TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble
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War Novel Response 3

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In the last part of the book we get to know a lot about the characters that we didn't know from the beginning and how they all are living their lives and what problems they have with the war and what they do. We finally get to know Shroom more and what happened when he died in Billys lap he lost he saw his friend die right on him. Billy wanted to die right there too because he loved him so much and when he lost Shroom like he lost himself too. Hawey and the other guys really help Billy get through a lot and same for the other guys they all helped one another when times were bad.


“When you ducked out of Vietnam,I mean, you know, when you got your deferment and everything, how did it feel?”(Plot,Character,Perspective). This helps us better understand the story because what if he got sent to Vietnam and if he lived or died. And how you have no choice if they want you to go.   


“Mr. Oglesby sir, with all due respect, sir. We’re soldiers. We feel like we’ve already got enough risk in our lives.”(Imagery,Paradox,Plot).


“Sergeant, if you had a choice, would you go back? To Iraq, I mean.”(Character, Understatement, Simile). This is Simile because they want to know what it would be like if he wants to go back but he doesn't give them an answer and yells at them for asking that. I don't think he would go because it was properly hard on him when he was there.  


“I’m not psyche, if that’s what the lawyers are thinking. So they can forget about that,”(Plot,Perspective,Character).


That when you're in war you go through a lot, you get moved all around the world and you can't say anything about it and you meet new people but when you lose the people you serve with. Then one person that means a lot to you and they die right in front of you you really lose yourself and a little part of your soul. It's hard at the end because it's hard to find yourself and it's hard to find your way back.


The book was really good and funny and I really enjoyed reading it. There was really nothing bad about it.

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Throughout the final chapters of MASH, the characters are introduced to the fourth and final swampmen, Spearchucker Jones. The Swampmen devise a plan with Colonel Blake to create a football league to go against opposing units. They did this so they could profit off of bets, hence the need for Spearchucker, a professional football player. Later, Hawkeye and Duke depart for home marking the end of the novel.

“‘We tell Henry we can’t exist any longer without a neurosurgeon. If he doesn’t go for that we tell him the truth. There’s a little of the opportunist in Henry, too.’” (Hooker 157) Hyperbole, character, plot. They exaggerate their need for a neurosurgeon so they can use the surgeon for their football team. This shows the swamp man's pattern of focusing on things other than the medical field which they are assigned to. An example of a hyperbole.

“‘You’re not the only one caught up in this religious revival. We just had a revelation, too’… ‘Henry,’ Trapper said, ‘It just came to us. We gotta get us a neurosurgeon.’” (Hooker 157) Hyperbole, plot.

“‘You can keep all the money, and send us home.” (Hooker 184) Plot, character.

“Dr. Augustus Bedford Forrest boarded the plane for Atlanta, where he was met by a big girl and two little ones. Six hours later the valedictorian of the class of 1941 at Port Waldo High School and two small boys watched Dr. Benjamin Franklin Pierce disembark from a Northeast Airlines Convair in Spruce Harbor, Maine. The larger of the two boys jumped into his father’s arms and inquired, ‘How they goin’ Hawkeye?’, ‘Finest kind’ replied his father.” (Hooker 219) Character, plot, perspective. Going into depth of the characters of Hawkeye and Duke. Showing more into their actual lives, something not discussed much throughout the novel. Also showing the perspective of their returns home. 

The message throughout the novel stayed similar throughout the entire book. Showing the use and negatives revolving around different characters' maturity levels. The novel as a whole is fast paced, and at times confusing. But that does aid in entertainment. The book is lighthearted and doesn’t truly show the full capacity that war affects people with. But that's not the full point of the novel. It does have plenty of literary term but some being harder to uncover and understand.

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Johnny starts to communicate in morse code. He asks to be shown off as an attraction to make money. They say no. He starts to believe he is Christ (?). “I’m the man who made the world safe for democracy. If they won’t fall for that then for christ sake they’re no men. Let them join the army because the army makes men.” (Trumbo 226) Imagery, hyperbole. Johnny wants to be shown off as an exhibit in order to make money to pay his caretakers. He thinks about how to get people to come see him, and it sounds like propaganda. Saying that the military is the way to become a “man” and you are a coward if you don’t want to become a soldier and turn out like him. “You'll have the chance to die for your country. And you may not die you may come back like this.” (Trumbo 228) Imagery. This quote is showing how people are guided to the military by saying they will be glorious and die serving their country, but really no one, hundred, thousand deaths will do anything. It’s not about who's right, it's about who has bigger guns. “Now I lay me down to sleep my bomb proof cellars good and deep but if i’m killed before I wake remember god it’s for your sake” (Trumbo 229) This quote shows another way people are guided to the military by saying it’s for god and you can die for god and god wants you to fight this war. Remember, anything is okay if it is for god. “We are men of peace we are men who work and we want no quarrel. But if you destroy our peace if you take away our work if you try to range us one against the other we will know what to do. If you tell us to make the world safe for democracy we will tak it seriously and by god and by christ we will make it so. We will use the guns you force upon us we will use them to defend our very lives and the menace to our lives does not lie on the other side of a nomansland that was set apart without our consent it lies within our own boundaries here and now we have seen it and we know it.” (Trumbo 242) Imagery, P.O.V., overstatement. I like this quote because it talks about how forcing people to fight your own war will backfire because it is unfair, but in reality, when has this happened? A message from this about war can be like War has no meaning but a show of power. This has not changed a lot from the previous section, Johnny still reflects about the war he was forced to fight. I liked the novel’s anti war messages and how it was written without commas to reflect Johnny’s frantic thinking mind, I did think it was really slow in parts and had a few useless chapters, though.

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While hiding in a stock car Henry spends his time thinking about his friends, and Catherine. Henry feels like it is over for him. He thinks it’s not his show anymore. Henry gets off the train when it enters Milan. Henry finds out that Catherine has left for Stresa. So Henry takes the train to Stresa.He ignores anyones question about the war. Henry arrives at a hotel to find Catherine and Helen having supper. Catherine was overjoyed to see him. Late one night a Man named Emilio wakes Henry and tells him that the military police plan to arrest him in the morining. Henry and Catherine pack up their things and take Emilios boat to escape. Henry rows all night. Hours later they land in switzerland. The swiss guards arrest them. They recieve provisional visas to remain in Switzerland. They get let go, and the couple go to a hotel to sleep. By fall Henry and Catherine moved into a wooden house in Montreux. Catherine grows concerned about the babies size in her belly. The couple discusses marriage and Catherine agrees to marry someday. In March they move to the town of Lausanne to be nearer to the hospital. The day finally comes and Catherine goes into labor. Catherine gives birth to a boy. However the boy was strangled by the umbilical cord prior to birth and didn’t make it. Henry finds out that Catherine is heorrhaging and dies. Henry attempts to say good by but leaves the hospital in the rain. 


  • "Take your hand away. . .If you had any shame it would be different. But you're God knows how many months gone with child and you think it's a joke and are all smiles because your seducer's come back." (Hemingway 247)

/Pov, Character, juxtaposition. 


  • "Often a man wishes to be alone and a girl wishes to be alone too and if they love each other they are jealous of that in each other, but I can truly say we never felt that. We could feel alone when we were together, alone against the others. It has only happened to me like that once." (Hemingway 249)

/Character, juxtaposition

-Juxtaposition help me better understand the contrast between their life as a couple compared to others. 


  • "When there was a good day we had a splendid time and we never had a bad time. We knew the baby was very close now and it gave us both a feeling as though something were hurrying us and we could not lose any time together." (Hemingway 311)

/Character, plot


  • "It seems she had one hemorrhage after another. They couldn't stop it. I went into the room and stayed with Catherine until she died. She was unconscious all the time, and it did not take her very long to die." (Hemingway 331). 

/Imagery, Understatment 

Understatment help me understand there was more to the situation. The situation is more deep  than the words themselves. 


My overall message, is that war brings people together. The war brought Catherine and Henry together. Even when they were apart they tought about each other, and went back. They were together until the end. 

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