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War Novel Response 3

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Pay attention to the additional steps of this response!

-First, summarize what happens in this part of your novel. Make it at least four sentences.


-Second, find 4 quotes from the second third of your novel to analyze. Quotes should be moments that stood out or seemed significant to YOU. (There aren't specific quotes that fit this assignment best, and using the same quotes as others reading your novel will look suspicious.)

-In your analysis, explain which literary terms each quote could be identified as---list any and all literary terms that apply. 

-Choose two quotes to go into a deeper explanation of what they helped you better understand about the story and how they helped showcase a specific literary term.. 


-Third, tell what message about war seems most emphasized through your literary terms. Keep in mind, this is different than just finding a theme. Your ideas need to directly correlate to the impact that the literary terms have on your understanding of events. Make sure that your message has the word ‘war,’ or something similarly connected, in it. 


-Fourth, explain how your understanding of the message about war changed from the last section. If it didn’t change, explain what other factors didn’t change. (Pointing to literary terms as factors is an effective way to approach this.)


-Fifth, reflect on your novel overall. What did you like/not like about it? Was it easy to follow? Was it easy to find literary terms? Would you recommend it to future students doing this assignment?


To exceed: Respond to someone else’s post with a comparison of a quote from your novel with a quote from theirs. It must be a different quote from each of you. And, you must discuss how similar your messages about war are based on the example from the quote. 

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The swamp man decided that they wanted to make a recreational sports team and focus on football. Hawkeye wanted to get this excellent football player, they said they needed a neurosurgeon to get him in their unit. They ended up confessing to Blake and he was fine with it because he wanted to be a coach. The red raiders won, and after their victory hawkeye and duke realized they had been in the army far past people with their ranks. They started disappearing. Hawkeye and Duke have 6 months left but they were ready to leave so the general let them go and had a party with the swampmen.


“On the day of thanksgiving the kick-off was scheduled for 10:00 a.m.”- plot,pov,imagery. This helps me understand that war can be rewarding. Even though you undergo great amounts of stress, it can be very dangerous. It can still be rewarding and you can make the best out of your time.


“ Trapper John, came here with more than average training and experience. You've done a good job when the chips were down, and now we can't afford to waste you. If you went home now you'd be no use to anyone but your wives. Therefore, we’ve got to keep you here until you enlistments expire.” (186)-character 


“Duke and Hawkeye jumped, laughed, hugged Henry, hugged each other. Spearchucker, with two months left to go, congratulated them warmly.” (201)-pov,imagery. 


“ When you live in this sort of situation long enough, you either get to love a few people or to hate them, and we’ve been pretty lucky, I don't know. I do know that nothing like this will ever happen to us again…..i'm glad it happened, and im som jeezely glad it's over.” (204)-understatement, character  This quote really shows character development, even thought at first they didn't know each other they had to get to work and become great partners fast and now they are like family to each other, and they are glad that they become so close but glad that they don't have to work in army an long. It helps connect to the team that war is rewarding.

The theme of this novel is that war is stressful, but even though it is stressful if you make the best of it. It can pay off and be rewarding when you realize what you accomplished.


The message for war changed for me in the last part of the book because I realized that war can be rewarding at times and it's not just always stressful and the hard work and the time you put into it will always be with you. It is rewarding when done and if you make the most of it you can have fun doing it.


Overall I think it was a great novel with a lot of great lessons and things that had happened. It shows that even when you don't want to do something if you push through it you can make it through it. I think this book was a great book to choose. But I also think there are a lot of people in this book and this made it difficult at times to understand who was doing what.

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 mpontbriand25 and I have similar novels through out its lessons learn along the way.“ When you live in this sort of situation long enough, you either get to love a few people or to hate them, and we’ve been pretty lucky, I don't know. I do know that nothing like this will ever happen to us again…..i'm glad it happened, and im som jeezely glad it's over.” (Hooker 204) “That girl soldier kept her promise at last!I thought she was lying to me, but no— She’s found Zaki!”(Benedict 163) these two quotes come from different books, but they both show people learning to trust others. they gained trust in different ways but being around someone for long enough ends up creating, trust and friendship. 

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Summary-The Bravo is performing during the halftime show of the football game. They guys are getting anxious because of the fireworks. One of the guys insults a foreman and a fight breaks out. Bravo gets left alone and ends up going back to seats. Less people are bothering them than earlier. When the game ends and Bravo is leaving they get jumped. 

”,and at this instant he wishes he was back at the war.” (Fountain 238) Character, P.O.V, Plot. This quote shows how Billy gets nervous about things he's not comfortable with and at this point war is something he's comfortable with but that doesn't mean he likes it. The Bravo hear more talk about a movie and forming a product company of their own, 

“‘I got your Advil.’” (Fountain 287) Repetition, character, P.O.V

“People call out to  Bravo, veer over to shake hands, but not as many as before.” (Fountain 258) P.O.V, Plot. This quote shows that people are starting to get used to Bravo almost. They used to be treated like celebrities and now that is less frequent. 

“There's a blank moment, then Billy is opening his mouth, he knows what's coming an instant before his mind forms the thought.” (Fountain 301) Character, P.O.V, Plot. 

The overall message I saw through the last third of this novel is that being in war can affect how the rest of your life goes. Just simple things like watching fireworks can become a trigger and along the way you make lots of friends and aso some enemies. 

War Message- War can create lots of different paths for your future. 

Changed Message- Last section I thought that the message of war was more about a person's stature through the war and how people looked at them because they were involved in war. In this section there were a lot less interrogations of the people that fought. 

Novel Reflect- I did not actually read this novel. I'm not great at reading something i'm not super interested in plus I didn't have much time to read it. But, I think that if I had more time I could probably read this book and enjoy most of it. I read summaries of each chapter and they all seemed okay and were easy to understand what's going on. I could've also watched the movie and I liked having that option. 

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In the third half of the novel “Sand Queen”.  Kate feels as if she can’t talk to her parents anymore while she is away at the base. Women guard has found Zaki, who is Naemas brother and they have him at a camp. Recently Kate has been under IEDs which are homemade bomb attacks. Kate arrives at Camp Warhorse, which is a bad part in Iraq, people down and injured, killed, medics rushing with people on stretchers. 

“ What’s there to say? I can’t tell Mom or Dad about guarding prisoners who jerk off and throw dead spiders at me; that’s not their idea of what a soldier does at war. I can’t tell them about Mactruck reading porn all the time, or what Kormick did, either”(Benedict 123). This is shown as POV,  because Kate is talking about how she feels about not calling her parents because they assume she is doing great at the base which in reality she isn't. 

“That girl soldier kept her promise at last!I thought she was lying to me, but no— She’s found Zaki!”(Benedict 163). This is shown as POV because she is feeling like she can trust her now and that she will finally see Zaki again. 

“What the fcks your problem? He thrusts my blood and snot-covered scarf at me. Radio says a truck up front got hit by an IED. Now we have to sit tight as a nun’s c*nt till ordinance gives us all the clear”(Benedict 245). This is shown as understatement because they barely give us information on what an IED is. All they gave for information was that it’s a homemade bomb and it can kill. 

“We don’t reach Camp Warhorse until six that evening. Twelve fcking hours on the road… that's when I see the stretchers. Medics are lifting the wounded from a truck and carrying them to a waiting ambulance. Blood and torn flesh everywhere”(Benedict 253). This is shown as imagery because Kate and her helper see what is happening in the moment. The obscured bodies lying around. Imagery is shown as visualizing and smell. 

The overall message of war didn’t really change for me because it was basically the same message throughout the whole novel but in different settings. War is unforgiving and war brings the darkest of feelings. I liked the book because it kept me focused and wanting to read more.  I thought it was easy to follow and the understanding was pretty straight forward. It was easy to find the literary terms because it was self explanatory the themes would pop out to me.  I would recommend this book to anyone because it’s interesting and you learn about two girls in war and how they survive and deal with it. 

Novel reflect. I didn’t have time to read the whole book. But the parts I did read were good and interesting. It did keep me interested but I’m just not great at reading books all the way to the end in little time.

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In the last part of the novel “ Sand Queen” by Helen Benedict, Kate Kept a promise for Naema telling her that she is going to find her little brother to see if he was ok. Naema is missing her brother and father really badly, she got the news from the soldier about her brother but nothing from her father. She was devastated from hearing nothing from her father so her mother gave her letters when her father was in prison in the past, so she reads them when she can. 


“ The guards were shouting. They turn us out of the cell all the time to look for hidden weapons or money. It is absurd, for how are we to hide such things under here , where we have nothing but stones, floors and walls.” ( Benedict 167) Imagery, plot. This helped me understand how the soldiers were treating the prisoners. Even if some are innocent they still treat them like every other prisoner. 


“ You could’ve fought back harder, you could’ve been tougher. You gave the wrong signals, admit it, what kind of soldier are you, anyway.” (Benedict 226 understatement. This helps me understand and shows that Kate is thinking that she is being a bad soldier and could have been better. 

“ Haven’t told Jimmy what I did to him yet. He still thinks that Mr. al-jurbur was the jerk-off, and that I was feeling bad for that day roughing him up.” ( Benedict 202) Juxtaposition, character 


“ Please don’t let me hear any cars backfiring, please don’t let me hear a shout or a scream, please don’t let me see a soldier… Please don’t let me do something dumb. Please don’t let me screw up.” ( Benedict 235) Repetition


The message of war in this last part of the novel is that  being two young women in war that don’t bond with each other can be difficult at times. Being harassed by the men and getting your family taken away can be hard,  but working with each other can have a successful outcome. 


This novel is great because it shows and teaches you about the women in war and how they are treated. The book was really easy to follow, it doesn't have many characters nor switch characters too often. Instead of chapters, it switches from the two main characters' perspectives Kate and Naema and is sectioned into 4 parts. I think this book was a great book and  I would definitely recommend this book to other students.  

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They decided to hold football games to pass the time of war. This helps because they are on edge after the recent amount of solder that came to their Swamp. Hawkeye tries to pick up Oiliver who is a black man. They decided  to hide Oliver till the second half to make bets. Their team ends up winning. Making them a good profit. They get bored after the football game because there is really nothing to do. They start helping two new surgeons. Then Duke and Hawkeye leave to go home rejoining their family. 

“I got four to one.” (Hooker 176) This quote is showing character as the soldiers are betting on a football game during war to ease the mind of the soldiers. 

“You got to, Hawkeye said just think of the dough.” (Hooker 180) This shows character because it shows that Hawkeye can be a little greedy and the fact that he is having fun even after the war.

“Still in their soiled fatigues but wearing scrubbed and serious looks.” (Hooker 201) Imagery Is shown through the depiction of Hawkeye and Duke and how there 18 months have been 

“Lucky bastards I don’t know if a can last one more month” (Hooker 204) This is showing pov as Ugly is talking about how he cant take the war much longer and needs and wants to leave to.

The theme for this book is that whatever happens in war you'll never be able to forget. The theme changed at the end because they had mixed feelings as they left, leaving their new friends. They also get to leave the cruel war as well

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Sara is on the plane with the godfather all she can think about is Jason and how much longer until she can see him. The godfather tells her that they are going to make a stop somewhere real quick.when they land she sees David he got on the plane and was in shock.when she got to Jason he had been in a hospital bed Sara was next to him holding him again as she was in pain.


“Like David he takes three.unlike David he takes his drink without rocks” (carpenter 173) simile,juxtaposition


 “The plane lets down its ladder,and Sara sees a man come across the runway. Its David”(carpenter 214)plot

This helps show plot because in the story Sara thought David had died when she saw him coming on the plane and realized he was still alive. She had been shocked. This was a plot because it was a turn of events she wasn't expecting to ever see David again.


“ Motherhood is not not a war. Would you die for your child.of course.war is the ability to die for another person without hesitation.”(carpenter 199) juxtaposition,character


“It was easier,almost,to have him dead.dead was a tragedy;abandonment was a shame.”(carpenter 216) point of view

This helped me understand how Sara was feeling when she had David around her, hows she felt betrayed and how she had been left in the dark thinking all these years he was dead but in reality he had just abandoned her for another person. This showed her perspective because she had felt more hurt knowing that he was alive and just abandoned her instead of him dying.


These literary devices connect to war because it explained how sara lived while her son had been missing hoe she felt and how everybody around her helped her it showed war when jason decide to go into the military and doing his missions this showed war by showing how war can affect everybody.


War changed by how after a war what happens how people live after what they need help with how they spend more time with people and connect with people.


I didn’t like how it would go from saras side to jasons side and that made it a little confusing by i like how it showed a lot of dialog it was easy to find literature terms i liked how it would show flashback so you would understand what happened and what's going on. Yes i would recommend this to another student.

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In this part of my novel, halftime starts, and Billy shortly notices how halftime isn't going well when Lodis starts slurring his words and not knowing where he is. Billy knows that people that are drunk can suffer from PTSD more likely than others that aren't drinking. Billy also suffers from PTSD but he has it all the time and not just because of drinking. Billy is struggling with separating war and reality while juggling relationships and friendships. Bravo has grasped on the fact that the cowboys staff only used the soldiers to get publicity out of them.

 “ FORD TRUCKS BUILT TOUGH! TOYOTA!...” ( Fountain 259) Onomatopoeia, juxtaposition 

“After the whole freakin’ country saw what you did on TV” (Fountain 254) In this quote Kathryn tells Billy how he should be going “AWOL” after the scene he caused on TV. Kathryn exclaims how it's not okay for him to be saying certain stuff on TV when the people responsible for him at the time are the Cowboys staff. This quote shows conflict and plot for Billy. 

“I know I'm being kind of heavy-handed here,.......” (Fountain 285) Metaphor, Perspective

“He sits back, closes his eyes, and tries to think about nothing as the limo takes them away.” (Fountain 307) Plot, Perspective, Imangrey 

In the last few pages of the book Billy goes through some changes and realization on how he sees war and how it's gonna carry along with him for the rest of his life and he's going to have to learn to live with that. Knowing what he needs to do for himself and what he needs to do for his country is a very hard thing to grasp for some people but Billy put his country and his people first and decides to take one for them and do his time and that really shows a true American soldier. 

Overall in this novel there is a lot of messages showing but the biggest one would have to be that it takes a strong individual to go out there and fight for what is right and their country, and a lot of people dont understand that and that's when Bravo has gathered that some people just use the troops and “Prizes” and only look at them for marketing purposes. That is something Billy knows and wants to change

This novel kinda had the same theme and message throughout the whole book but in different variations of it. For example there was a theme of different people seeing war differently and that ties in with how people use soldiers as marketing campaigns vs how they should be treated. 

I think the idea of the book was good, but it was a little too slow and boring for me considering in the book we stay at the same place most of the time.


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MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors, a Novel by Richard Hooker and W. C. Heinz, ends being about everyone deciding football would be a good idea to start putting effort into. They wanted a new player and said they needed a new neurosurgeon just to get him on the team. He ended up helping them win which went over well with everyone. After the win, not much happens and Duke and Hawkeye end up going home to their family after being in the field for so long. 

  1. “We oughta get us up a football team…It’d be a way to get home.” (Hooker 154) Character, plot

This quote helped me understand the story because it is a good show of Foreshadowing and it was entertaining to see, and it was a good idea, it was a good way of showing the plot. 

  1. “We tell Henry we can't exist any longer without a neurosurgeon. If he doesn't go for that we tell him the truth.” (Hooker 157) Plot, character

This quote helped me understand the story because it shows how Hawkeye and everyone else still keep up the way they act, after all that's happened, still acting dumb and sometimes with good ideas which shows his character. 

  1. “He took the ball from the center, handed it right back to him, turned and started back, He faked to Spearchucker, heading into the line, and then, his back to the fray.” (Hooker 180) Imagery, plot
  2. “For the next two days, Henry spent his spare time distributing the profits of the betting coup to the financial backers of the Red Raiders.” (Hooker 184) Plot, character, POV

The message about war seems most emphasized through my literary terms is, that war is horrible but even so, you should try to find ways to keep your hopes and moral up high, this is helped to understand through character and plot because looking at the main characters, they stayed sarcastic and goofy, and even doing things like playing golf and football together. 

The parts of the message of war that changed since last section is that, before it used to be is War is horrible overall, but war is horrible but it is a good idea to make some of it fun because you will be a better soldier or doctor if you can work your best since your morale is somewhat high. 

My overall thoughts about MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors is that, it was an alright novel, some of it was drawn out and boring, but overall all of the crazy things the characters did to pass the time, and all of the detail of the surgeries was entertaining and readable. I do recommend this book to someone who is willing to read past the boring parts for the random weird and interesting parts. 


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All the soldiers start fleeing from the war trying to escape the enemy but when they do they get stuck in muddy areas and lose a vehicle and continue with the other two vehicles and then another gets stuck. Crossing a bridge, Henry sees a German staff car crossing another bridge nearby. They avoid the main road and take back roads, they are being shot at and realize they need to find somewhere to camp out. They find a barn and stay there until they are found and are taken one by one. Henry escapes and starts to swim away thinking about catherine. Henry returns to Milan to find out Catherine is in Stresa, he then goes to Stresa and meets up with catherine. Henry's friend Emilio informs him that they are planning to arrest Henry in the morning and tells him and Catherine to take his boat to Switzerland, when they dock in Switzerland they are arrested. Henry and catherine start to live there life in switzerland when catherine goes into labor, Henry takes her to the hospital where she has trouble giving birth and has to have a C section, after the baby was born Catherine starts hemorrhaging and dies along with the baby because they umbilical cord was strangling him in the womb. Henry tries to say his goodbyes but it is too hard so he walks alone back home in the rain.

“I’m not brave any more, darling. I’m all broken. They’ve broken me. I know it now. . . . But it’s awful.”(Hemingway 323)--character, plot, P.O.V

This quote explains character because Henry is talking about how he has been broken by the war emotionally and how it is not just physical but it is also mental and he can never forget how they broke him in the war and how we have realized now that he is broken because he didn't realize before and now he does.

“‘Don't talk about the war,’ I said. The war was a long way away. Maybe there wasn’t any war.”(Hemingway 245)--character,plot

This explains character and plot because Henry is talking about how maybe there was no war and maybe he made it all up because the war messed with his head. 

“‘I’m not going to die now, darling. I’m past where I was going to die. Aren’t you glad?’”

“They arrested us after breakfast.” (Hemingway 279)

“After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain.”(Hemingway 332) 

The message about war is that it has less than a physical effect and more of a mental battle when you leave war.  

I think the message changed a little because they start talking about the mental side more in the end of the book and before they just talked about the Physical pain that he goes through instead of the mental side which goes into more detail towards the last third of the book.

Overall I think that the novel was easy to follow for the most part everything was very in order and for the most part those literary terms popped out and they were repeating alot so a lot of the book were the same literary terms.

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Im comparing my quote, ”,and at this instant he wishes he was back at the war.” (Fountain 238) and ava's quote, “I’m not brave any more, darling. I’m all broken. They’ve broken me. I know it now. . . . But it’s awful.”(Hemingway 323). These quotes both show character and a good idea of war struggles. Both quotes give a good view as to how tiring and scary war can be. 

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In the last 1/3 of the novel M*A*S*H by Richard Hooker it starts with Hawkeye Pierce acting insane so he can go to a psychological hospital and take a break from the work. And at The Swamp they realize that they are all starting to go crazy so they decide to try and organize a football game to try and distract themselves, so they convince Colonel Henry Blake to get them a neurosurgeon that was also a football player. After Hawkeye Pierce and Duke Forrest are told they are going home they start training 2 people that will replace them after they leave, and the book ends with their trip home.
“I ain’t. Normal people go crazy in this place.” (Hooker 152) Character, 

“When you live in this sort of situation long enough, you either get to love a few people or to hate them, and we’ve been pretty lucky.” (Hooker 204) Character, plot

This shows how being in the military can either bring people together or push them apart.

‘“I went ape,” said Hawkeye’ (Hooker 152) understatement
“Listen, you guys, . . . I’m serious. We’re all starting to get stirry again. We need something to do.” (Hooker 155) Character
This shows how being in the military can cause people to lose their minds if they don’t do anything to distract them.
The message about war I got from this part of the novel is that being in the military for long enough can cause people to start to go insane.
The message about war changed from how war can be overwhelming even when not in active combat to how being in the military can cause someone’s mental health to decline.
I liked the writing and the story and the book was just good overall. It was easy to follow for most of the book and it didn’t linger on specific things for too long and was able to keep my attention. I don’t think I could recommend this book to everyone because some people would like it better than others.

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Lost Again

Sara is brought on to a government plane with the godfather to go see Jason after he is found. It is a very nice converted commercial plane used by the government so it is ot detected. During this first flight Sara and the godfather argue about mostly random things just for the purpose of arguing. Earlier in February Jason is waiting in Frankfurt, Germany for a flight when he buys a coffee and sees an older man wearing the same thing as Jason. This man asks to talk. They sit down and talk about the old man's experience in Vietnam and other war related things before Jason had to catch his flight. The plane Sara is on takes a stop in Saudi Arabia and picks up another passenger. It's David, Saras husband, who they thought was dead. David talks to Sara about what he knows about the mission he was on. He also mentions how he saw Jason at the airport in Germany, but didn't tell Jason who he was. And Sara is told that Jason is in critical condition. When they got to the hospital they found out that Jason did not make it due to injuries that happened. Jason's life is flashing before his eyes, he goes through the mission he went through. Sara returns back home without her son.

“‘I'm simply saying that loss is always part of the equation.’ ‘Equation of what?’ ‘Of war.’”(Carpenter 218)--Plot, understatement. I chose this quote because it is giving us a message about war. Up until this part in the novel death wasn't really discussed. Even David's death that turned out to not be true wasn't talked about. Sara didn't think that her son was going to die. She knew it was a possibility but she didn't know it would happen, and she didn't want it either.

“At this time we know very little. But they Found him, and he is alive, and they brought him to the hospital. (Carpenter 221)--Plot

“Sara realizes that she has not felt this much emotion sense the day Jason left on his first deployment.” (Carpenter 226)-Plot, Character.

“What he felt for her was the closest thing he had ever felt to love, and he was not sure he liked it.” (Carpenter 235)--Character, plot. I chose this quote because there were two different ways I understood it. The first way was, did he not feel loved by his mother? I know they never really were able to communicate properly and fit together but it is still his mother why wouldn't there be love in that relationship. The second way I understood this was this his first time feeling love from someone not in his family. Either way we can still show us about Jason's character. When he says he's not sure he liked it really shows the type of person he is and supposed to be. He was never meant to be with anyone. He was meant to be alone working by himself but with other people. He always stayed close to himself.

The message about war in this section was just added too. The aspects of loss and confusion of war is what was missing from the other sections that came together in the ending of the novel. The message I got from the quotes and the literary terms they have is, Separation caused by war can lead to worry about when you will be able to see that person again, or if you will ever see them again.

This book was okay and just okay. The first part of the novel was interesting and easy to follow. I really struggled to keep up with the second part of the novel. This might have been because I just wasn't paying attention as much as I should, I think it's because this section of the book just wasn't very interesting. The third part and the ending of the novel was good. Everything she set up came together, and although the ending was sad it was still a good ending. Taking notes of this book wasn't too difficult either, and especially the third part of the book, because it basically told us some of the themes.

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During chapter 12 and 13 they are in an intense football game. It lasts for pretty much the whole chapters and it is a very aggressive game and everyone is trying very hard. People who weren't playing were putting money on the game to make it more fun. In the last chapter they are on christmas break and hawkeye and duke were mad because they couldn't stay with their families long enough.

“He paced the floor in front of them, waving his arms, exhorting, praising, pleading until, once more, his face and neck were of the same hue as their jerseys and once more, and for the last time, he sent them out to do or die.”(Hooker 176) P.O.V,character, imagery. I chose this quote because it shows imagery really well, because you can picture how red his face is and how hard he was trying. This helped me understand the story better because it shows what the military expected and wanted from the soldiers.

“He hit him so hard that he doubled him over and drove him back five yards, and as the wind came out of the halfback so did the ball.”(Hooker 179) character,imagery

“I've got orders for you two eightballs to ship out of here a week from today.”(Hooker 200) hyperbole, character. I chose this quote because it shows character well because it shows how their boss treats them. They weren't on christmas/holiday break for very long and they already have to leave to go and be deployed. That's the risk of being in the military. This helped me understand the story because it helps me understand the risks of being in the military and how stressful it is.

“All right you bastards!” he announced to the others. “Out! We leave in two minutes.”(hooker 203) character,plot

The message about war seems most emphasized through my literary terms is, even though people struggle throughout war and that war is horrible, there are ways that you can keep yourself up and enjoy yourself. This helped show the literary term, character, because the main characters always had a way to keep themselves entertained and not always sad.

The parts of war that changed from last section is that when war is currently going on everyone is a lot more stressed out even if they don't show that people are going to be more straightforward, but if you let stress get to you, doing your job is going to be a lot harder.

My opinion on MASH was that I thought it was a pretty good book. It was easy to follow and it got boring at times but all the crazy and extreme events that happened made it go by faster. I thought it was pretty easy to find what I needed to find throughout the book even if I struggled finding the literary terms at first. I would recommend actually reading the book because the assignments will be easier even if it takes longer to complete.

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Summary- Joe Is visited by Military generals, he is infuriated with the hypocrisy of the Generals to decorate him with medals of honor, as they have not been injured the same way he has. Joe asks one thing from the Generals, and that is to be brought out into the outside world and put as an exhibition of the realities of war. But the Generals say it is against Regulations. As chapters go on, we can see Joe realize why they won't let him speak. And this is because he serves as a reason to avoid war, and to enjoy being with your family.



Q1- “And then suddenly he saw. He had a vision of himself as a new kind of Christ as a man who carries within himself all the seeds of a new order of things. He was the new messiah of the battle fields saying to people as I so shall you be.” (Trumbo 240) POV, Character, Simile, Plot, Understatement. 

This quote helped me better understand the way Joe views himself, he thinks of himself as a reminder to what could happen to you during war and now sees why the Generals don't want him to show that to the outside world.

Q2- “Put the gun in our hands and we will use it. Give us the slogans and we will turn them into realities. Give us battle rhythms and we will pick them up right where you left them at.” (Trumbo 242) Repetition, Pov. 

Q3- “Why didn't they want him? Why did they shut the lid of the coffin on him? Why didn't they want him to speak?” (Trumbo 239)Repetition, Metaphor, Understatement. 

This quote helped me further understand why the military did not want Joe to show the world the cruelties of war. Joe begins to repeat the same “Why?” question to himself, and it exemplifies how Joe doesn't want to believe the level of betrayal the military has shown to him.

Q4- “There was no reason for him to fool himself about it any longer. These people didn't want him.” (Trumbo 236-237) Plot, Character.


The theme that was emphasized throughout my literary terms has to be that no matter how many sacrifices you give to war, the same people who you were fighting will betray you. 

The main message of war changed during the last section of my book. This was altered because I noticed that you can learn to live with your wounds and blessings. And be grateful for what you have. But unfortunately, what hurts more than a wound is being betrayed by the same people that you sacrificed yourself for.


Overall, I didn't really enjoy this novel, I find this novel extremely hard to follow. It was hard to pick up the literary terms since you never really got all of the information you needed from passages/quotes. To be honest, I wouldn't recommend this book to future students just because of the sheer difficulty of following the plot and understanding what Trumbo is trying to display.

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“However, If you’d like to operate on him yourself right now, be my guest, Colonel. I get the same pay whether I work or not '' 138 Characters. 

“‘Hawkeye said,’ we screwed up in the wrong area. If we never dubbed it along in the working time and never given it a good college try, we’d be back at some stateside hospital, living with our wives and behaving like good officers  186  Character. 

“They ranked their good fortune for wives that didn't buy them from 9,000 miles away they sat down and wrote identical letters”197  This quote helped show me where his head was at his way of getting off on the front lines of the battle. This quote is an example of character.

“I’ve got orders for you too eight balls to ship out of here a week from to today Duke and Hawkeye jumped, laughed, and hugged Henry and each other” This quote helps show the happiness that Duke and Hawkeye got when they were finally told that they can go home after being stuck in the army for that long this quote shows character. How they felt about the war and their excitement about getting out of it and going home. 

The message the book portrayed for a majority was War is chaotic when on the frontlines of the battle

How did the message change through the last section it stayed reality the same with most of them not wanting to be in the war and the last section just emphasized their feeling of being done and wanting to go home 

I was not the biggest fan of this book, because of the consistent POV changes throughout the book and it was hard to understand who was speaking. I found it difficult to find literary terms because they gave u as the reader a bunch of different random and sporadic information, I would not recommend the book to anyone doing the assignment in the future

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Fix your citations by include the author's last name and page number in parentheses. 

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“However, If you’d like to operate on him yourself right now, be my guest, Colonel. I get the same pay whether I work or not '' (Hooker 138) Characters. 

“‘Hawkeye said,’ we screwed up in the wrong area. If we never dubbed it along in the working time and never given it a good college try, we’d be back at some stateside hospital, living with our wives and behaving like good officers" (Hooker 186)  Character. 

“They ranked their good fortune for wives that didn't buy them from 9,000 miles away they sat down and wrote identical letters”(Hooker 197)  This quote helped show me where his head was at his way of getting off on the front lines of the battle. This quote is an example of character.

“I’ve got orders for you too eight balls to ship out of here a week from to today Duke and Hawkeye jumped, laughed, and hugged Henry and each other”(Hooker 200) Hooker This quote helps show the happiness that Duke and Hawkeye got when they were finally told that they can go home after being stuck in the army for that long this quote shows character. How they felt about the war and their excitement about getting out of it and going home. 

The message the book portrayed for a majority was War is chaotic when on the frontlines of the battle

How did the message change through the last section it stayed reality the same with most of them not wanting to be in the war and the last section just emphasized their feeling of being done and wanting to go home 

I was not the biggest fan of this book, because of the consistent POV changes throughout the book and it was hard to understand who was speaking. I found it difficult to find literary terms because they gave u as the reader a bunch of different random and sporadic information, I would not recommend the book to anyone doing the assignment in the future

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A sniper fires from the press box. Billy Pilgrim died. He traveled back in time. The plane crashes into sugar bush mountain in Vermont, only Billy and the copilot make it out alive. Billy is in the hospital in Vermont. Valencia goes to see him and on the way there she gets in a car accident , but continues driving to Vermont. 

Quote #1:”Billy predicts his own death within an hour. He laughs about it, invites the crowd to laugh with him. Billy predicts his own death within an hour. He laughs about it, invites the crowd to laugh with him.” (Vonnegut 142). Understatement, character, plot. This quote helped me better understand because this quote shows a good example of understatement because nobody in the regular world can predict the future or go back in time. Billy knew that it was going to happen but didn't want  others to know. 

Quote #2:“Anybody ever asks you what the sweetest thing in life is—” said Lazaro, “it’s revenge.”(Vonnegut 139). Character, pov, hyperbole, paradox. 

This quote is helpful because it shows a good example of pov. It is good for pov because not everybody thinks that way. It's not a very good way of thinking for a lot of people. 

Quote #3:Billy Pilgrim got onto a chartered airplane in Ilium twenty-five years after that. He knew it was going to crash, but he didn’t want to make a fool of himself by saying so.”(Vonnegut 154). Flashback, character, plot,understatement.

Quote #4: “and then, one morning, they got up to discover that the door was unlocked. World War two in Europe was over.” (Vonnegut 215). Understatement, plot. 


Message: War is emotional.

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Add the additional parts of this response in a reply. 

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The message didn't change drastically throughout the book, neither did the literary terms. The same three or four literary terms showed up throughout the whole book. 

Reflection: I liked how the book had a lot of details and changed throughout the book because it made it interesting. It was a little difficult to follow , but not to hard. There were a some literary terms but not a lot. I would recommend this book to some people depending on the person. 

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Billy lynn's long halftime walk starts out with him walking out onto the football field during halftime. they were being recognized for a victory tour in Iraq. The book shows you the disconnect between the real world and what it's like at War. it also shows you the Public's perception of people at War. Mango says to billy “Dude you got to get with her before we go'' (Fountain 224)Billy responds with “don't see how Ron post as of twenty two hundred plus she's a Christian girl”(Fountain 224)This shows plot because you are getting a description of what is happening with them in that moment and it sets the stage for what is to come after.When they go back I see simile when he says “too much bug-eyed Panic all the Freak Out flavors of Ambush situation without any compensating murderous release firework Crews to their left keep shooting off nasty little Rockets''(Fountain237)  this shows simile because he is taking an inanimate object such as fireworks and turning them into animate objects also he is turning bug-eyed panic into everybody freaking out. Towards the end of the book they are talking to her producer about making a movie about Billy Lynn The producer says to Dave” Dave I got an offer for you if you think you can do better let's go in there and talk to the man” and Dave responds with “okay fuck it let's go in and there and talk”(Fountain239) this shows imagery because it is talking about what is going on right at that moment and what they are thinking. All of these examples show that war is scary and can affect people even if they are not in the war. This section of the book changed ,my view of it from war might not be as bad as people say to war is worse than people say. I liked my book overall. I thought it was a good book. I would recommend this book to other book.

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The bravos take part in the halftime show, the fireworks make them anxious. They get in a brawl with roadies. More talk about the movie and the bravos denied the offer. When they are leaving the roadies come back out and jump them. 


“‘It’s cool,’ Billy murmurs, ‘It’s cool, it’s cool, it's just fireworks.’” (Fountain 230) - Character, P.O.V.

During the halftime show they let off fireworks. Billy and the rest of the bravos flinched when they went off. Billy has to remind himself they are just fireworks as it's giving him PTSD. This shows how the war has affected him. 

“Pupils dilated, pulse and blood pressure through the roof, limbs trembling with stress reflex cortisol rush, but it's cool, it's good their shits down tight, no vietnam-vet crackups for Bravo squad!” (Fountain 230)-Character, P.O.V.

Another example of what the war has done to them. It shows how bad all of their trauma they have from war. But how they need to hold themselves together

“He’s actually shouting as the roadies step from the crowd, then all he knows is that he's down in a fetal curl as a ball-peen sort of thumping pummels his back.” (Fountain 301)-Plot, P.O.V., imagery

“Halftime sort of skitzed me out.” (Fountain 242) Character

“I don’t think I even know what normal is anymore.” (Fountain 242)


The message from these quotes is how war changes people. The literary term emphasizes the message was character. It showed the changes that happened to him through war. 

The message about war is the same from this one and the last one. It is still about the effects war has on them, and how it has affected them as a character

I liked how the novel was all one day. I liked the message of the story and what it was about. It being all in one day made it hard to follow at some points. It was not easy to find literary terms. I would not recommend this novel to anyone.

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In section 3 of a farewell to arms Henry gets on a train to Milan to escape that war and the retreat as well as being killed.  When he is there he tries to find Catharine but finds out she is in Stresa so he goes there meets up with her and they spend a few days together in a hotel; one night the barman gose to there room and tell henry that he will be arrested in the morning if he stays there and gives him his boat to go to Switzerland. When they get to Switzerland they get arrested many times and have to report to the police every time they get to a new place, but eventually they get settled into a place and have a place to call their home for a little while. As Catherine is more ready to have her baby they move closer to the hospital and stay in a hotel, one night she starts having pain and goes to the hospital and starts to have the baby. Later in the night she needs to have a cesarean and when it's done they found out the baby didn't land up making it then catherine starts to have hemorrhaging, henry begging god not to take her as well that it was okay that the baby was dead just not to let her die but to no avail she land up passing away. Henry losing everything he had loved and cared about. 

“I remember Catherine but I knew I would get crazy if I thought about her when I was not sure yet I would see her so would not think about her, only about her a little, only about her with the  car going slowly and crackling, and some light through the canvas and my laying with Catherine on the floor of the car.”(hemingway 231) -juxtaposition /character.  This helps me better understand this section of a farewell to arms because it shows that he still really cares about her and it hurts him to be away from her. 

“I was not made to think. I was made to eat. my god, yes eat and drink and sleep with catherine. tonight maybe. No that was impossible. but tomorrow night, and a good meal and sheets and never going away except together.”(hemingway 233) -plot/p.o.v/imagray/ character. 

“In civilian clothes I felt a masquerader. I had been in uniform a long time and I missed the feeling of being held by your clothes. the trousers felt floppy.”(hemingway 243) -p.o.v    he's missing being in uniform but not being in war. This shows he's still kinda in work iffy about leaving the war. 

 “I knew she was going to die and I prayed that she would not. don't let her die. Oh, God, please don't let her die. I'll do anything for you if you won't let her die.” (hemingway 330) -character/imagery

War is about fear 

The message of fear has not changed though the book it has always been there either it was fear for his life, never seeing catherine again, or the fear of losing her.  It has always been there, sometimes hiding under other things like love. 

I liked this book because it was easy to follow and easy to understand where the literary terms were placed and how to explain them.  I would recommend this book to others doing this assignment because it has a good plot and is not boring or over explanatory. 

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  1. “Dead soldiers were now little more than names and hometowns, corpses simply object to be loaded onto the back of C-130s somewhere and delivered like pizzas to the United States.” (Abrams 271)- simile 
  2. “He watched the still living walk among the newly dead, lifting the corners of blankets, taking a fast peek, then moving on to the next body. Every so often, a woman in black collapsed and started wailing, rocking back and forth over the news she didn’t want confirmed” (Abrams 280)-imagery 

This quote shows imagery by describing what it’s like to take care of dead bodies. This explains some of the work these Army men have to do. This quote helps me better understand the story because it adds a deeper understanding of what it’s like as an Army man.  

  1. “This time, the blood  was just a seep, like oil bubbling up from the ground, and not a full blown geyser.”  (Abrams 306)-simile 
  2. “The blood, however, seemed to be slowing; certainly, it was no longer spurting like a faulty fountain” (Abrams 306)-Simile. This quote better helped me understand the story by showing caring from Blodgett to his sergeant and taking care of him. Blodgett helped out his Sergeant and was making jokes to keep his mind off the pain. The jokes are where I found my literary term. 

The message I found most throughout the story, was that war is not fit for everyone, not at all. This whole story, there has been mostly onomatopoeia and similies I found. 


This section of the book has changed from the last by showcasing the people in control, and showing how not smart they are, which wasn’t shown a lot in the last section. Also, in contrast, this section has had a lot more feelings, more emotion, showed in each character. It shows a very climatic difference between the last section. It becomes more serious, and people like Blodgett dealing with his Seargent almost dying, make this section the best so far.


This novel has been difficult at times, and easy at times, but overall, I would recommend this book to the next person. I didn’t like the parts that were dragged out, like the personal notes from people. Some things were just so unimportant and were dragged out without good reason. I liked the comedy, a lot of funny jokes, and very passionate language used, and I really enjoyed certain characters who were funny, like Duret.

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