In Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, he biographies the adventures of Christopher McCandless as he creates a completely new life for himself, apart from the values and ideas fed to him throughout his childhood. McCandless discards everything; his name, valuables, money, all conventional items in having a life in this society. Like McCandless, if given the option to leave something behind, I would travel as he does, leaving behind a comforting bed at home for a life on the road with infinite possibilities.
Though I doubt I would burn my cash and abandon my car, I would like to see the world, and experience it through a real lens; eyes. McCandless idolizes Leo Tolstoy and I felt especially connected to the passage, "I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life," (Leo Tolstoy, Family Happiness) I find myself desiring everything described here, an undefined force pulls my heartstrings at the sounds of leaving my quiet life behind and pursuing greatness, excitement, movement in the way I want, without limitations and boundaries.
Giving up a house, a mailbox, and a reliable place to arrive each evening, will without a doubt be a struggle. There is something invigorating about the unknown, so many outcomes and consequences that the mind cannot begin the fathom. I yearn to move on from high school, to see the things that have been taunting me for so long. With conventional things left aside, I will be free. To explore, see, and experience things that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to within the confines of a home, state, or country. However, some things need to be seriously taken into consideration. “Where will I shower?” stands my most immediate concern, but also money and food. Where would I store my belongings? Will I need my belongings at all? What if something goes wrong?
Like Christopher, I intend to fall off the map. Though not completely to his extent, I do intend on leaving my old life behind and allowing myself time to discover what's right for me, and maybe someday I will come back home, if that is what’s right. I fear my relationships may be stretched, though not severed, because I intend to stay in contact with my family and friends, and hopefully make new ones along the way like Jan and Wayne. Hopefully, I come back into society feeling fulfilled and enlightened, ready to face the world with anything it might throw at me (at least that’s the idea).