TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble
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Chapters 16-18 (pages 149-175)

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We have now reached the big moments between Nurse Ratched and McMurphy where they are battling for control on the ward. Your response is very open-ended and broad this week:

*Who should win the battle for control of the ward, Ratched or McMurphy, and why? What would be the consequences for your pick winning? *Please point to evidence from earlier in the book in addition to this section. Find pieces that best support what would be lost and/or what would be gained based on past events, actions, and reactions. Think about the full dynamics of the ward: the patients (Chronics, Acutes, Vegetables), the doctors, the nurses, the orderlies. How would what you choose affect all aspects of the ward?

*If it helps, feel free to write this more as a list with explanations and evidence than one big paragraph.


*Make sure to reply at least twice--(it could be to two different posts or twice on the same post if someone replies to you). 

*Look through a previous chapter's discussion and reply to at least one person.

Remember that when you reply to a post your task is to help create discussion: ask questions; ask for clarification; offer your different point of view; offer agreement and additional support; play devil's advocate. 

Offer at least a solid paragraph in your replies. 

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At the moment, I think Nurse Ratched is winning the battle for control over the ward. While McMurphy definitely has had a big impact on the ward (and probably a lasting one), it seems like the Big Nurse is starting to get him figured out. My prediction based on the way things are going is that Nurse Ratched will eventually win and gain complete control over McMurphy just like she has for the rest of the patients. It will definitely take longer because of the stir that he’s caused and because of his strong personality, but she’ll probably get to him eventually. This would leave the ward pretty much the way it’s always been and the patients would just continue to be brainwashed and treated unfairly. In the long run, McMurphy winning would be better for the ward but most likely will not happen. Here’s a few examples:

-McMurphy thought he had knocked Nurse Ratched down a couple pegs when he and the other patients abandoned their work to sit in front of the blank TV screen in protest. Yet, he noticed that, “she acts like she still holds all the cards up that white sleeve of hers” (Kesey 169). That’s because she does. At the staff meeting the Big Nurse tells everyone working on the ward that, “If we just wait for a while, our hero will...give up his bit…We have weeks, or months, or even years if need be...The length of time he spends in this hospital is entirely up to us” (Kesey 158).

-McMurphy was assigned to latrine duty as a little statement from the Big Nurse, but he pushed right back and constantly tried (and occasionally succeeded) to get her annoyed. However, when McMurphy talked to the pool lifeguard from Disturbed who was constantly being detained and brainwashed into thinking he wasn’t ready for the world yet, he learned that when you’re committed it’s up to the ward to decide when to let you go. From then on he was very agreeable with the staff and very quiet. “The next day he surprised everybody on the ward by getting up early and polishing that latrine till it sparkled...surprised everybody but the Big Nurse; she acted like it was nothing surprising at all” (Kesey 172).

-The biggest reason I think Nurse Ratched is winning and will win is because she is extremely patient. When McMurphy kept interrupting the group meeting she should’ve been getting really agitated, but her eyes were, “...painted on with an expression that says I can wait, I might lose a yard now and then but I can wait, and be patient and calm and confident, because I know there’s no real losing for me” (Kesey 113). This proves my point precisely in supporting why Nurse Ratched will probably end up winning.

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I really enjoy the different perspective from mine. I believe the opposite about who will win the battle, but when reading your response I really understood where you are coming from. You had a lot of really good points and quotes that supported your argument.  

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I really like the ending paragraph where you say that Miss Ratchet will just wait it out until McMurphy makes a mistake. It really emphasizes the fact that Miss Ratchet never really lost her temper and just out waited him until he made a mistake. When she said "there is no real losing for me" she really was right, because she got to go home every day and McMurphy was stuck in the ward with no real escape.   

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I wrote that I thought McMurphy would win the battle, so I really enjoyed reading a perspective different from mine. You had really strong examples and reasoning as to why Nurse Ratched will probably end up winning, like how she ultimately controls everything that happens in the ward, including when people leave. I also really liked how you brought up Nurse Ratched's patience in dealing with McMurphy and how that might give her the upper hand in this battle.

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As of right now in the book, I think Nurse Ratched is winning control over the ward. Personally, I would like to see McMurphy get the control because I think he would better the patient's life but I do not think that will happen. She has all the people on her side that will make sure she stays in control. So, even if McMurphy has all the patients on his side, it does not matter because they will not listen to what they say. Nurse Ratched will end up winning control over McMurphy and the whole ward again as she has in the past. It might take a little longer because of the battle between the two right now, but in the end, she will win like always because their system is wrong. They never care to consider the patient’s thoughts because they do not treat them like real human beings who have a say. That is why I would like to see McMurphy gain control because I think he would give them the say they deserve. 

There was a moment when they were all in the meeting discussing why McMurphy would not be a good fit running the ward and one guy suggests that McMurphy is not really mentally ill and is just pretending. When this was said they all turned on him, “This man is not only very very sick, but I believe he is definitely a Potential Assaultive. I think that is what Miss Ratched was suspecting when she called this meeting” (Kesey 154). So, instead of reconsidering their ideas they just ruled what he said out and agreed that Miss Ratched calling the meeting was the right thing to do. While reading it is easy to tell that they are all in favor of Miss Ratched and will just continue to go along with whatever she wants, instead of considering the idea that she could be in the wrong. 

Now they have all agreed that McMurphy should be sent to disturbed because he is that dangerous. And once again they are just doing what she wants them to, “They all laugh. They’re all more relaxed now, certain they’ve come round to the plan she was wanting” (Kesey 156). So, just trying to please Nurse Ratched, they have decided to get rid of McMurphy so he is no longer in the competition for control. 

Those examples show why I think Nurse Ratched is going to win control of the ward. Everyone seems to be on her side, but I think if they were to consider the patient's thoughts, the results would be different. McMurphy cared more about the patients the first day he got there than the Nurse has ever cared. He went around asking everyone how they were and if something looked wrong, he would make sure to address it. The Nurse has never had her best interests in the patients and it shows by how miserable they all are.

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I really like the fact that you gave all of your side of the argument in the first part of the reply but still gave a counterclaim. The last paragraph really adds strength to the argument and shows that you know what you are talking about. Nice quotes and great facts that you use to back them up.   

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I like your second to last paragraph because it shows that McMurphy would just be taken out of the running. It's almost like he is just ignored until he either quits or is unable to cause a fuss. 

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My view is very similar to yours in that I would like to see McMurphy win but don't think he's going to. Nurse Ratched seems like she has more connections, like you said, that could help her get the upper hand. Her colleagues/employees and other ward staff all acknowledge that she is in control and it may be hard for that to change, no matter how much of a disturbance McMurphy causes. Siting the staff meeting as evidence really helps your point and was a good choice of evidence.

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I agree that McMurphy should be the one to win this battle, but I enjoyed reading your reasoning as to why it looks like Nurse Ratched will probably end up winning. Your point about the staff at the ward was a very strong one because it shows how much authority she has and how no one will question what she does, even if it is wrong. She has so many people on her side that it does seem very unlikely for McMurphy to gain control, even if he would be better for the ward than Nurse Ratched.

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I enjoy while our perspectives are different you explaining your reasoning that Mcmurphy should run the ward. Realistically we feel the same that Nurse Ratched will just take over. I understand your want for the power to change but if you really think about it Mcmurphy is one of the few not in the ward voluntarily. I think that was one of my main reasons for not considering him a good fit to run the ward. 

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I agree that Nurse Ratched has an advantage to this battle as the entire ward is on her side, this changes the dynamics of the fight yet I wish McMurphy realized this going into the fight. Because if he did, maybe the fight could be fairer and he would have a better chance at winning. Due to his relentless and prideful character, I don't see any character development happening before the battle so he is at a loss cause here. 

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I really like how you touch on how you notice that Nurse Ratched has control over the ward no matter what the others do to try and change that. You acknowledge that she has the advantage of making it so that the staff ignores the patients and doesn't allow them to let the patients take any control over the ward.

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For the overall running and day to day life of the ward, I believe that The Big Nurse is winning. She is controlling and she knows what she is talking about. However, I think that McMurphy should win the battle. He is much more fun for the patients and does not hold back what his opinion is at all. He is sarcastic and tells Mrs. Ratchet what he believes no matter the consequences. When Mrs. Ratchet is talking to McMurphy about his abysmal job at cleaning the bathroom she says “Why this is an outrage… and outrage.” (160) to which McMurphy replies “No; that’s a toilet bowl… a toilet bowl” (160) He is showing no restraint and giving her a piece of his mind but he is doing it subtly. 


So let’s say that McMurphy takes control of the ward, what would happen? I think that many things could go wrong. For one the patients could start to rebel and there would be no sort of order. McMurphy would have no power over the Black Boys so they would be no help to him either. He does have some power of the Doctor though, which could help him a little bit, but overall I do not think that the Doctor has a lot of say when it comes to the workings of the ward. “The doctor doesn;t hold the power of hiring and firing, that power goes to the supervisor, and the supervisor is a dear old friend of Miss Ratchet’s…” (63) One thing that the patients on the ward would love is the fact that McMurphy could get them access to more TV and less work. He would also add to the amount of fun that the ward has however. He enjoys singing “My wagons are loaded, my whips in my hand”(92) just as much as he enjoys playing cards “Who runs these card games?” (19) 


The biggest downfall of McMurphy running the ward would be for the Vegetables and the chronics. They are not as boisterous as him and his lack of understanding could cause major catastrophe. This could result in death and failure of the ward it’s self. Although I think that McMurphy is on the track to win against Miss Ratchet, I think that she would be the best person to run the ward. She knows what she is talking about and understands the different levels of ability for all of the patients. I still do not like her though. 

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Our opinions are fairly similar in the sense that we both think that the Nurse Ratchet is winning but at the end of the day, it should be McMurphy. I also think you did a really good job intertwining the two quotes of them having a conversation together. 

Also, thought it was interesting how you express your concerns about if McMurphy would win. I agree 100% with what you were saying though. I like how even when you express your concerns with him winning, you still went into detail about the positives about what could happen, "One thing that the patients on the ward would love is the fact that McMurphy could get them access to more TV and less work". I think it's important that we still look at the good that could come out of McMurphy running the ward. 

Overall, I was very pleased with what you wrote and I think you do a very good job explaining why you feel the way you do but also give a counterclaim. Good work! 

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My view over who should run the ward was pretty much the same. Although I think Nurse Ratched has more power and is more likely to maintain control of the ward, we think similarly about what good can come from McMurphy gaining control. I think we also agree that McMurphy wouldn't be able to handle taking care of the ward in a more sensible way besides just having fun. I think you made a good point on how neither the black boys or the doctor would give him any support. I'm curious on why you think the patients would start to rebel. Would they be rebelling against just the ward staff like they have already started to do or do you think they would start to rebel against McMurphy as well? Another good point you make is how McMurphy running the ward would be detrimental to those patients that need more care (vegtables/chronics). It would be very likely that he would neglect them even more than the Nurse which could kill them. We both agree that even though she's not a good person, Nurse Ratched is better equipped to run the ward and take care of things that are important. You did a great job have a nice variety of quotes as well from different sections of the book that are relevant to what you are talking about as well.

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Currently the battle is won by Nurse Ratched not only because of her experience with the individual patients but also the amount of control she has over them. If Mcmurphy was to win control of the ward it would not go well. Even though he is much more personable than Ratched he would also get walked all over. This new redheaded Admission, McMurphy, knows right away he’s not a Chronic. After he checks the day room over a minute, he sees he’s meant for the Acute side and goes right for it, grinning and shaking hands with everybody he comes to.(14)” While yes Mcmurphy went out of his way to show he was friendly and trustworthy not everyone bought into it. “The Acutes look spooked and uneasy when he laughs…(14)” While yes dealing with the treatment from Nurse Ratched is hard and unfair they are used to it. Having one way of doing things for years and then all of a sudden completely changing the dynamic doesn't sit well with anyone. No matter who it is. I feel the ward would question Mcmurphy’s true intentions and not know how to react to his more laid back sense of power as opposed to the hard and stern treatment they have gotten used to. Especially the black boys. They do everything NUrse Ratched says by the book.I waited that night until the sounds in the dorm told me everybody was asleep, and until the black boys had stopped making their rounds. (77)  The black boys were essentially backup and would do and say anything for a reward from her. They enjoyed her praise. The nurses were the same way they would come and tattle to Nurse Rached the second they got the chance. The black boys were essentially the nurses backup and would do and say anything for a reward from her. The other nurses were the same way. “But, gee,” the other nurse says, “what on earth would make a man want to do something like disrupt the ward for Miss Ratched? What possible motive ...? (21) The nurses knew how to instigate Ractched and knew exactly what she wanted to hear. Nurse Ratched truly made her army of minions and that would be hard to undo.  They enjoyed her praise. If Mcmurphy gained power it would take a lot of convincing and brainwashing to have the black boys and nurses respect him. Even though the treatment is unfair i think to prevent chaos and keep things in order Nurse Ratched should stay in charge. Mcmurphy does not have the patients and or experience to deal with the Chronics ethier. In my opinion he is just power hungry and he has been since he was admitted. I do not think in the long run Mcmurphy having all the power would be beneficial. 

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I liked the way you mentioned how Nurse Ratchet doesn't just have the power over them because of how long she's been there and the experience she carries, but you also pointed out that she has control over them. In one of my responses, I said how I believed that Nurse Ratchet has the patients on the ward wrapped around her finger and if I'm reading into your response the way I think I am, I would think you also agree with me.

I also liked the way you incorporated how it is hard changing a routine that you have been used to having so many years. I thought you brought a good point about how Nurse Ratchet is winning or should win. Even though it is so terrible on the ward, do you think that change would be even worst for them to not only transition but have such a drastically different leadership style?

Good job!

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I like how you bring up that McMurphy would get walked all over if he were to control the ward; but do you think he would gain that respect from his compassion towards the patients from the trust he has and will continue to make? Or does more power come from being afraid of the person in control, such as Nurse Ratchet? 

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As of right now, Nurse Ratchet is taking control of the ward. I think that everyone can tell that Nurse Ratchet has people on the ward wrapped around her finger due to fear of her control whereas McMurphy does not because he is new and honestly doesn’t scare people the way Ratchet does, “The expression on her face was calm and blank as enamel, but the strain was beginning to show in other ways. By the way, she jerked the adhesive tight as she could, showing her remote patience wasn’t what it used to be” (116). The way I interpret this quote is that Ratchet isn’t used to people questioning her power let alone fighting over who deserves the power. So when McMurphy does in fact fight against her, she struggles with how to go about it. If in all actuality Nurse Ratchet won, a potential consequence could consist of people continuing to live their life in fear. Another big thing to think about is what good is batting overpower really doing for the people on the ward? 

McMurphy is newer to the ward than everyone whereas Nurse Ratchet has been on the ward and in control for a while. In order to create discipline, you need to be able to have some sort of fear or even respect from the people that need to be disciplined. I feel like both of them have two very different ‘leadership’ styles that could honestly both work but because the patients on the ward are so used to the fear of the big lady. When Nurse Ratchet’s style is more of a fear control, it was hard to almost go against McMurphy whose personality involves everything she isn’t, “She tried to get her ward back into shape, but it was difficult with McMurphy’s presence still tromping up and down the halls and laughing out loud in the meetings and singing in the latrines” (176). This quote goes with what I’m saying with how McMurphy is being all goofy and whatnot but Nurse Ratchet has never been that way or showed that side of her to the people on the ward.

Overall, when having a conflict about who deserves to have power over the ward, it will become full of chaos. People on the ward are seeing the different sides of you guys and it’s almost like ‘votes’ are going to be split into half. Everyone on the ward is so used to the way the ward has been running so it’s like a comfort thing going with her. That being said, seeing someone new is so refreshing, and not necessarily having to fear someone doesn’t sound like a bad idea. 

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I like how you mention Nurse Ratched's control is due to her fear. I also think that and continue to see it throughout the novel. Having McMurphy run the ward instead would definitely be nice and I do not think he would need to inflict fear like she does to hold her power.

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Right now, it seems that Nurse Ratched appears to be winning the battle of control over the ward. However, I think that McMurphy should be the one who ends up winning in the end. Nurse Ratched has her ways of controlling the ward, but the unpredictability and rambunctiousness that McMurphy carries with him is one that, if used correctly, he could win control of the ward with. Nurse Ratched has all of her brainwashing and her cruel ways about her, but I think that McMurphy’s stubbornness and his persistence could allow him to win this battle.

McMurphy knows from the start what he is there to do. He says on his first day at the ward that he isn’t even that insane, he would just rather be in the ward than working on a farm.  He tells the other patients that, “Your nurse don’t know this; she’s not going to be looking out for somebody coming at her with a trigger-quick mind like I obviously got. These things give me an edge I like” (74). This quote shows that McMurphy isn’t scared of Nurse Ratched, and he’s ready to fight back with any means necessary. He believes that he has the higher ground and that he can outsmart her and gain control of the ward.

McMurphy is also very smart in his ways. When playing cards with some of the Acutes, he talks about how, “The secret of being a top-notch con man is being able to know what the mark wants, and how to make him think he’s getting it” (81). Mcmurphy is able to assess other people’s weaknesses in order to get what he wants from them. While he does end up cheating the men out of money, I think that he plans to show these patients and others that he can use these same tactics when it comes to his ultimate target: Nurse Ratched. He can get under her skin and once he is able to take away some of her perceived power, he can show the others in the ward that she doesn’t have to dominate so much of their lives.

I think that McMurphy should win the battle for control over the ward because of the impact he could have on how life is done there. I think that if anything, McMurphy may not succeed in overthrowing Nurse Ratched, but I do think that his idea will succeed. What I mean by this is that Nurse Ratched could end up snapping and putting McMurphy in his place, which would leave it up to Chief to continue McMurphy’s efforts to improve the ward. We see evidence of the possibility that this could happen when McMurphy catched onto the fact that Chief is only pretending to be deaf and dumb. This sets up Chief to continue to fight for the patients as McMurphy was. This would altogether be better for everyone in the ward, including patients and the other nurses and black boys. Without Nurse Ratched abusing her power, the patients would be able to have more fun, not being held down by so many rules. Also, the staff wouldn’t have to worry about being so strict all the time, and instead they could build relationships with the patients. McMurphy winning would altogether benefit everyone in the ward except for Nurse Ratched.

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I like your phrase "perceived power." Yes, Nurse Ratched has a lot of control, but some of it is control the patients give her (intentionally and unintentionally). McMurphy is able to see through that. Also, the quotes you used really show how cunning McMurphy is and help support your point that he could win the battle over the ward. I also agree with what you said about McMuprhy maybe not overthrowing the ward but his idea succeeding and leaving a lasting influence.

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I really like your take on the situation, it is very similar to mine! I too think Nurse Ratched is winning but McMurphy should be the one who wins. I also like how you mentioned McMurphy's intelligence and the quote you used fits really well.

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Before McMurphy became a part of the mental institute, it is obvious who ran the place. Nurse Ratched is a stubborn woman who uses her spectacular manipulative skills to take charge of the ward. The way she goes about directing the patients is careless and frightening. McMurphy is able to direct the patients out of the companionship and trust that he has gained from the residence. I believe he should have control of the ward between the two. Even the doctors are afraid of Nurse Ratched, Chief explains a scenario when “He smiles around at the residents sipping coffee. He’s trying not to look at the Big Nurse. She’s sitting there so silent it makes him nervous and fidgety. He grabs out his glasses and puts them on for a look at his watch, goes to winding it while he talks” (Kesey 152-153). If the doctors, nurses, and orderlies could receive guidance from someone who they do not fear, but trust, the work they put in would come from actual care rather than verbally abusive obedience. The patients may feel loved and be willing to share stories on their own rather than when the Big Nurse exposes them without their approval. The downside to McMurphy having full control is whether or not he would take the institute seriously. It seems as though he does not believe that the patients have mental illnesses at the beginning of the novel, “I mean- hell, I been surprised how sane you guys all are. As near as I can tell you’re not crazier than the average asshole on the street-”(Kesey 65). This could backfire and he could potentially end the ward for good with this mindset of the patients.

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I think you used a really great quote to support your claim that even the doctor is afraid of Nurse Ratched in addition to all the patients. I never considered that if McMurphy gained control of the ward he would work with the other members of the ward's staff; you make a good point that with McMurphy there would be less fear and therefore a better environment where patients feel safe to share and process their problems. I wonder how McMurphy could gain the trust of the ward's staff in order to do this. He was able to gain the patients' trust through card games and his actions, but maybe he would have to convince the staff that Nurse Ratched is terrible in order for them to even consider giving him their trust. I thought your perspective on McMurphy not believing the patients have mental illnesses was interesting because I had just thought he was being nice by treating them like any other person who deserves respect regardless of their differences. Perhaps he really doesn't believe most of the people there are as crazy as they're made out to be.

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We both have the same view on who does run the ward officially but we disagree on who we think should run the ward. That being said I like how you portrayed Mcmurphys treatment to the patients compared to the treatment Nurse Ratched gives them. I also enjoyed your outlook on how Mcmurphy running the ward could back fire. Nice job Cass

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Although at times it seems like McMurphy has the upper hand and there is hope he will win, I believe that Nurse Ratched is currently winning control of the Ward. The truth is McMurphy doesn’t have enough power to do anything substantial because he is subjected to the ward’s rules and routine. He has little freedom to take full control of the ward and instead settles for small victories (such as the TV or toothpaste instances etc.) against the Nurse and becomes overconfident. What he doesn’t realize is that the Nurse is playing the long game to make sure she doesn’t lose her power despite McMurphy gaining support from the other patients. As Chief points out, “She’s lost a little battle here today, but it’s a minor battle in a big war that she’s been winning and that she’ll go on winning” (Kesey 113). A turning point in the story is when McMurphy realizes that what he really wants is to eventually be released from the mental hospital in order to escape his original jail sentence and his freedom is at stake by trying to start an uprising against the ward staff. He realizes this by talking to the lifeguard who says how a jail sentence is nothing like being committed to the ward because when you’re sentenced there is a definitive date where you’d be released. Although the ward “... might be a lot better than a work farm, what with good beds and orange juice for breakfast, but it wasn’t better to the point that he’d want to spend a couple years here,” (Kesey171) and that’s exactly what would happen if McMurphy kept disobeying Nurse Ratched. 

Nurse Ratched is the one who has all the power. She has connections that give her more control than even the doctor. She makes sure the patients are on a strict routine, punishes them for any slight step out of line, shames them during group meetings, and all-around takes away any freedom or individuality they have. When McMurphy first came to the ward he tried to change the atmosphere and actually have fun with the patients but “...they were all afraid to loosen up; it’d been too long,” (Kesey 81). If McMurphy hadn’t shown up, the torment all the patients were going through would have continued. McMurphy challenges what is considered normal in the ward to both the staff and the patients and tries to show them how he believes they should be treated like people and with respect. The ward staff may believe that what they’re doing is right, but they still neglect their patients' needs and if Nurse Ratched won control, this mistreatment would continue. There is no real work that focuses on the rehabilitation of the patients and instead, they are trapped living an unfulfilling life. 

I don’t think either Nurse Ratched or McMurphy should win control over the ward because neither of them truly cares for the wellbeing of the patients. If I had to choose though, I think McMurphy would be a better choice since he brings life back into some of the patients by showing them that things can be different and that they don’t have to always be miserable. However, McMurphy is selfish and puts himself before anyone else. He worked to gain the trust and support of the other people in the ward in order to gain privileges like watching the World Series. He tricks them into believing that he is their friend by letting them win when they gamble only to take everything he gave them back. Once he realizes that he has to change how he’d been acting in order to be released from the ward, he is completely willing to abandon the relationships he’s established with the patients who look up to him in order to get his freedom back. Despite this though, at least he creates a more positive atmosphere where the other patients can be treated like real people who deserve to be happy. 

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I find it interesting that you thought that neither Nurse Ratched nor McMurphy deserve to win this fight, and I see where you are coming from. I personally think that McMurphy isn't coming into this fight with the right tactic or motives, rather anger and hostility. Yet, I believe real reformation within this mental institution is needed for the well-being of these patients. 

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At this point in the book, Nurse Ratched has a hand over McMurphy when it comes to running the ward. This mostly comes from her level of experience and his lack of it. She also has an advantage over him because of the way patients respond to her. They seem to act out of fear because of the strict environment she causes and the threat of punishment at the slightest mistakes. 

Personally, I think that McMurphy should be the one to win control of the ward. Some may argue that because he suffers from mental illness, he might not be fit to be in charge of the patients. I think that he brightens up the ward and a little kindness and laughter can go a long way, especially with mental health patients. 

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Although I agree that McMurphy should win, I did realize that Nurse Ratched would be better for the patient's routine, would you agree? I also like how you mention how others may disagree and how you touch on that he almost brings good spirits to the ward and that is why he should win.

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As I and most likely all other readers would wish to see would be a successful rebellion that leads to reformation within this mental institution. Though, the amount of power Big Nurse possesses, which she created by using fear of others, will ultimately lead to her win in the fight against McMurphy. McMurphy is new and his influence is not as predominant as Nurse Rachet's is toward the ward. Even if every patient fought along side him, Big Nurse has all the staff on her side as well. Also, the patients might fall powerless once staff threatens any type of electric shock or lobotomy toward a rebel. Readers want to see Big Nurse go down, we want to see reformation happen within the institution as she has abused these patients for long enough. Yet, I think that any patient would, unfortunately, be listed as unreliable due to their condition in any legal changes. Maybe legal change could occur if McMurphy had a lawyer or a family member who could help him create a case against Nurse Ratchet. But McMurphy decides a physical fight would work as a rebellion which I don't think will end in his favor. 

Nurse Rachet has authority within all elements of this institution, Chief notices this and expresses that "the way the Big Nurse acted so confident in that staff meeting, that worried me for a while, but it didn't make any difference to McMurphy" (157 Kesey). I think McMurphy is naive in the sense that he is unaware of who he is really fighting against, and Chief worries about that lack of comprehension. Personally, I think Chief has a better chance at starting a more professional and successful rebellion than McMurphy does since McMurphy can get blinded by his pride and ego. Overall, I think Nurse Rachet will win this fight and it will negatively impact all characters/ patients afterward. 

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As of right now, it seems to me that Nurse Ratched is winning the battle for control over the ward, I would like to see McMurphy win this battle since I feel that he would do things to benefit the patients and their needs while still kept in the ward. There would be some consequence with McMurphy winning like that we don't know that the staff would cooperate with McMurphy since he is not the one they are used to having in control. McMurphy also often does not always consider the effect his choices have on the Chronics in the ward. The rate this battle is going at Nurse Ratched always seems to be winning even though McMurphy may make her mad and sometimes make it so she doesn't know what to say she doesn't seem to let it change her ways of doing things. It gets to the point where they think about moving McMurphy based on his actions but Nurse Ratched would almost see that as she had to back down and McMurphy could take it as a win. "“I don’t agree that he should be sent up to Disturbed, which would simply be an easy way of passing our problem on to another ward, and I don’t agree that he is some kind of extraordinary being—some kind of ‘super’ psychopath.” (Kesey 156-157) She can tell that McMurphy is going to give up eventually once he realizes him acting out will not have much affect on Nurse Ratched," He is simply a man and no more, and is subject to all the fears and all the cowardice and all the timidity that any other man is subject to. Given a few more days, I have a very strong feeling that he will prove this, to us as well as the rest of the patients. If we keep him on the ward I am certain his brashness will subside, his self-made rebellion will dwindle to nothing,
and”—she smiles, knowing something nobody else does—"(Kesey 157) It may not be best for the patients to have her still in control but it also may be as it is a normal routine for them at this point.

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It seems to me that Nurse Ratched has control over not only the ward but herself. She's learned not to lose her temper and not supply a reaction to McMurphy. This has made it more difficult for McMurphy to decipher if he's making any improvement but that doesn't stop him. That's why I believe McMurphy SHOULD win. Although his outbursts out of control and not always productive he gives the patients of the ward hope and ambition. From the moment McMurphy stepped foot in the ward to when he said “Then you tell Bull Goose Loony Harding that R.P. McMurphy is waiting to see him and that this hospital ain’t big enough for the two of us”, the patients knew he was going to a menace to the staff. (21) They admire his charisma and satire ways. He gives them a voice and strength. I was a little taken aback when he didn't speak up with Cheswick about the cigarettes especially when he knows how it feels to be let down by his men. The way he "didn't even look up" was disappointing and confusing. (173) He always pushed his buds to try and now here he was, silent. 

This developed trust issues among the patients. Cheswick got brought to Disturbed and wasn't heard from they were all brought to the pool where he spoke to McMurphy about how "he did wish something mighta been done though." (175) After that he dove into the pool where he eventually tragically drowned. This betrayal from McMurphy led to Cheswick's last straw. It wasn't even just Cheswick that was angry. All of the patients were talking about it. It was a big deal. They eventually figured out McMurphy's "strategy" but it wasn't enough to make everyone happy. This kind of catastrophe will affect the whole ward, and McMurphy will lose his following, just like the Big Nurse wants. 
