In the ted talk Phuc talks about the differences in English and Vietnamese and how English has subjunctive and Vietnamese does not. Phuc is a man who was once a refuge from Vietnam and when he was in America when he was a kid he learned English really fast unlike his parents, he was teased about his name when he was a kid and he tried to fit in, later on when he went to college he took some of the majors their but didn’t enjoy them so he went to his dad who told him that he could simply take chourses he actually enjoyed, so he took some language classes he actually liked. “And that spring I signed up, on a whim for ancient greek, and it was brutally hard and I loved every minute of it”(Tran)
In the Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Oscar is the black sheep of the family, hes very nerdy and big and has acne during his middle/highschool days and even still when he is in collage, in the beginning the book talks about him and how he was getting girls and stuff but then his gf threatened to break up with her since he had another gf, he broke up with his other gf Olga but the his other gf breaks up with him and he grows up he becomes a nerd and he got bigger and no girls wanted him, then later on he goes to collage and he meets a girl named Ana which he falls in love with and she brings him out on a date. “For Oscar, high school was the equivalent of a medieval spectacle, like being put in the stocks and forced to endure the peltings and outrages of a mob of deranged half-wits” (Diaz 19)
How well does your character connect to the culture around them? Where are they struggling to fit in?
For participants:
-Never use a peer’s real name, only use their username
-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion
-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead
-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far
-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer
-Reply to one other participant in this group
-Acknowledge your lead’s reply to your response with a comment that clarifies information, offer a question to them about their book, or simply give a thumbs up
To exceed: Reply to three other people in this group, or two in this group and one in a group you weren’t assigned