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Discrimination Research

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The article I chose is . I chose this because it really highlights how discrimination for all races are is still a thing in the modern day and happens every day. This example really relates to when in To Kill A Mocking Bird, when Tom Robinson was accused of rape with no evidence, he was immediately punished because he was black. Or in Raisin in the sun, when Mr. Lidner went to buy the house off of the younger family because they were black and he didn't want them moved into their neighborhood. This article and my examples all show cultural discrimination, treating someone differently because of the color of the skin.

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The article I picked is about a lawsuit between Edward Jones & Co. and the companies Black financial advisors. The plaintiffs argue that only 6 percent of the FAs employed at Edward & Jones Co. are not white, and the black FAs aren't paid as much as their counterparts. Another one of their complaints is that they are not given the same advantages as their non-white colleagues. This case relates to RITS in the way that colored people weren't (and still sometimes aren't ) given the same advancements that white people got (get) as far as jobs, housing, etc.. This occurred in TKM as well, for example the black people having to sit in the 'colored balcony' because they were not treated as equals to the white people. 

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Pilkington,Ed.“UN Experts CONDEMN Texas Abortion Law as Sex DISCRIMINATION 'AT Its Worst'.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 7 Sept. 2021,


Women are getting the right to their bodies taken away all because of their gender. They caN't get abortions after six weeks, which is before the majority of women realize they're pregnant. This is an example of institutional discrimination since the law is backing it up. Institutional discrimination is shown in To Kill a Mockingbird when Tom gets charged for raping the girl even though there wasn't enough evidence- it was due to his race. This helps prove that discrimination is still in the US today if you're part of a minority you have the risk of getting treated differently not only by people but by the justice system, you see it all the time recently with cops "misfiring" leading to the deaths of colored individuals.  

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In Auburn, Maine, a man decided he would roll a pigs head into a local storefront that was also used as a mosque. He claimed that he didn’t know the place was used for worship and that sometimes people do stupid things. He also claimed that the police laughed about the incident. This event would fall under cultural discrimination. This connects to both A Raisin in the Sun and To Kill a Mockingbird because both of the stories consisted of cultural discrimination. An example of this is when the man came to their apartment to buy their new house from them because they were black. Now, there are higher penalties for discrimination and it is much less common because of that.

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I found this article

In this article, on October 24th, 2018, Gregory A. Bush, drove to a grocery store armed with a Smith a Wesson. When entering the store, he followed a black man who was shopping with his grandson, pulled out his gun, and shot him in the back of the head. These men had no previous interactions. He would then leave the store calmly, before shooting a black woman multiple times in the parking lot. He would soon run into a third black man, where the both would shoot at each other, but neither died. Later, when he ran into a white man who was armed he said. "Don't shoot me and I won't shoot you. Whites don't shoot whites." This shows cultural discrimination, and that discrimination is still around today because he is shooting at specifically black people, with no motive, as he has never had contact with any of them previously. His one motive is the color of their skin. This connects to the discrimination we see in our novels because black people are seen being targeted because of their skin color, and their is no other reason. 

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Students and members of a community in North Salt Lake, Utah, are coming together to mourn the loss of Isabella Cox. Isabella's family said she died by suicide after being repeatedly bullied in a Davis County School. The n-word has been written on the wall of the school restroom, and students of color are facing racism in and outside of the classroom. Although nobody in either of the novels is outrightly being called the n-word, we can still relate this article to the novels. The form of discrimination in the schools is cultural discrimination and can be compared to the racism we are accustomed to seeing in To Kill a Mocking Bird. For example, when kids around Maycomb are telling Scout and Jem that their dad is a "ni**er lover" for supporting Tom Robinson in Trial. We can also compare this form of discrimination to the events talked about in Raisin In The Sun. Where blacks that are moving in the white neighborhoods are getting murdered and blown up, simply because of their skin color. This shows that in today's society, even though not as dramatic, cultural discrimination still exists. The racist acts of students may not physically hurt a person like other acts of violence, but the mental effects from this racism cause minorities to hurt themselves.


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This article talks about gender discrimination that is still happening and it is mainly to women because the employers are saying that a man can do this better than women so were not hiring you or this is a man's job and you see this in the rasin and the sun and a little bit in to kill a mocking bird where the woman cant just work anywhere it is where a woman should work to them but nowadays it has changed some women work anywhere now but there is still some employers whos still discriminate women because of there gender. Now women are tired of it so they are suing these companys.

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"On Jan. 8, the Supreme Court passed up a chance to hear an appeal of a Mississippi law that allows businesses and governments to deny services to LGBT people over religious beliefs. That means the law will stand. "    Nacozy, Lee. LGBT Discrimination Easy as Cake. , 2018. SIRS Issues Researcher  .  

in this article an incident happened early in the year of 2018 this being said, businesses did not have to sell goods or services to members of the lgbtq community. This is Culteral discrimination. These buisnesses refused to sell goods and sevices to those part apart of certain groups just based on the sexuality. 

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This is the article I found


In this the main thing that happens that really hits and affects a lot of people is when there were a lot of suicides from people that were in the LGBTQ and this really hit there journalist and they decided to make a youtube video telling teens that it will get better.  This all impacts everyone in the LGBTQ because they all kinda feel it and know what those people had been going through and how they really getting treated so poorly for just being themselves.  This connects to discrimination in the raising sun and to kill a mockingbird because just like in those novels there was main problem happening on a group that's not big enough or also doesn't have a lot of power to do anything about.  This also shows discrimination now a days because these things are still happening in our world today as well.

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The first thing that comes to mind once the topic of discrimination is brought up, would be the death of George Floyd, as it has happened recently.

Obviously discrimination goes farther than just racism, though it does seem to be the most common kind seen for a long time in history, especially during the Great Depression, when To Kill A Mockingbird and A Raisin in the Sun takes place.

The incident with George Floyd relates to the racial discrimination seen in To Kill a Mockingbird, and A Raisin in the Sun. We see a black suspect imprisoned with no evidence, in To Kill a Mockingbird, and we see black families getting bombed by the KKK in A Raisin in the Sun. In both we see blacks, or a minority not seen as not equal, or not treated equally just because of their skin color. We see that things have not changed a whole lot over the 90 year gap between these incidents.

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This article is an example of institutional discrimination happening in 2021. If you are 12 years old or older and do not have 2 doses of the covid vaccine (1 does if you're 5-11 years old), you will not be allowed to eat at any restaurants. Even though the books show cultural discrimination, this relates because people are not allowed to do what they want to do due to discrimination. In TKM, Tom Robinson could not spend his life with his family because he was sent to jail. In RITS, the Younger family could not safely move to a new neighborhood because of the threats.

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The article I found is

At school some kids went up to another student and pulled cotton out of their pockets and threw it on the ground and told her to pick it. This is institutional discrimination because it only happened because she is black. This relates to both a raisin in the sun and to kill a mockingbird because in both of those books the black people in the community get looked down on or treated differently because of their race. In A Raisin in the sun the white community tries to tell the Youngers to move out of the neighborhood because they wanted people of the same 'background' there. In to kill a mockingbird they all look down on Atticus for defending a black man. 

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The article "How AI Learns to Be Sexist and Racist" demonstrates discrimination quite well. AIs over the years have evolved to be more and more "sophisticated". Too much for their own good. People have programmed them to their own opinions and to societies stereotypes and beliefs. For example, Google News saying that men are successful engineers, while women are "homemakers". Another example, Microsoft Tay. A Twitter bot that was supposed to be portrayed as a female persona that people used to chat with. But stuff got a little twisted with her, she was sex chatting other users and saying awful sexist things like "Feminists should all die and burn in hell". Microsoft eliminated her 24 hours later. Real screwed up technology is nowadays.

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This article is about a female surgeon who was discriminated while working. This can relate to the books To Kill a Mockingbird and A Raisin in the Sun because they have examples of cultural discrimination. This Article is just one example of many on how discrimination is still happening today. 

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The article i found is about a new law that prevents discrimination towards ethnic hairstyles in the illinois schools. It obviously must have been a problem for people in this state to not be able to express themselves the was they want to which is why this law was created. The group of people being impacted by this I think that the type of discrimination that is being prevented is cultural discrimination. this relates to discrimination that was seen in a raisin in the sun were beneatha faces cultural discrimination about her hair and how she feels like she needs to do things to change her hair because otherwise she would face more discrimination about her race. this also relates to to kill a mockingbird in the sense that certain groups of people are being targeted about their race and how they need to hide themselves in a way to make people pay less attention towards them. for example in to kill a mockingbird when tom robinson's wife has to walk another way to get to her job to avoid bob ewell's harassment. discrimination is still present in life today its just more common to find it in more discrete ways to avoid the laws that are in place to protect those who are discriminated against.   

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This article is about discrimination inside schools. A kid walked up to another, pulled a piece of cotton out of his pocket and threw it on the floor then telling her to pick it. Other students within the school have told her to "kill herself, so she might be reborn as a white girl", this relates to TKM and ARITS because black people of the communities get treated differently and looked down upon. 

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The article "hair has nothing to do with competency" talks about how workplaces and some other places in the US are culturally discriminating against African Americans and their hair. people describe the hair as unattractive and unprofessional. A high school student in new jersey, Andrew Johnson, was told by a ref to either cut his dreadlocks out or forfeit the match. This relates to Benatha in ARITS when Asagai made fun of her for changing her hair to look less natural so she could fit in better than what her true look was. discrimination is definitely still around but it's not the exact same as in the '60s. now it's more small things that we discriminate whereas in the '60s it was a whole group.

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In this article I found Shows examples of cultural discrimination because 4 black police woman quit and sued the Baltimore police department because they were being discriminated against because of both their race and their gender. a attiory that is representing the woman in court said that they call a police reform and they lie about the stories and the woman are receiving harassment for speaking up in there defense. Now that they have law enforcement involved the woman are speaking up and finally saying enough is enough. This article related to TKM because these woman cant do what they want to do because people cant move past the fact that people are different and come from different places and have different skin colors. Just like in TKM the family is asked not move into the house in the community because of the fact they are black.


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This is the article I found

This article is about cultural discrimination in the workplace. Sarah Williams is a woman working in a mainly all-men workplace. She talks about all the harassment and discrimination she went through because she was a woman and couldn't do the job "as good" as the men. Beneatha also went through this with her trying to be a doctor, everyone told her she couldn't be a doctor because she is a woman. This happens in a lot of jobs that are mainly men working. 

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I found an article by Vox that covered five women of all different races that all experienced discrimination in the workplace. A Latina woman said her boss told her right to her face that "Latins suck". A black woman said her boss in HR referred to her using the "n-word" and told her that he thought she had disconnected from the call. I believe these are all examples of individual discrimination because it had to deal with their individual experiences with discrimination and it was interpersonal. This connects to the two books because characters in both had no problem throwing out slurs like the "n-word" and "negro" because that was the culture then, but in the US nowadays it has dwindled down a lot and it is really only a few bad apples that are racist and use this language in a workplace.

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Rey, Jason Del. “Amazon Hit by 5 More Lawsuits from Employees Who Allege Race and Gender Discrimination.” Vox, Vox, 19 May 2021, ." target="_blank" rel="noopener"> gender-discrimination-charlotte-newman.

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