TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble
Never Stand Next to...
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Never Stand Next to the Hero

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Chapter 10: Never Stand Next to the Hero


Quick summary/ main point= Heroes tend to be driven by anger or selflessness which leads to them ignoring the reasonable options they could have chosen, ultimately leading to the downfall of the heroes supporters or others who are close to them because of the heroes actions. 


Examples of literature: The Iliad, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Last of the Molhicans


Examples of pop culture: Rebel Without a Cause (1955), Saturday Night Fever (1977), Top Gun (1986)


Other examples: Spider Man, Star Wars, Harry Potter 


Peter Parker, aka Spider Man, did not listen to his uncle's words of advice when he gained his spider super powers. His uncle told him that “with great power comes great responsibility,” but Peter decided to ignore his words which brought the downfall of his uncle. Peter used his power to win some money at a wrestling tournament. He did not get his prize money so he had a thief take it for him but the thief ended up killing his uncle. His uncle had his life taken because of Peter’s mistakes. 

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I like how this chapter has ties to chapter 8 (It's Greek to Me).  It provides a very interesting take on Greek stuff like mythology.  I agree with your quick summary/main point.
