1-4: Because we can see things through Chief's perspective, we gain insights into the setup of the ward that another narrator might not have. One of the major components that Chief discusses in this first section is the different types of patients in the ward.
Based on what Chief tells us and what we can infer through conversations, what are the major differences between the Chronics and the Acutes? Chief categorizes himself as well; to what extent is this an accurate categorization, to what extent is it not?
How does he view what is going on compared to other people (staff and patients) on the ward? How do others perceive him compared to what is he really like? Give textual evidence from both Chief and from dialogue between other people on the ward to support your ideas. Avoid just showing one perspective. Be clear about what inferences you can make based on your evidence.
Make sure to use at least 3 quotes from the first 4 chapters to support your assertions. Include in-text citations. For our purposes here--since we know the text--just a page number will suffice.