for the baby and they had to threaten the captain.

“If you give us any kind of bad time, me and Trapper John are going to clean your clock.”(Hooker 96) they also try to make colonel Cornwall look bad while he's sleeping “send a naked broad to his room and take a couple pictures.” (Hooker 98) they did that so they could have a little bit of dirt on the colonel.

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This part of the novel wasn't too action packed. Billy and the bravos were at the Dallas Cowboys game. They talked to reports about war, got tours of the place, took pictures, met players and got signed footballs, and talked about the movie. The biggest part was when he met the cheerleaders. He met one and they fell in love right away, and also had relations right away. 

“Let’s bounce” (Fountain 221)-Character 

Billy asked his friend to go on a walk because he was getting anxious and he also wanted to see his “girlfriend”. He snuck down towards the field to talk to her. This shows who he is as a person not only getting anxious and wanting to leave a crowd, but how he already is calling her his girlfriend and wanting to see her. 

“‘I don’t like Debt,’ Billy says. ‘Owing money makes me nervous.’”(Fountain 122)-Character

I think this quote shows the type of person he is. He is a nervous, antsy, and anxious person. Something so little as owing money to someone makes him nervous and he doesn't like it, so he tries not to owe people anything.

“Meanwhile Billy is looking for a certain kind of kid to give his football to…Billy is looking for himself.” (Fountain 189)-Character, juxtaposition 

“The color guard presents the flag. The bravos scattered about the suite snapped to attention.” (Fountain 202) Character, p.o.v.


I think the message this gives out about war is the difference between war and the regular world. This kinda shows what it's like when soldiers go back for a little while, and what war has done to them. How it might shape you and make you appreciate regular world things. 

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4 sentence summary: In chapters 6-10 there is a young Korean boy named Ho-Jon. He goes about the base and helps Hawkeye and the others. Later he gets drafted to the war in south Korea and gets taken to Seoul by a car. After a little while they see him back at the base but not how they expected.


    1. Quote 1: 
  • “This one’s for you trapper,” he said. “I'll help you, and Duke can take that belly back there.” 

Then Captain Pierce took his first look at the patient 

“Christ!” He said “It’s Ho-Jon.”

Trapper looked.

“OK, it's Ho-Jon. We'll fix him.” (Hooker 68) 


The reason why this quote is character is because it speak about Ho-Jon who is a Korean Boy under the age of 18 who gets drafted later on

  1. Quote 2:
    1. He felt the missile.

“I got it,” he said. “Here, feel.”

Hawkeye felt

“I don't feel anything.”

“Oh Jesus,” moaned Trapper and he felt again.

“What happened?”

“The mother must have gone in. I can't feel it.”

“I don't get it,” said Hawkeye nervously.

“It must have been in the cava, and the hole sealed itself off. When I felt it I must have jiggled it just enough to turn it loose. I can't feel it in the heart. I don't feel it in the right pulmonary artery. It must be the left pulmonary artery.”

“Whadda we do?” 

“Close and get an X-ray and fight another day.”

“OK,” Hawkeye said unhappily.(Hooker 69)


  1. Quote 3: 
    1. “What?” the sergeant said. “You mean you guys are the doctors?”

“You Betcher ever-lovin’ A, Buddy-boy,” Hawkeye said.

“Poor Kid,” the sergeant said “Goddam army…”

“Look sergeant,” Trapper said, “if that spleen of yours is bothering you, we’ll remove it right here. Otherwise, let’s haul ass.” (Hooker 82)


The reason why this quote is under statement is because you can see the characters speaking about the surgery. After they speak about the sergeant getting surgery they also give him the option of getting out of the base.

  1. Quote 4: 
    1. “What are you? A pimp?”

“No. I keep the books, inspect the girls and take care of some of the kids in the hospital. Occasionally I tend bar and act as a bouncer. A guy needs well rounded training to embark on a career such as this.” (Hooker 89)

Point Of view

Message about war: “War is a lot to take on.”

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¨Mama, Mama! The patient was yelling Im dying.¨( Hooker 107)

Pov, Plot, imagery, character. This quote shows something very emotional and I think it's important to notice these little things like emotion while I read my book It is a clear major example of Pov we are getting sad enough with the person who is dying Pov.


¨She agrees a name like Ezekiel Bradbury Marston must not die.¨ (Hooker 101)


¨we might have a chance if three guys dropped dead and half a dozen others came down with echinococcosis.(Hooker 99)


Ugly John probably worked harder than anyone else in the unit theoretically his responsibilities consisted only of supervising the anesthesia service. (Hooker 117)

Charecteter, plot, Imagery , Pov, juxtaposition.

This a great if not perfect example of character, This quote means ugly John is a hard-working individual. It also explains he does over the top on the work by saying theoretically he has one job meaning he does more work then just his own which I think is something that should be noticed while I read.


This section was about War building character on people. We see how everyone is and how they act they get depressed in this section they go to happy there are a lot of changes on these people which I think this section best relates to War builds character. 


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Between chapters eight through eleven of M.A.S.H, by Richard Hooker. It expresses their objective of doing everything besides working. From playing in the Kokura golf opening, to even convincing their higher-ups that they are not mentally stable. And such as it did in the first segment, their constant actions show a level of maturity not fit for their roles.

“‘We can operate on this kid and then qualify for this Kokura Open, or we can qualify first and then operate on this kid, if he’s still alive’…’After all, we didn’t hit the kid in the chest with that grenade.’” (Hooker 83) Pov, character, understatement.

This quote helps show the dedication the swampmen have to everything besides what their tasked to do. The characters are sent to Kokura to operate on the son of a congressman who is in critical condition, but the characters are more focused on playing golf. This quote shows an understatement as they put off the surgery as if it wasn’t serious. 

“We got this guy DeLong buzzing anyhow. Let’s convince him we’re nuts, and maybe he’ll ship us out for awhile until Henry gets back and catches on.” (Hooker 142) Pov, character, plot.

This quote helps to show the pattern of laziness that the characters possess. This quote shows their character traits, the fact that they will do anything besides their jobs and to get out of working.

“We’ve been in every hospital you have. The 4077th is the best you’ve ever had, and the biggest reason is Colonel Henry Braymore Blake. It was me that got that dizzy nurse mad”. (Hooker 134) Character, perspective, hyperbole.

“‘In my opinion, there are mermaids in this river.’ ‘Certainly if there are mermaids in this river, we’d be just plain foolish not to grab a few of them.’” (Hooker 141) Pov, character, juxtaposition

The overall message of this section of MASH is that the characters will go out of their way to get out of doing their jobs, this could be tied back to their levels of maturity.


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In the second third of M*A*S*H, we see more of Hawkeye and Trapper performing surgeries and going to new places. They go on humorous escapades such as joining a golfing tournament, and we also see more of the swampmen’s antics. We hear more about the casualties that face the 4077th MASH, and we see how the doctors have become more efficent at their job. We also see more of the psychological struggles that they face from the casualties they witness/errors that are made during surgery. Antics are used heavily by characters to cope with the everyday anxiety and stress that they face. "Gentlemen, meet my son, Ezekiel Bradbury Marston, VI, of Spruce Harbor, Maine." (Hooker 101) The literary term used is Appositive. Appositive is when a noun or noun phrase is used to emphasize another noun in that sentence. It is used to give more context and it is used perfectly in this quote because it gives more information about Ezekiel. "Because although you are a leader of men, there are no men left." (Hooker 115) The literary term used in this is Irony, more specifically, situational irony. This happens when something completely different happens then what was expected. This quote shows that through saying that he is leader of men but then we see that all the men are dead. It feels completely out of the ordinary to have said that because you would expect their to be some men left, but there are none. "The business of doing major surgery on poor-risk patients can be trying and heartbreaking at any time, and when it is done regularly it can have an increasingly deleterious effect upon those who are doing it." (Hooker 116) The literary term used in this quote is Understatement. It downplays the severity of the impacts that this has on the surgeons. It shows the challenges that they go through but it is not fully emphasized. We don’t really see the emotional/psychological impacts at all, it is very much downplayed. “The doctor sold the farm, paid the family's debt and gave my mother a thousand dollars. They called him The Big Duke. Now how do you like that, Little Duke?" (Hooker 183) The literary term that is used is Irony. Usually when someone is referred to as “Big” it means that they are a authoritative person. The act of kindness that he does by selling the farm, paying the family’s debt, and giving the mother a thousand dollars is challenging the assumptions that people would make based on his name. If I heard that name, I would definitely think that they are a intimidating person to get that name. Overall the message about war is that war is a mentally tolling thing and that the people who participate in it go through heavy emotional/psychological trauma.

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Johnny spends more time thinking about the past. He develops a way of telling time until he moves rooms and it fails. He is visited by Military men and given an award, where he uses morse code by moving his head. He starts to gain more movement. “But when a guy comes along and says here come with me and risk your life and maybe die or be crippled why then you’ve got no rights. You haven’t even the right to say yes or no or I’ll think it over. There are plenty of laws to protect you guys’ money in war time but there’s nothing on the books says a man’s life’s even his own.” (Trumbo 110) character, perspective. For this I am using the message war is pointless and this quote works because it shows how dumb the concept is. The people who start the wars force others to fight it for them and only give the illusion of choice. “When aries begin to move and flags wave and slogans pop up watch out little guy because it’s somebody else's chestnuts in the fire not yours. It’s words you're fighting for and you’re not making an honest deal your life for something better. You’re being noble and after you’re killed the thing you traded your life for won't do you any good and chances are it won’t do anybody else good either.” (Trumbo 114) metaphor, character. This quote also helps the message because it shows how people are manipulated into thinking that it is noble and that they can change something and make a difference, or that if somebody else’s life is on the line then it is okay, but really war does not change anything important and it does not help anyone. “They had given him a medal. Three or four big guys famous guys who still had arms and legs and who could see and talk and smell and taste had come into his room and they had pinned a medal on him. They could afford to couldn’t they the dirty bastards? That was all they had time to do just running around putting medals on guys and feeling important and smug about it. How many generals got killed in the war?...They had a lot of guts coming around and giving medals.” (Trumbo 160) perspective, P.O.V “What’s this what’s this oh my god can a man ever get lower can a man ever be less? Weariness and gasping conclusive exhaustion. All life dead all life wasted and becoming nothing less than noting only the germ of nothing. A kind of sickness that comes from shame. A weakness like dying weakness like fainting and a prayer. God give me rest how weary how much already dead how much gone and going oh god hide me and give me peace” (Trumbo 179) hyperbole.I like this quote because it shows the opposite of what you would think of a soldier. The military is all about how perfect your uniform and your guns are. In order to pass inspection they must be seamless and spotless and dustless, but you know what? It doesn’t matter at all. The second a soldier goes into war their boots are dirty, their uniforms get ruined. In order to be a soldier you have to be in peak physical condition only to use a gun the whole time. Like the character in the book, he lost his hearing, vision, and mouth in a second. A clean uniform or some extra muscles would not save him. In a second the proud military men are limbless, senseless people, literally could not be less.

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During the summer they attended horse races. By september, Hengrys leg is nearly heald, and he receives three weeks of convalescent leave, after which he will have to return to the front. Catherine offers to travel with him. She also reveals that she is three months pregnant. Henry stays with her. Henry is diagnosed with jaundice. Henry begs Catherine to take care of herself as well as “little Catherine” Henry returns to Goznia Henry talks with the priest, who thinks the war will end soon. Henry then travels to Bainsizza, where intense fighting takes place. On his retreat from Bainsizza Henry shoots a man. To avoid more enemy he avoids the main road. They end up getting shot at by their own troop. After camping out for the night Henry is taken for questioning. Seeing lieutenant colonel get taken, questioned, and shot, Henry deciseds to run. He jumps in the water and swims away, while being shot at. After a while Henry climbs out of the river and finds his way to a military train. Henry hides in a stock car with guns. 


  •  "It did not feel like a homecoming." (Hemingway 163)

/Pov, Understatement, Metephor, Simile


  • "You are very good to say so. I am very tired of this war. If I was away, I do not believe I would come back." (Hemingway 165)

/Pov, Character, Understatement 

-Point of view helps me better understand other characters perspectives. It shows other characters are also tired of the war, and how it goes on forever. How they wish they didn’t have to come back. 


  • "The hay smelled good and lying in a barn in the hay took away all the years in between. We had lain in hay and talked and shot sparrows with an air-rifle when they perched in the triangle cut high up in the wall of the barn. The barn was gone now and one year they had cut the hemlock woods and there were only stumps, dried tree-tops, branches and fire-weed where the woods had been. You could not go back." (Hemingway 216)

/Pov, Imagery 

-Imagery helps be better understand the time that has gone by sense the war. The barn was gone, and so were all the trees. 


  • "You do not know how long you are in a river when the current moves swiftly. It seems a long time and it may be very short. The water was cold and in flood and many things passed that had been floated off the banks when the river rose. I was lucky to have a heavy timber to hold on to, and I lay in the icy water with my chin on the wood, holding on as easily as I could with both hands." (Hemingway 226)

/Imagery, Pov, Plot 

The overall message of war so far is, war is endless. The war seems to go on for ever and other characters are tired of it. Some want it to end so they didn’t have to return. So much time has gone by and so much has changed. 

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