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Step 2: Find an article that supports your understanding of discrimination.

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The article i chose is talks about employment discrimination and mentions the laws that are in place to help protect people who are being affected by this ongoing issue. the articles definition of discrimination is "To "discriminate" against someone means to treat that person differently, or less favorably, for some reason. Discrimination can occur while you are at school, at work, or in a public place, such as a mall or subway station. You can be discriminated against by school friends, teachers, coaches, co-workers, managers, or business owners." The articles definition is similar to my definition but the author added more to their definition by talking about where discrimination is commonly seen.  

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this sounds like an informative article, i dont think work discrimination is talked about as much as discrimination in places like schools, or in stores, to customers, ect.

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The article I found was about discrimination. My original discrimination definition was "Singling someone out based on something about them." My article connects to this because someones religion has to do with them. The article talked about the laws surrounding religion in the workplace. People are allowed to wear certain things such as a yarmulke in the workplace for example. There are also protections for things like hairstyles and facial hair. Employers also have to be flexible with their schedules, accommodating for religious holidays. The law also forbids giving or taking a position from someone based on their religious beliefs. In summary, there are laws protecting people from religious discrimination in the workplace. 

"Religious Discrimination" | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


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This article covers all the major parts of discrimination religiously. Examples are religious discrimination at work, religious harassment, religious segregation, and many more. This article really proves that discrimination can happen everywhere and at any time, even if you don't realize it. Discrimination doesn’t stop, it happens all around the world, because you are different, or you don't have the same beliefs. People will find anything to discriminate against because they're different.  

Religious discrimination, U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission September 21, 2021,

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Summary: This article explains the history of discrimination types of all kinds, racial discrimination, discrimination against women, economic discrimination, and discrimination outside of the US. It explains what they are and a brief history of each along with it to try and explain why these discriminations exist. This connects to my definition of choosing one person over another based on personal opinion or bias because it could be for a multitude of reasons besides just race or religion
Article Citation: "Discrimination." Encyclopedia. Issues & Controversies, Infobase, Accessed 7 Sept. 2021.
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this article explains what discrimination is in general and what the different types of discrimination there are


Amnesty International. 2021. Discrimination. [online] Available at: <>   [Accessed 30 September 2021].

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Your article is a lot like mine because mine talks about discrimination in general and what the different types of discrimination are 

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More than 6 in 10 transgender people have felt discriminated against . The covid-19 pandemic has only worsened these statistics. As a community we need to work together to make them feel like they belong. This article shows how discrimination can make indivisuals that are different then societys standards feel as though they don't belong.

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This article explains what discrimination is and how you can cope with discrimination. This article supports my definition because it shows exactly what discrimination is and how everyone is affected by discrimination in their own ways. This article gives you all of the steps on how to cope with the stress made on you from discrimination. 

(Discrimination: What it is, and how to cope, 2021) 

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I believe discrimination is suppressing and targeting a certain group, religion, race, belief, or quality, etc. due to the inability to accept. This article is a good example because it has many examples of different discrimination and how it effects -people.  

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My article talks about racism and how it's not ok to stereotype and judge people by the color of their skin there humans to and they deserve to be treated like everybody else.

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"The LGBTQ+ Panic Defense" This article summarizes how some people, who end up killing or abusing people of the LGBTQ+ community, solely because they are apart of the LGBTQ+ community, and had some sort of "panic" because of it, that ended up with killing/hurting them. The article uses most examples where people got lesser offences, because they used this defense. While this isn't a legal defense, it is still used to strengthen cases, and used to try and excuse their actions. It's horrible to try and use a defense, saying you panicked because of someone else's sexuality or gender identity, ect. Especially in terms of murder or abuse.

Holden, Alexandra. "The Gay/Trans Panic Defense: What It is, and How to End It" AmericanBarAssociation, 31 March, 2020. 9 September, 2021.

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Joined: 3 years ago this article supports my opinion about discrimination by talking about what the different types of discrimination are and what they look like and has a lot of good information 

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this breaks down and explains what is discrimination and all types and examples of it \

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