TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble
26. Is He Serious? ...
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26. Is He Serious? And Other Ironies

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Ironies are always in Lit even when you don't see it. It trumps everything. 


This chapter talks about how irony occurs on a variety of levels. 


From Foster:

"You character crashes his car into a billboard but is unhurt because his seat belt functioned as designed. Then before he can get it off, the billboard teeters, topples, and crushes him. Its message? Seat belts save lives" (255).


This is one of my favorites:

In the movie ParaNorman, Neil and Norman become friends. Neil asks Norman if he would be able to see his dead dog Bub. he goes on to explain that he was run over by the animal rescue van and follows it up with "tragic and ironic". 

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One example I'd like to add to this is William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. We as readers are aware that Juliet has taken a sleeping potion to fake her death, but unfortunately for Romeo who believes she is really dead, he proceeds to actually kill himself to be with the love of his life. After she awakens, Juliet discovers that Romeo has taken his life to be with her and in turn does the same thing. This is made to fill the readers with anticipation and places them in a powerless position, given that the main characters could have gotten their "happily ever after" had Romeo not acted so quickly.
