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Discrimination Rese...
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Discrimination Research

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This article talks about discrimination in a school in North Carolina. A girl named Brooklyn Edwards was 15 at the time and a kid at school had pulled a piece of cotton out of their pocket and threw it on the ground while telling her to pick it up. After this incident had happened it was brought up in a school board meeting and apparently it wasn't the first time Brooklyn had been bullied for being a black student at her school.

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The article that I chose is "Hair Has Nothing to with Competency".  I chose this article because it shows how people with textured hair often get discriminatory remarks made about them.  Some are pressured to chemically change their hair to make it look "suitable" for work, while others have to because their place of work has a policy.  This relates to A Raisin in the Sun because of what Asagai said about Beneatha's hair.  Asagai makes some remarks about Beneatha's hair being chemically treated/straightened.  This relates to To Kill a Mockingbird because it falls under cultural discrimination and we do see some cultural discrimination in To Kill a Mockingbird.  One moment that I can think of off of the top of my head is when Mr Ewell spits in Atticus' face because he is defending a black man.  

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I think BLM is a great description of a group that had heard and seen enough so they made an organization BLM it had started with George Floyd's death by being killed by a group of police men by using an illegal move in the police for to subdue someone George Floyd had died from a knee to his neck and had been choked to death. There are many scenes where there were racist threats or comments in raisin in the sun and to kill a mocking bird book. Like how scout had been called weird for hangout with African Americans and when Mr. Lindner came to the house to offer to pay them to go live in a black neighborhood instead of a white one.  

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I found an article about a police officer going to court claiming self defense after he shot and killed 2 people at an anti-racism and anti police brutality riot. He claimed it was self defense from people in the riot attacking him. This incident set off many people at the riot and just gave them more reason to preach their belief. This article helps show cultural discrimination because their was a junior cop at a anti-racism riot that shot several people involved and he claims self defense which is always what happens with the white guy in this situation. This relates to To Kill a Mockingbird when there was a riot of men outside the Maycomb jail out to kill Tom Robinson and anyone who stood in their way of doing so. This relates to Raisin in the Sun with the severity of the consequences that those receive. Like there's more of an advantage to being a white cop in the scenario of who did what and believing who did it. Like when Mr. Lindner said he didn't understand why the family was racing the way they were to him trying to buy them out of his neighborhood as if he expected them to react in his favor just because of the money. This article shows that their is still discrimination today because although discrimination against race has gotten much better over the past century it definitely hasn't gone away, their is still riots and attacks over racism and many other discriminatory issues.


My article:  

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In this article, it talks about how since the Covid-19 pandemic, Asian people have been culturally discriminated against because people think that Asian people are to blame for the virus. And it talks about how Asians are being yelled at on the streets and they are more cautious now when they leave their homes. This relates To Kill A Mockingbird because whenever Atticus was out in public people would yell out 'n****r lover' because he defended a black man in court. This relates to Raisin in the Sun because the Youngers were being told by Lindner that they have a certain type of group living in this community and that they weren't part of the group.

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My article "White House Releases Plan to Promote Gender Equality" talks about institutionalized discrimination. It talks about gender discrimination and all the actions we should and will take to try and make everything more equal. This article made me think about the part in TKM when Scout's aunt is telling her she needs to be more ladylike and the part in RITS when George tells Benethea that she shouldn't talk so much or try so hard because she's a woman.

Link to article:

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