This week we're going to have you all look at some outside sources that discuss mental health. To give a basic overview, please go to:
Read the 1825 event to the 1977 event as a way to get an idea of basic climate at the time. Explain what is new information to you and how this influences your perception of society outside the ward at Chief and McMurphy's time.
In addition (sorry to make this more reading) please read the attached article:
How does this article change the way you approach things being brought up in the novel? What inferences does this work against (use textual evidence)?
What inferences does this support (use textual evidence)?
Use this as an opportunity to discuss the history of mental health and how this novel portrays it. Try to comment to the best of your ability on your understanding and use the resources to help build up your ideas. This means using quotes from both the novel and the sources.