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Step 2: Find an article that supports your understanding of discrimination.

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Have you ever heard the expression "This is America. We eat meat, We drink beer, and We speak English"? That is Xenophobia. Xenophobia is disliking anyone different from you in language, race, skin color, etc... For Asians, a common misconception with their English is that their R's and L's sound the same. As a person learning Korean, I can say that when I say some Korean words, yes, the R's and L's are a little tricky, but them sounding the same is not true. The character for those letters is the same, but it's not always meant to sound the same. And to close this summary after my rant there, I would like to say that in trying to force our "American ways" on foreigners, we are in a sense taking away part of their identity, and to be in a place of not even knowing who you are in one of the worst places to be.

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My source:

Kim, Young Richard. “‘This Is America. We Speak American Here!’ | Opinion.” Newsweek, Young Richard Kim, 23 Apr. 2021,

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I think this is a great explanation for Xenophobia. My best friend is Asian American and she's been discriminated against by her own friends. It's gross how Xenophobia has been so normalized in the past with making fun of people from different countries and their pronunciation of words in movies, tv shows, on the news, etc. I'm glad through the progress of history how we've acknowledged how wrong it is and though it's still mainly prominent even today, we've been trying to do better.  

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My article explains and talks about each different group of people, race, etc. that face discrimination and how we all have the right to be treated equally, regardless of our race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, class, etc and how there are different discriminations such as direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, and intersectional discrimination. The author explains each type very well and has a lot of information about each topic. A good example of gender discrimination is menstruation and the stigma around it and how it's viewed as natural but disgusting and should not really be talked about which is why Samikshya Koirala is a part of an Amnesty International student group that aims to banish the gloomy attitude around menstruation. 

"Discrimination | Amnesty International". Amnesty International, 2021,

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In the article “Discrimination: What it is, and how to cope”, the American Psychological Association states that discrimination is the “unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation.  This article also touches on different laws that are in place to protect people against discrimination, like The Fair Housing Act and The Civil Rights Act.  The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the sale and rental of dwellings on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability.  The Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, prohibit any discrimination employment on the basis of race, color, sex, ethnic origin, age and disabilities.  This connects to my definition of discrimination because both my definition and this article say that discrimination has to do with leaving someone out or treating someone unfairly because of what they believe in (religion) and how they look (race or otherwise).

"Discrimination: What it is, and how to cope"  American Psychological Association October 31, 2019



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The article I chose goes over all the different types of discrimination. Usually, when people think of discrimination they think of race, color, or sexual orientation discrimination but there are many more different kinds. There is age discrimination, disability discrimination, religious discrimination and more. Each type of discrimination is explained in the most direct definition possible like age discrimination being disrespected or given less employment opportunities because of their age. The article also went over the laws under the different types of discrimination and if they are legally protected against people mistreating them, for example: disability discrimination there are laws against them being discriminated for having a mental or physical disability and are completely legally allowed to be hired, fired, trained, and any other terms, conditions or privileges of employment. This article relates to my definition of discrimination because it thoroughly explains how mistreating someone for their race, sexual orientation or their opinion, works and what types of discrimination are protected against in the law.


“Types of Discrimination.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15 Apr. 2021,

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I agree that most people only think of color, sex, or race, and I think people need to realize just how many different types of discrimination there are.

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In my article that I read I didn't think i was going to like it because of all the rainbows but as I started reading it almost restated my definition of discrimination “ explicit distinction is made between groups of people” (Duishenova), my definition was people being mean to people whom look different, but with this article being more then one sentence long it states all the different types of discrimination. The author also includes many different types of personal stories and how the different types of discrimination can be seen in a day to day life setting. Having a perspective from someone whom is disabled and has experienced these things opens my eyes a little more then what they were, just from reading her personal stories.


Duishenova,Gulzar. DISCRIMINATION amnesty internatinal 9/13/2021

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My definition of what I think discrimination looks like. When you look at someone and think that they are not equal to you or someone else. I think employment discrimination is a huge problem in the world right now. Racial, sex, and religion have a problem with pay weather your in a male dominated work force or female dominated workforce, if a male is in a female dominated work place the male with most likely be payed a smaller hourly and yearly wage then the female and vise versa. But it's a little different with racial and religion with employment discrimination they are businesses that can be “racised” to a certain group of people same thing with religion. People shouldn't get different pay just because of what racial, sex, or religion.



State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights. “Employment Discrimination.” State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, State of Maryland, Accessed 15 Sept. 2021.


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I can agree with your definition of discrimination because I think you backed it up with strong examples.

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Discrimination can happen anywhere from school, work anywhere all the way to your own home. discrimination can happen to anyone from your friend, teachers co-workers and your managers anyone can discrimination any for anything. unfair treatment all because of sex, age, pregnancy, identity, race, religion. to discrimination someone is to treat them as if they were below you to treat them with little to no respect. the EEOC try's to protect you from employment discrimination. because of your race race, ages 40 and older, sex, pregnancy, and religion, also disability. other laws can protect you from discrimination at school. "To "discriminate" against someone means to treat that person differently, or less favorably,".

"What is Employment Discrimination?" U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 15 september 2021.

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I really like your definition for discrimination because it shows every way that and place that it could happen in. Not just work but people at school or at home also.

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This article talks about the baseline of discrimination and what it means. People are treated poorly or differently for race, religion, sexuality, etc. Discrimination can be found in many public places, especially businesses. The EEOC is an organization dedicated to preventing discrimination in businesses. It sets laws that protect employees from crude environments. This also protects employees from disclosing any information that they don’t feel comfortable sharing.(ex. medical) This connects to my definition from the discrimination question, because it talks about how people get treated badly for race, religion, etc. “What Is Employment Discrimination?” U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,

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This is a great definition for discrimination. I like the part where it tells us that people can be protected. How they don't have to speak about something if they don't feel comfortable about it. It makes sure that the person feels safe for who they are at all times.

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I strongly agree, I think that you used the words in a nice manner. I think Discrimination needs to be talked about way more. People need to stay educated about Discrimination and this article is perfect for that. 

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The web page "Religion or Belief Discrimination" talks about the different types of religious discrimination and when it is lawful or not. Religion or belief discrimination is when one person treats another person differently because of their religion or beliefs. People are protected from religious discrimination because of the Equality Act. The 4 main types of discrimination are direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment, and victimization. Being discriminated against because of your beliefs is unlawful in most situations. There are, however, situations where discrimination is lawful. Lawful discrimination usually pertains to a job.

“Religion or Belief Discrimination.” Religion or Belief Discrimination | Equality and Human Rights Commission, September 13, 2021.

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I have not been discriminated against personally for believing in my religion but I have seen it happen around me and it's sad, to say the least. It's awful that people in many countries can't practice their beliefs, are discriminated against or are forced into one religion because of ignorant people. 

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"Young Sikhs Still Struggle With Post September 11 Discrimination" Even 20 years after the attack on the World Trade Center, Young Sikhs still struggle with discrimination. Tejpaul Bainiwal, a 25 year old doctoral at the University of California, states he got into his fair share of fist fights in high school due to bullying, and people tugging at his turban. He and other Sikh families even considered to stop showing signs of faith after an attack on other Sikhs, which ended up getting 7 worshippers killed. Many other cases of discrimination towards Sikhs happen often. Another case, a child getting ready for a relatives birthday party, when family learned of their uncles murder. Her father came home crying, and they knew something was wrong. Their uncle was always giving out candy in front of stores, and we was murdered for being discriminated due to his beliefs and what he wore. Murders like this happen all the time, and its only because of what others who have the same beliefs as him did.

Nasir, Anita Snow And Noreen, and Associated Press. “Young Sikhs Still Struggle with Post-Sept. 11 Discrimination.” WJXT, WJXT News4JAX, 7 Sept. 2021,

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To summarize, anyone can be discriminated against. Whether it's race religion or sex, it's not bound to just race and sex. The article talks mainly about the workforce and employment and how it could boil down to anything like being pregnant or having certain views. The article also gets into different types of descrimination. For example like harassment and unfair treatment.


Hard, Deaf. “Whit is Employment discrimination.” U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2015, . Accessed 13 september 2021.

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I like how you summarized the article.  You really made me understand the article without even looking at it.  I like the many different ways you went at summarizing it not only did you hit the main parts of the article but also made it simple and right to the point.

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         In the article I have picked they go over many different types of discrimination.  The article also clearly supports my definition because most of the types of discrimination are singling out groups of people like I had said. This article also talks about lots of like groups being singled out like race and many others.   In the article it goes more into depth about gays and how they are getting singled out/ discriminated against in the world we are in right now.  There are many reasons they believe they are being singled out as well.

“Discrimination.” Amnesty International, 2021,


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This was good, but all you said was how people get singled out. But you said it in 5 different ways. You could go more into depth.

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I think this is a good start, I think your definition of discrimination could be put into a few more words rather than just saying discrimination is singling people out because there is a bit more to it than picking someone out of a group. Maybe you could go into more depth about what types of discrimination are being seen and why they might be happening. It is my understanding that discrimination can be seen in many different formats not only avoiding or not picking someone because of certain characteristics they might have, which is a part of it but it could also be seen as bullying or harassment/assault as well as simply not treating someone like they have human rights by giving them bad service or glaring at them. 

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The article explains how discrimination is based on how people re treated differently based on things like their race or ethnicity. Major findings in discrimination happen when people are trying to find housing, employment and in consumer markets. Discrimination may be motivated by different things like prejudice, stereotypes, and racism. Although discrimination doesn't underlay any unique cases. This relates to my definition because I said how discrimination is based on different treatment because of different type of people or their things and this article explains how it can be based off of race, ethnicity or something different someone has.

Devah Pager, Hana Shepherd. "The Sociology Of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination In Employment, Housing, Credit, And Consumer Markets". Pubmed Central (PMC), 2021,

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Dicrimination, in my personal opinion, is the act of treating someone different, or not equal, based on a specific atribute of that person. The article I found describes cases of age discrimination, and explains that since 2010, any discrimination based on age, in the workplace, or even during employment, goes against the Equality Act. Sometimes its even trying to give older people advantages, in an attempt to be nice, that is unlawful. But I believe that age discrimination is the most occuring kind of discrimination.


“Age Discrimination.” Age Discrimination | Equality and Human Rights Commission, 17 Feb. 2020,

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I'd like to add that I believe the most widely known occurring kinds of discrimination are discrimination against people of certain skin colors and people who are a part of the lgbtqia+ community. 

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People with dark skin are degrading because people with white skin are more than people with back skin, Tentative progress is being made. Tunisia is the first Arab country to have passed an anti-racism law. An intense discussion about racism emerged there after the 2011 revolution. It resulted from a vibrant civil society making use of the freedom of expression. In October 2018, the Tunisian Parliament passed a law that defined racism and made racist statements and deeds punishable by law.

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Discrimination connects to my article because it explains what discrimination is. Research shows that when people are exposed to discrimination it can cause bad health. Studies have shown that people are having anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, hypertension and diabetes. Racial discrimination is mostly harmful to people in the united states that have had racism experiences in the past. Racial discrimination is common among 60% of minorities which has been a major health problem since 2016.

Causadias, Jose M. “Racial Discrimination in the United States: A National Health Crisis That Demands a National Health Solution.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 1 Feb. 2019,

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How many people has discrimination affected medically since 2016?

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The article that I used is from healthy people and it basically goes over how discrimination is a key social issue and it can affect health in others. There are many different ways to discriminate against someone and this article clarifies that well.  

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 This article talks about how gender discrimination is generally found in workplaces. It says that there was a law made to strictly prohibit discrimination of sex, religion, gender, or national origin. It also says that until 1963 it was legal to pay women less than men.” women earned 59 percent of what men earned for the same job, or for every dollar a man earned, a woman earned 59 cents.” This ties to my definition because we both said the same thing. 

   ”(Editorial, Inc. “Gender Discriminations - Encyclopedia - Business Terms.”, Inc., 30 Nov. -1,

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I believe discrimination happens in a lot of other places too such as school, just out in public, or maybe even at home. But I agree that it is generally found in workplaces. Women are not only discriminated against by sex, religion, gender, or national origin but it could also be if they are pregnant or not. 

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This article talks about how unfair people are treated because of their skin and how many unfair advantages there are. People can be discriminated against in so many different ways and in so many different situations. This article on Unequal Opportunities states “Texas has found that on every tangible measure—from qualified teachers to curriculum offerings—schools serving greater numbers of students of color had significantly fewer resources than schools serving mostly white students.”(Linda Darling-Hammond pg.1) 


I think this article proves my definition of discrimination because some kids didn’t get as many resources and as many opportunities because their skin was a different color. 

Darling-Hammond, Linda. “Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education.” Brookings, Brookings, 28 July 2016,

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People are not only discriminated against their race, but also their gender and sexuality. What are the disadvantages?

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In this article we see that Texas has lifted anti discriminatory laws for social workers. They are now able to reject a client on the basis or sexual orientation, gender identity and disability status. This is horrible considering that social workers are so very important to communities, especially to those in the LGBTQ+ and disabled community. These people now can't get the support they need to help with their mental health, and this is only one of the many Texas regulations put in place that prohibit LGBTQ+ rights. This includes a law that adoption agencies can deny those who want a child on the basis of gender identity, sexual orientation and religion. These types of laws are literally stopping children from getting loving homes and stopping parents from receiving a child they would care for and love. Adoption agencies are now allowed to keep children without families because they personally don't agree with someones choices, despite the fact that that household could be above suitable for the needs of the child. 

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