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Step 2: Find an article that supports your understanding of discrimination.

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Now that you've posted your own definition and read the definitions of others, find an article that supports what you understand about discrimination.

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in this article that i read is say that discrimination can be about anything that has to do with a person from skin sex age height weight hair color. everyone can be discriminated and everyone is at some point. sometimes you don't even know that your doing it the way you might treat a person is you treat them with less respect or even think them as less intelligent. its a day to day act that sometimes we don't even know happens ''being treated with less courtesy and respect, or being treated as less intelligent or less trustworthy'' 

''Discrimination: What it is, and how to cope''  American Psychological Association October 31, 2019

08,September 2021

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I very much do agree people go about day to day not even knowing they do it.

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Subtle discrimination is a big deal, it's excluding people based on body, sexuality, race, and more. It doesn't really matter how you discriminate it is still all bad and ill-mannered. People don't realize that underneath every skin color, body shape, and religion that we are still all human beings. It doesn't mean that you can treat people differently.

Lindsey P. Alex, et. al. "Subtle Discrimination in the Workplace: A Vicious Cycle" Cambridge University Press: January 27, 2017, September 8, 2021

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This article is generally based on harassment and discrimination in the workplace. It has 5 different links that explain how they protect people against pregnancy in the workplace, equal pay in the workplace, age discrimination in the workplace, Disabilities in the workplace, and the civil rights act that was passed to make it illegal to discriminate against someone based on sex, race, color, religion or national origin. It then goes on to explain the laws involving these things in every state. 

I think this article really proves my definition because it shows all the laws and explains in detail what they are and how they fight the types of discrimination I stated.

Hentze, Iris and Tyus, Rebecca. "Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace".  National Conference of State Legislatures

Published on 8/12/2021 8 September 2021 

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Discrimination is treating people differently based on a person's characteristics. why might this happen? the human brain categorizes subjects based on how first seen, many occasions of discrimination are established by fear because they are afraid of different people's beliefs and characteristics. this happens all around the world, this can be maintained by focusing on your own values and strengths and motivate other people to succeed. 


Discrimination: What it is, and how to cope.,Tha t's%20the%20simple%20answer.>" target="_blank" rel="noopener">,That's%20the%20simple%20answer. [Accessed 8 September 2021].

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Maybe a reason why discrimination can be so common is that we unintentionally discriminate against others based on if someone was taught to think a certain way about a certain people by adults while we grew up.

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"Types of Discrimination". Discrimination has many different topics of discrimination ( age, race, etc). Discrimination is when you let certain people have something and then others not aloud too. This happens when people/ business have obligations for others but then others can't get it or its just people not wanting to nice/respectful to others. This is less common in today's world but it most definitely can happen if people let it but sometimes people don't know or how to deal with it. In my response to step 1 I said something along the line of " People not letting certain individuals do things". Well this article explains it that discrimination in the work place or in the world does happen when certain people have a problem with others.  

CDC. “Types of Discrimination.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15 Apr. 2021,

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with discrimination being less common in today's world, what do you think the best solution is to keep it that way in business environments? 

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what do you think is going to be the best solution to keep discrimination from becoming a huge problem?

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What makes you believe that discrimination happens less often in today's society?

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How does someone handle being discriminated by their race or religion? What types of discrimination goes more unnoticed than others?

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How do you think we could help people have more of an open minded mindset to help and keep the discrimination to a low? What are some ways you believe we could make discrimination stand out and be called out in any setting?  


I believe we could bring communities together to develop more of a friendly mixed culture environment, by public social events. I think by doing this it could also help bringing discrimination to the surface and calling it out together as one. Maybe even blow it up and create harsher punishments than just a bad look etc. 

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Disability Discrimination

Disability Discrimination in the workplace is when an associate or employee, while they meet the requirements, is treated differently because of their disability. Treating them differently includes but is not limited to hiring, firing, pay, tasks assigned, and harassment of any kind. To treat an employee differently is illegal. Employers must reasonably accommodate a disabled person unless it would largely expense the employer. A disability is an uncontrollable part of a person. They should not be excluded, treated differently, or harassed because of it. Although the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act have been amended, some disabled people are still discriminated against because of their disability. 


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This is a great start, but how could you make it stronger?

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I agree too, this is a very good start but how could you make it much stronger?

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I agree as well, maybe some in text citation to help strengthen his thought, evidence shown could help put the audience in the victims shoes. 

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I agree three


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what do you think would be the best way to stop this disability discrimination?

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Does this article have anything to strengthen your point? Such as examples of disabled people being discriminated, that maybe they have seen or heard of. 

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"Discrimination: What is it, and how to cope" is an article that accurately shares the definition of discrimination as prejudice against someone based on race, sex, disability, etc. They give examples of different types of discrimination, big and small, as well as providing different ways and resources for dealing with any discrimination you might face. They matched my definition of discrimination nearly word for word, and went into depth about the different types certain minority groups deal with.

"Discrimination: What is it, and how to cope" American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, October 31 2019, September 8 2021

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How many types of discrimination are there, and what types go more unnoticed?

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There's a lot of different subcategories - where it happens (ex. workplace, public, online) who it happens to (whether its religon, sexuality, racial, etc) as well as whether its something big like denying someone services because of their skin color, or something smaller (micro-aggressions) like a casual discriminatory comment. So how 'many' would depend on which category you choose to focus on, but out of all of them micro-aggressions seem to go unnoticed the most just because of how subtle they tend to be.

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"Sex-Based Discrimination"

A brief summary about the article; to start, it tells us that Sex discrimination is when you "treat someone unfavorably because of that person's sex, including the person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy." Especially in the workforce. It is unlawful to discriminate against one's sex. Your sex or sexual orientation should never prohibit you from getting a job. 

This connects to my definition because there are people who get discriminated against because of their sex. To which discrimination meant being treated poorly. 2021. Sex-Based Discrimination | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 September 2021].

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There are definitely scenarios where this type of discrimination is uncalled for. But in other situations or professions, it might be understandable. Like for instance, it's not often that you would see a man work as a daycare provider. 

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It's uncommon but is it inherently wrong for a man to be a daycare provider?

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I completely agree that sex/sexual orientation should not prohibit a person to be hired. If an employee were to be hired, what are some things they could be excluded from or be prohibited to do because of their sex/sexual orientation? Are there jobs/careers that discriminate more than others? 

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This article talks about how anybody can be discriminated against about basically anything. To discriminate against someone means to treat them differently, or less favorably, for some reason. These reasons could include race, hair color, skin color, or facial features. When you are being discriminated against you will feel targeted, singled out, or not good enough. This all connects to my information because I believe that discrimination is judging/putting someone down based on skin color/race/facial features, hair color, etc. 

"What Is Employment Discrimination? | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission". Eeoc.Gov, 2021,  Accessed 8 Sept 2021.


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What are some ways you think we could stop discrimination altogether? Do you think there will ever be a time where discrimination is not a thing anymore? 

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I don't believe there will ever be a time where discrimination is gone. I do believe that if we could stop the racial profiling in our essential workers such as police, EMT's, firefighters, etc. that could calm down discrimination quite a bit!

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Treating someone or a group of people differently and unfairly based on race,gender,age,sexual orientation. To help with dealing with discrimination you should focus on your strengths, Support systems, Get involved, Don't dwell over it, Help yourself think clearly, and seek some professional help. This supports my definition because I wrote the same.


 Discrimination: "What it is, and how to cope." American Psychological Association. (2019, October 31). September 8th, 2021.

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This is great! I totally agree with you that people should get help if dealing with issues from discrimination. There health should be number one priority. 

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I agree with the part when you said people should focus on their strengths and not get worried about what others think. I think you did a great job on this!

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Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The people involved within the article are the government dealing and creating a Civil Rights Act to have foreign citizens enter the country without being discriminated against and have freedom.  What has caused all this was when foreign citizens traveled to the U.S. and started getting judged and discriminated against because certain people thought that their kind don’t belong here.  This Title Act started when people would start judging people that looked, acted, felt, and believed differently from what they did.  This all happened because people started to discriminate against others which made it harder for them to apply for jobs, food, and housing.  All this suffering because of how many others thought of themselves as stronger and more powerful thinking of those with many different qualities as lesser people.  This connects with my definition because they both explain what discrimination is and who it targets in the bigger picture. 2021. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. [online] Available at: <>.

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"Gender equality is a human right, but our world faces a persistent gap in access to opportunities and decision-making power for women and men".

peace corps


Its talking about how we need gender equality in the world.

 my definition of discrimination is its a person or people being singled out in a negative way.  This connects to this article because women are being singled out and not getting the same opportunities as men. 

“Gender equality is a human right, but our world faces a persistent gap in access to opportunities and decision-making power for women and men.” peace corps . Date sept. 8, 2021

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I agree! Our society does not do well with gender equality

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Hey, I think that you did a good job of doing the task. I enjoyed reading it.

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agreed! gender equality is not handled how it should be in our society.

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I agree. Especially in jobs and careers, it is common for one gender to get paid more than the other even if the duties for each gender or person were the exact same. More so, it is common for males to get paid more. 

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"Discrimination by Type" is an article that shows all of the different types of discrimination. Discrimination can be against anyone. Most of the time discrimination is used against people of a certain race/color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc. People can be discriminated against by others using slurs, treating someone different than you would another person, making derogatory remarks, etc. A lot of the time discrimination happens because some people don't like that someone is different than them or the majority.

"Discrimination by Type" connects to my definition of discrimination by stating that discrimination is against all different types of people. It also showed that there is more than one way to discriminate against someone.

"Discrimination by Type" U.S.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, U.S.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 9/8/21

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In an article by American Psychological Association, they provided an overview on Discrimination. The article stated that Discrimination is "the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation". The article also said that people that have had to deal with discrimination have a higher stress level then people that have not been faced with discrimination. When I think about discrimination and the example provided by the American Psychology Association, I think about how some people don't have the same opportunity as other people. For example, how some families can pay for a schooling or torturing to help their kids while other parents don't have the money to.


"Discrimination:What it is, and how to cope. 

American Psychological Association 

American Psychological Association 2021  

8 September 2021    

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I agree that alot of parents dont have the money to torture their kids, they do that for free.

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Great job finding and stating a good example of discrimination. Do you think you could have found more information about your type of discrimination?

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This artical talks about how members of law enforcement such as police, security guards and even bouncers. Use racial profiling to create or look for a suspect. The artical states the this happens a substantial amounts.This is singling someone out base on skin tone or ethnisity. Someone should not be singled out or chosen just because of where they come from or the color of there skin. Racial Profiling. ProQuest, Ann Arbor, 2021. SIRS Issues Researcher, .

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I understand more about this issue now thankyou.

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i agree people because of there skin tone get picked out for racial profiling witch shouldn't happen

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racial profiling is a huge problem in our society! many of innocent people are being profiled as a suspect or criminal based on their skin color which needs to end!

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Texas just passed a "heartbeat bill" on abortions, meaning that women there cannot get an abortion after the fetus has a heartbeat, which occurs around six weeks into the pregnancy. Up to 90% of the states' abortions will be blocked. These women are still going to get abortions either way whether it's at a hospital or in a nonprofessional environment, which is highly dangerous. There are no exceptions in this law-meaning that if the woman was sexually assaulted, the child was from incest, the woman is young, and/or they aren't ready to have a child it still is to be born. Not only is this bill very discriminatory, but it also violates multiple rights which are guaranteed under international law. This is discriminatory because we are getting our rights taken away just because we are female and have reproductive organs.

Pilkington,Ed.“UN Experts CONDEMN Texas Abortion Law as Sex DISCRIMINATION 'AT Its Worst'.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 7 Sept. 2021,

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yes that bill really does being up a lot of problems and i think it was wrong of them to do that because it shouldn't be the states choice over someones body and life. and your right their some who that will get turned down and go someone to have it done where its not professional its more of s risk. 

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Yes this is a dangerous thing because people will go and have it done unprofessionally which could cause more problems. But there are many of alternatives to abortion such as putting your child u for adoption where you aren't taking the chance for someone to live away and you are helping out other women who sadly can't have children. 

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I see where you are coming from, but shouldn't that there be certain acceptions when it comes to this law? Some examples are if the pregnancy is due to sexual assault, incest, if the pregnancy is putting the mother's life at risk, or if the family doesn't have enough money to support another child- prenatal care is very expensive and includes a lot of doctors appointments, vitamins,etc.

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Dan Gordon the writer of the article, had talked to many scientist and teachers that did studies on discrimination between the different races. The results came back and almost all of the races came back the same results that a relationship between discrimination and increased risk of mental disorders were happening because of discrimination happening. But the study to make mental health better will always be an ongoing thing. Gilbert Glee was a professor that Gordon got to talk to about the study of discrimination. Gee studied mostly on the Asian American population and how they have been affected from discrimination and all the results came back to be just like the others. Gordon also got to meet another professor Vickie Mays who was able to collaborate and do a study on how discrimination over time can affect how the brain processes and is affected by it. Mays has tried to coordinate a public health effort so that discrimination can be taken care of. It connects to my definition because it shows that discrimination is towards people for their race. 

Gordon, Dan. “Discrimination Can Be Harmful to Your Mental Health.” UCLA, UCLA, 14 Jan. 2016,



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This article is a pretty good article because it shows how it's not just one race that is affected if they're discriminated against, but rather how everyone of all races can be affected.

Also, on your definition, like the article said, there are more factors than race alone. It can be sexual orientation, gender identity, etc... But yes, you are correct with race being a factor for sure.

Overall, good definition and article explaining your definition to support it.

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seeing you use stats and not opinions is amazing. 

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when rosa parks was told to go to the back of the bus it was because of her skin color, but when she stood up to them she was locked up for not doing as she was told. this is when the colored people had to attend different schools and be treated wrong. she shouldn't have been locked up for standing up for the others it was affecting.
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Everyone has the right to and deserves equality, no matter your race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disabilities, and other things. It's terrible to have heard or known of instances where someone gets treated differently or harassed/bullied just because they are seen as "different" from the "normal." Discrimination is when certain people are not able to enjoy their human or legal rights because of unjust treatment. Discriminatory laws and practices are being fought all over the world to make a change. This article summery connects to my definition of discrimination because I simply said that discrimination is treating of people differently just because of something like race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, and that's exactly what this article was about. (Discrimination | Amnesty International, 2021)

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I have never looked at discrimination the trough an equality approch and this has given me in site on that. I think the same way and I can see the similarities in our arguments such as not basing something of another persons color of skin or ethnic background.

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Very well said!

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