TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble
25. It's My Symbol ...
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25. It's My Symbol and I'll Cry If I Want To

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Foster says in this chapter that he wants the readers not to dismiss what the primary text is saying, although you should still pay attention to the under text and the second meaning to a message in reading. Try to recognize hidden symbols in the readings while also recognizing the original meaning. It might not be present at first, but with persistence and practice you can recognize hidden symbols in text. Foster mentions that even not as practiced readers can discover hidden symbols in movies, TV, music, and more. 

An example Foster mentions is Moby-Dick, how even the many hidden symbols won't be able to save a story, it has the primary meaning of the story but also secondary implications that may be hard to recognize. 

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One book that has many hidden symbols is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Although these messages are hidden, they are still very important and when it is all put together the symbols add a huge adition to the plot, completely changing the story. Between hidden creatures, an unknown identity, and other sorts of discoveries the book has many hidden messages. Mysteries and books that require solving overall would fit Fosters rule here overall since these sort of books lead to many primary parts of the story, even if they are just minor hidden symbols.

Pretty Little Liars is one of the examples of a TV show that has many hidden symbols. As these symbols are uncovered, mysterys unfold and it adds to the plot in a great way. Without the hidden symbols the story would not be as good as it is now. 

Another hidden symbol in a story is the rose from Beauty and the Beast. In the beginning the rose is protected by the beast, but for a while it is not told why. It is a sacred thing to the beast and Bell is not supposed to go near it. Towards the end of the story, the tale of the beast and the rose is told. That rose represented how long he had to have someone fall in love with him before the rose wilted and he died. This hidden symbol is arguably the most important part of the plot and again, although it is a minor hidden symbol, it is much more important than it appears.
