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Discrimination To Kill a Mockingbird Prep

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Cultural discrimination is definitely the most prevalent type of discrimination in the novel. I think there is some institutional discrimination with the whole trial and all, but so much more happens outside the courtroom that shows the cultural aspect of it. "'I wants to know why you bringin' white chillun to n*** church.'" (Lee 135) This quote shows how bizarre it was at that time for white and black people to join together in settings like this, and how both sides had their severe opinions of the other race. 

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I believe that cultural discrimination is the most prevalent in the book because a lot of the story is about how atticus defended a black man in court and everyone wanted to beat him up because of that reason of the guy being a black man. ¨ Do you defend N***, Atticus I asked him that evening.¨ Of course I do. Dont say N**, Scout.¨( Lee 83) This quote shows how people were questioning atticus defending this black man like he was different just because hes a different color skin. I think its cultural because Again everyone who is discriminating against others is because the color of their skin.  

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From watching the videos I think that cultural impact affected to kill a mocking bird the most because when Tom Robinson was in jail and Atticus was there and a mob of the townspeople showed up and were gonna kill him because he was black and was accused of raping Mr.Elwell's daughter Lee (15) and then at the trial for Tom Robinson the jury voted him to be guilty even though he didn't do it just because he was black so they thought he was lying. Mr. Ellwells daughter couldn't speak up for herself or tom Robinson because she was afraid of her dad beating and abusing her again. Lee (217)

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cultural discrimination was the most dominant type of discrimination in this book." white people wouldn't have anything to do with her because she lives among pig; Negroes wouldn't have anything to do with her because she was white."(Lee 218) this quote has a lot to do with cultural discrimination towards Scout and African Americans. I think that Jem just didn't quote understand the differences yet. 

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Both cultural and institutional are in TKM but I definitely agree that cultural discrimination is more prevalent in it. Cultural is the most prevalent because throughout the book it shows how most of the town just hates blacks and anyone who supports them. "You know what we want," another man said. "Get aside from the door, Mr. Finch." (Lee 172) A group of white men are coming to the jailhouse where they are going to beat or kill him just because someone said he raped and touched her. these men are gonna beat him just because a white man said one thing which isn't even true. when atticus is there to defend him for the night they most definitely would beat and or kill him to just to get to who they want.

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Both cultural and institutional are in TKM but I definitely agree that cultural discrimination is more prevalent in it. Cultural is the most prevalent because throughout the book it shows how most of the town just hates blacks and anyone who supports them. "You know what we want," another man said. "Get aside from the door, Mr. Finch." (Lee 172) A group of white guys was going down to beat and or kill tom because someone white said he raped and beat a girl even though it was all false. and then even in the trial, he lost with large evidence on his side because the majority of that town will always listen and favor a white man over a black.

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From everything I've seen To Kill a Mockingbird is Cultural Dominant. Cultural discrimination shows up a lot, especially in the trial. The trial is about a black man, Tom Robinson, who is accused of raping a white woman. No one believes that he didn't do it because he is a black man in a time period where they are not to be trusted at all.  "You know what we want," another man said. "Get aside from the door, Mr. Finch." (Lee 172) This is a very good example of how these people just jump to conclusions about someone of color without even knowing the whole story. This town is very racist towards people of color because that is the time period and what they know. Harper Lee grew up with this, this is her norm, and did a very good job making us feel what it was like back in that time period growing up like that. 

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Cultural discrimination is m ore prevalent in impacting the book. Many people's life in Maycomb was impacted by their views on race. This quote shows an example of how cultural discrimination affects the book, “Mr. Finch if you was a n**** like me you’d  be scared too.”(Lee 222). This quote shows that Negros would expect to be culturally discriminated against so they would automatically be scared of getting accused of some crime they didn't do just because they were black. 

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I believe that the type of discrimination that impacts To Kill a Mockingbird the most is cultural discrimination.  "Mr Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life." (Lee 198)

My Ewell does not like Atticus because he is defending a black man.  This quote shows that Mr. Ewell is racist and that this is cultural discrimination.

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I think cultural discrimination was the biggest discrimination "white people wouldn't have anything to do with her because she lives among pig Negroes wouldn't have anything to do with her because she was white."(Lee 218) Jem is saying that Scout is weird because she doesn't fit in based of of her skin color and that makes her weird but whats wrong with hanging out with African Americans this is a perfect quote for why cultural discrimination is a huge part of the book. 

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Cultural discrimination is most prevalent. "Do you defend n**s Atticus?" "Of course I do. Don't say 'n**' Scout. That's common." (Lee 85). This shows that the culture around them said the n-word all the time and wasn't told that it was bad. In Harper Lee's time, this word was used a lot just like with Scout. 

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To Kill A Mockingbird is a clear example of cultural discrimination. This is clear in the trial of Tom Robinson, where he is wrongfully convicted just because of his race. Scout and her brother are constantly harassed for their dad being the one to defend a black man. "Too proud to fight, you n-word lovin' bastard?" (Lee 248) This comes after the trial, where Bob Ewell continues to harass Atticus over defending Tom. Scout and Jem are also frequently called 'n-word lovers' or similar things  This is because its considered wrong in this time to defend black people, even if they did have more rights then they used to they were still heavily discriminated against.

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I think that cultural discrimination shows up the most in To Kill A Mockingbird. "He ain't company, Cal, he's just a Cunningham." (Lee 27) This shows that Scout talks down about them because they are in a lower class and she doesn't know any better. When Scout says this, it is a form of cultural discrimination.

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