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Part 2 To Kill a Mockingbird Response

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Write a short response (7-10 sentences) that answers the questions:

  1. Who is most impacted by the trial (Tom, Scout, Jem or Atticus)?
  2. What is one quote where they see success?
  3. What is one quote where they struggle? 

For a 3 on this assignment, answer all questions and respond to another person.

For a 4 on this assignment, discuss and quote from one of the Historical Context articles, relating the historical context article to your response.

In your initial response: 

  1. Give a quick summary of the event in relation to the character you focus on
  2. An overview of the impact this has on the character
  3. Include two quotes from the novel with citations (one for success, one for struggle)
  4. An explanation of why this means your character is the impacted the most and what it means to be impacted. 

In your reply to another participant you can: 

-Acknowledge what moment they chose and how it connects to your own

-If it's the same moment/quote discuss why you were able to narrow it down to this and not another

-Ask a question about what moment they selected

-Disagree with what they chose and explain why

-Add to what they have with clarifying information

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I this the most impacted by the trial would definitly be Tom. This is becuase he was the one being prosocuted and he ended up being shot when trying to ascape. Someone that sees sucess in the book I would say is Scout. This is because she was almost taken but then boo saved her. Scout had just ran into the man when, “He slowly squeezed the breath out of me. I could not move. Suddenly he was jerked backwards and flung on the ground, almost carrying me with him. I thought, Jem’s up” (Lee 266). This shows how Boo had taken him off of her to save her. During the same situation Jem had struggled with how he was taken and nocked out. They where nearly home when, “I felt Jem’s hand leave me, felt him jerk backwards to the ground. More scuffling, and there came a dull crunching sound and Jem screamed”(Lee 266). This had all happened and he got knocked out for the rest of the night to our knowledge.

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I agree Tom was impacted a lot by being prosecuted

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i agree tom suffered alot but still proved he was innocent in a diffrent way

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i agree that Tom was definitely impacted the most by the trial, and I also agree with you that the reason his is the worse is because he died.

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In my opinion, the trial affected Atticus the most because he tried so hard to keep Tom out of jail just for him to be sent there anyways. Also the trial gave Atticus a way to reinforce and show his morals against racism and social ostracism. This also helped him with a great success that we read about when he was at Tom’s holding cell before the trial. “As they had come, in ones and twos the men shuffled back to their ramshackle cars. Doors slammed, engines coughed, and they were gone.” (Lee 175). Atticus saw success in this moment because there was a mob of angry people coming after Tom but Atticus protected him from them and Tom went unscathed. Although he did also have many moments where he faced great struggle for instance one big one is when Tom dies. “‘What’s the matter?’ Aunt Alexandra asked, alarmed by the look on my father’s face. ‘Tom’s dead.’”(Lee 268). Atticus struggles with the death of Tom because he felt that it was a senseless death and it shouldn’t have happened

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 we both said Atticus was the most effected just because of how hard he tried during the trial.

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we bolth said that atticus was affected pretty hard becuase he was the one who was trying to do right 

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Tom was the most impacted by the trial because he was convicted of raping Mayella Ewell . He went to jail and then he was trying to escape the prison over the fence and ended up getting shot and killed. A struggle for Dill is when Mr. Ewell was abusing Mayella and he made a connection that his dad also doesn't love him. “Mr Raymond said I reckon it's Miss Jean Louise you don't know your pa’s not run of the mill man, it’ll take a few years for that to sink in you haven't seen rough of the world yet. You haven't even  seen this town , but all you gotta do is step back inside the court house” (229).  A success is when Scout’s ham costume saved her life “Atticus fetched the remains of the costume.  Mr. Tate turned it over and bent it around to get an idea of its former shape. This thing probably saved her life .” ( 308)

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We both can correlate our understandings about r*** and how actions speak louder than words. Your response connects to mine on how someone in the court case gong against Miss Mayella is going to have a hard time. 

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we both agree that Tom was the most impacted by the trial. We both also picked Scout as the one who succeeded. But we picked different people who struggled but I do agree with the moment.

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I think Atticus is impacted the most in part 2 so far. He is having to deal with his kids and the court case. When Atticus had questioned Mayella, he succeeded in getting out what he wanted to hear. Atticus had gotten her to say, ¨That black person yonder took advantage of me and if you fine fancy gentleman don't wanta do nothing´ about it then youre all yellow stinkin cowards.¨(Lee 213) But it was not all easy for Atticus, he is going against someone who in the time will do anything to get revenge on Mr. Tom Robinson for not giving her what she wanted. Atticus was not getting where he wanted, but it wasn't a full struggle until Miss Mayella said ¨You want me to say something that didn't happen?¨(Lee 212) Miss Mayella would not at all cooperate with Atticus, because she wanted revenge and vengeance against Mr. Tom Robinson. Atticus knew that this would be one of his most difficult cases he would have to stand for. My response correlates to the Scottsboro boys in a way that racism overtakes the truth. In the Scottsboro boys, it states ¨The Scottsboro Boys were nine Black teenagers falsely accused of raping two white women aboard a train near Scottsboro, Alabama, in 1931.¨ Both the book and article correlate around r*** and how one false accusation can change someone's life entirely.

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I agree with you. In a way, we said the same thing about how he is dealing with his kids more and proving himself as a lawyer.

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We both agree that Atticus was impacted the most during the trial. And I agree with what you said.

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I agree with you and Atticus also found success when he was leaving the court room and all the the colored people stood up to show respect for what he did even though he lost the case.

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I also felt that Atticus was the most impacted because of his role in the trial.

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i agree with you i think Atticus is the most impacted because of what he had to go through in the trial.

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Jems is most impacted because the trial challenges his sense of justice and fairness.He struggles to reconcile the jury's verdict with the evidence presented.

An example of success is Atticus to scout: “But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal-there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president.that institution,gentlemen,is a court.” this shows success because he believes in what he does.

An example of them struggling is Jem after the verdict: “its not right, atticus. Its not right” this shows the heartbreak and confusion over the injustice.

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i agree with jem being the most impacted, because we see him start to understand the unfair systems and get upset with the situations at hand and not only is he upset that his father lost, but also that tom is going to jail for a verdict heavily swayed by racism.

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I totally agree that Jem is the most impacted character because the trail affects his point of view justice and equality.

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This connects to mine because I also thought Jem was the most impacted.

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I agree that Jem was most impacted because he starts to see the problems with the system.

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I personally thing Tom Robinson is the most impacted. Being a black man that is falsely accused of raping a white woman in the south, Tom’s life is eventually taken for his false actions, his death shows the injustice of Maycomb’s society. Scout and Jem realize how racism is a big factor in Maycomb.

A place showing success is when Atticus gets some hope when he realizes the jury debate is taking longer the expected which shows his arguments could have changed they jury’s bias. After the trial Miss Maudie tells the children;”we’re making a step-it’s just a baby step, but its a step” (pg 220 lee)

A place that shows struggle is when scout and Jem struggle to comprehend the injustice of the trail and Jem is broken by the end he says “its not right, Atticus”(pg 242 lee) that shows how disappointed Jem feels about it.

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I agree because Tom shows how people are being treated differently because they are "different".

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This is a great response, I also wrote about how Tom was accused and how there was racism all throughout the book. I wonder why you chose short quotes. Also I don't believe your second quote about a struggle relates to Tom at all. The quote is how Jem feels about the situation and not how Tom is feeling. 

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I also agree with you because Toms whole life was flipped upside down and he was falsely accused just because he's black.

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I 100% agree. Tom was persecuted and put to death for no real reason.  

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I believe the person who is impacted the most by the trial in Part 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is Atticus. He is shown a lot during Part 2 of the book, and his court case is a major part of not only the whole book but Part 2. Atticus steps up his role as a character in the book in Part 2 and takes a bigger role versus in Part 1, where he just showed up every once in a while when needed for Jem or Scout. Atticus is the defending lawyer of Tom in court and takes the biggest role in the case. A quote that supports Atticus’s skill as a lawyer but also his passion toward the case is, “We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would have us believe- some people are smarter than others, some people have more opportunity because they’re born with it, some men make more money than others, some ladies make better cakes than others- some people are born gifted beyond the normal scope of men. But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal- there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution, gentlemen, is a court.” (Lee 233) This quote shows Atticus’s success and his power through words and passion. He also shows that he knows what he is talking about. He is also a very smart man and doesn’t let anything get past him by knowing the law. A quote from the book that shows struggle is, “I waited and waited to see you all come down the sidewalk, and as I waited I thought, Atticus Finch won’t win, he can’t win, but he’s the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that.” (Lee 246) This quote shows struggle because it shows that not everybody believes in Atticus and his efforts and that he may not have full support.

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Tom Robinson is the most impacted character. He faces racial prejudice and is unjustly convicted of a crime he didn't commit. His life has been turned upside down because of the trial, his fate is cooked despite his innocence. But all characters like Scout, Jem, and Atticus are deeply affected by the events, especially in their views on justice and morality. Atticus demonstrates success in his job as a lawyer, even though the outcome of Tom Robinson's trial is not in his favor. One quote showing success is “But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal, there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein. That institution, gentlemen, is a court”(Chapter 20). This quote shows Atticus's belief in justice and equality, even if it isn't shown to well in this. His efforts defending Tom, though unsuccessful in terms of the verdict, are a moral victory for him and the others around him..Scout Finch struggles with understanding the prejudices of society and the injustice around her. A quote showing her internal struggle is "I wanted to join them, but I couldn't. I couldn't join them because I had to stay with my brother."(Chapter 23)This shows Scout's struggle with her growing awareness of the what's going on around her and how she must be loyal to her family while confronting these harsh realities.

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I agree with you that Tom was the most impacted because he never had the chance to become free because white men always come first before black people 

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I agree with you that Tom Robinson is the one who is most impacted by the trial. Atticus had proof and showed it that Tom was innocent but because of his skin color, he was found guilty

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I agree because Tom was being treated rude and different.

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I agree that tom was the most impacted character. since there was a lot more evidence that proves his innocence but he was found guilty just because the system at the time always belived a white persons word over a black person 

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I believe Tom is the most impacted by the trial because his life is literally on the line. 

“Jem smiled. “He’s not supposed to lean, Reverend, but don’t fret, we’ve won it,” he said wisely. 

“Don’t see how any jury could convict on what we heard–” (Lee 238)

However, he also struggled by dealing with racism. 

 “Now don’t you you be so confident, Mr. Jem, I ain’t ever seen any jury decide in favor of a colored man over a white man. . . .” (Lee 238)

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I see Jem as the most impacted character from the court case, during and after, as while it was happening he was fixated on it, not wanting to miss a moment of it as his hope that they would win the case the more and more evidence against the Ewells came out. a minor success even appearing for Jem when he says to Atticus "Atticus, let us come back, please let us hear the verdict, please sir"(Lee 236). putting even more hope into Jem after hearing he could come back, he believes there's a chance his father wins and Tom is set free, however, I said minor for a reason, the verdict of the case was that Tom was not freed and Jem was destroyed while walking home from the courthouse with Atticus, dill, and scout, jem even states "it ain't right, Atticus"( Lee 242) through tears, eventually atticus and jem have a conversation at home and jem starts understanding the system and flaws, but regains some home when Atticus states that there is the appeal still and there was still a chance to win the case again. 

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Our responses are similar because we both believe Jem was impacted the most. We both believe that the trial affected him a lot.

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In my opinion, the person who was impacted the most was Atticus. He shows a lot of character development from Part 1 to Part 2, because of the court case he was involved with. Atticus is the defending lawyer for a man named Tom Robinson, who happens to be a black man who was accused of sexual assault of a white woman. While Tom Robinson had a big part in the case, Atticus took on the biggest role in this court case. A quote that shows the passion Atticus shows towards the court case and the skill he shows is "We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would have us believe-some people are smarter then others, some ladies make better cakes than others-some people are born gifted beyond the normal scope of most men. But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution, gentlemen, is a court." (Lee 233) This quote shows his skill with articulating words in a way to persuade people to agree with him, and the passion he has to have to go up there and defend a Black man. Atticus also shows his intelligence in Part 2, and his ability to know what he is talking about. Struggle is also prevalent in this book. One quote that shows struggle is "I waited and waited to see you all come down the sidewalk, and as I waited I thought, Atticus Finch wont win, he cant win, but he's the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that" (Lee 246). This quote shows that Atticus is struggling because it shows us that he may not have full support from everyone in town, and could receive backlash within the community. 

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I agree that Atticus has a passion for his work and shows great intelligence during he case Especially with Mayella but confusing her in a way of trying to get information out of her. 

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I agree with Atticus being the most impacted. I support your claim of Atticus being intelligent and knowing what he's talking about. I liked your quote on his struggle because it's a contradicting cause of whether he will get backlash from his community. As we already know people criticize him for defending Tom in the first place from part 1. 

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I agree with you and how Atticus is impacted, I like how you said he knew what he was talking about. 

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The person most impacted in part 2 of TMK is Atticus, Atticus is the most impacted by the trial because he is the person having to work through this whole trial, having to stand outside the jail so Tom doesn't get killed. Having to go back to his kids at night to tuck them in, and losing the case even though the Ewells had barely any evidence. A place where Atticus secedes is when he's talking to Mayella and getting the answers and responses he wants.”” Do you love your father, Miss Mayella.”...”He does tollable, ‘cept when---” (Lee 208). THis is a success because he's getting the truth out of her that her father is abusive and Tom didn't really do anything to her.  A place where Atticus struggles is when Tom gets sentenced and he and Jem talk after the sentencing. “”How could they do it, how could they?” “ I don't know, but they did. They’ve done it before and they did it tonight and they’ll do it again and when they do it -- it seems only children weep. Good night.” (Lee 243). This shows the struggle that both him and Jem had by losing this trial.  It shows that Atticus is struggling with the fact that the judicial system in Alabama at the time was so racial, and  ruined people's lives.

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Tom is the one most impacted by the trial since he was the one on trial. He was accused of raping a white woman. 

Tom telling his side of the story affected a few people, Jem especially. But that is a good thing because Tom’s side of the event made Jem realize the injustice that Tom and others face. ““It ain't right, Atticus,” said Jem” (Lee 242). 

People from town went to the cell where Tom was being held with the intention of harming Tom. But that didn't happen because Atticus was there. ““They’ve gone,” he said. “Get some sleep Tom. They won't bother you any more”” (Lee 175). After Tom was found guilty he was transferred to a prison. There he apparently made an attempt to escape, the guards shot him seventeen times. ““Tom’s dead”... “They shot him”...” (Lee 268). 

Both Emmett Till and Tom Robinson were brutally killed. Emmett was very badly mutilated to the point he was unrecognizable. Tom was shot seventeen times in prison for apparently trying to escape. With Emmett the, “Lawyers for the defense argued that the body was too disfigured to properly identify” (McBirney). One of the people who killed Emmett tried to justify why they killed him, they “...shot Emmett in the head, tied a weight around his neck with barbed wire, and threw his body into the water” (McBirney).

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I believe that the most impacted character was Tom Robinson because he was the one sentenced to prison and got almost murdered.  Tom was very discriminated against throughout the whole book with racism hounding him at every moment someone could, “Now don’t you you be so confident, Mr. Jem, I ain’t ever seen any jury decide in favor of a colored man over a white man. . . .” (Lee 238) This quote is when they are in the trial. This quote is when he experiences a struggle. To be completely honest I believe that Tom had no “good” success in the book but I believe he had success when he was sentenced that he was guilty because now he can learn from his actions. Tom was claimed guilty, “Guilty… guilty…guilty…guilty.”(Lee 240) This quote is the judge saying that Tom Robinson is guilty and that he is going to jail or going to die. Tom was impacted the most because he is the person that is getting the consequences from the trial. It means to be impacted when something severe is happening to someone for either a good or a bad reason.

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 believe that Atticus was most impacted by the trial because he was Tom's Attorney so he faces public criticism every day from the people in maycomb. He had to carry the burden of defending even though the odds were stacked against him. “You ‘kicked and hollered as loud as you could.’ Do you remember him beating you about the face?” Mayella was silent. She seemed to be trying to get something clear to herself. I thought for a moment she was doing Mr. Heck Tate’s and my trick of pretending there was a person in front of us. She glanced at Mr. Gilmer. “It’s an easy question, Miss Mayella, so I’ll try again. Do you remember him beating you about the face?” Atticus’s voice had lost its comfortableness; he was speaking in his arid, detached professional voice. “Do you remember him beating you about the face?” “No, I don’t remember if he hit me. I mean yes I do, he hit me.” “Was your last sentence your answer?” “Huh? Yes, he hit—I just don’t remember, I just don’t remember… it all happened so quickly.” Judge Taylor looked sternly at Mayella.” ( Lee 210) This quote shows that Atticus was successful because when he was questioning Mayella he was asking her if Tom hit her and she didn't know how to respond and she was saying that she didn't remember and this shows that her story isn't adding up. The foreman handed a piece of paper to Mr. Tate who handed it to the clerk who handed it to the judge… I shut my eyes. Judge Taylor was polling the jury: “Guilty… guilty… guilty… guilty…” This shows that even though Atticus found out that Mayella's story isn't adding up Tom was still found guilty because she is black and she is a white woman. 

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We both believe that Atticus is the most impacted character during the trial and how he uses his words to persuade people into believing he was right, and how he had to carry the burden and receive all the backlash. 

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Tom was very much impacted by the trial the most since he was getting accused of a serious  crime. A quote that shows some succses for him atleast is when  atticus might have figured out that bob ewell was the one to beat up his daugther instead of tom, “If her right eye was blacked and she was beaten mostly on the right side of the face, it would tend to show that a left-handed person did it.” (lee 202) this quote was during the trial when atticus was accusing bob ewell of beating his daughter instead of tom since bob is ambidextrous. which would have meant that Tom was innocent  and he could go back home safely to his family. But he was struggling sinc mr gilmer was trying to make him look extremely guilty and it worked “Judge Taylor was polling the jury: “Guilty… guilty… guilty… guilty…” (lee 240) the judge had found tom guilty of the crime even when atticus tried everything to prove that tom wasnt guilty. Tom was very very impacted by the triel since after the triel he went to prison and tried to escape but got shoot and died.

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I feel that Jem was impacted most from the trial because he is trying to be like his father. But after the case when he realizes that the innocent person doesn’t always win. “I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see through it anyway”(Lee 128). This shows that Jem already learned this valuable lesson about courage and to learn that even if you know you are doomed from the start, you should start anyway because you should not give up on anything that has potential. A quote that shows Jem’s struggle is, “It was Jem’s turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our way through the crowd. “It ain't right,” he muttered, all the way to the corner of the square where we found Atticus waiting”(Lee 242). This shows that even though he should have expected the outcome he is like his father a lot and has a lot of empathy for people. He knows that no one should get treated like that and how unfair the court was being to Tom.

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I had this same moment in my response, about how Jem's struggle is that an innocent man was still convicted guilty, but I find it interesting that you chose a quote outside of the trial to show how Jem succeeded. 

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Tom is definitely the most impacted by the trial. He was what the trial was about. He was going against a white woman in trial which, at the time, was a definite death sentence. Committing a crime in general was a death sentence. I feel that Tom had success many times when different witnesses were called upon and their stories had few holes but big enough that it made a difference, "His left arm was fully twelve inches shorter than his right, and hung dead at his side." (Lee 211) There was no logical way in which Tom Robinson could have committed this act but because he was a black man, no one would side with his story, "A jury never looks at a defendant it has convicted, and when this jury came in, not one of them looked at Tom Robinson." (Lee 240) He was guilty even though he was truly innocent. A man who was an upstanding citizen, who had a wife and three children, had been sentenced to death.

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I agree that Tom was impacted most by the trial and I like your reasoning

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I think that Tom Robinson was impacted most by the trial. I think this because his trial was based on false information which affected his life by ruining it. The only reason he was blamed was because he was black. This also impacted his life because he was killed trying to escape from jail for something he didn’t do. A quote that shows his strugle is “Yes, suh. I felt right sorry for her, she seemed to try more’n the rest of ‘em–” (Lee, 201). This quote shows struggle because he he feels really bad for what happened to Mayella. A quote that shows success is “Mr. Finch, if you was a n***** like me, you’d be sared too,” (Lee, 199). This quote shows success because he is connecting to atticus with empathy proving that he is innocent.

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I feel this trial most impacted Atticus. Atticus is the lawyer who took on a case of defending Tom who is black and being accused of raping a white woman. Atticus also had two curious kids who wanted to know what he was up to. he's been juggling the kids and the court case. he's been impacted a lot because of how he's looked at in the town how he's a none racist how he interacts and treats them normally and how he's not like the rest of his family or the way in the community. a quote to show a successful moment is, "She is white, and she tempted a n****. She did something that in our society is unspeakable. (Lee 231). this shows a successful moment because he talked to the judge and jury. During his talk with Mayella, she didn't know what to say and Atticus caught her not knowing what she was talking about because she stated that she didn't remember him raping her and hurting her. Atticus was successful in his job and as a person because of how his morals towards his outlook on equality toward all people.  he struggled when the court ruled Tom guilty. he struggles with it because he knows he's not guilty because of how mayellas dad is and how she's raised and Tom's loss of his arm. a quote that shows this struggle is, "Judge Taylor was polling the jury: ' Guilty...guilty...guilty...guilty...'"(Lee 240). this makes him the most impacted because he's dealing with the town's criticism towards him since he's defending a black person against 2 white people. he's helping his children with life lessons outside of his job and dealing with his kids who are very intrigued by his work life and also have a big opinion on it and know how hard it is on Atticus. 

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In my opinion, Jem is the most impacted character from part 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird. He is old enough to realize some things, like the trial wasn't fair, but not enough to understand why. He is curious, and this reflects his success, since he is growing up and wants to learn as much as possible: "Please let us hear the verdict, please sir." (Lee 236) On the other hand, he still struggles to understand some things: "It ain't right, Atticus" (Lee 242) As mentioned before, Jem is still growing up, and events like a trail affect someone's perspective on life forever. It depends a lot on the age: some characters like Scout or Dill are too young to understand what is going on, and over time they could even get to forget the trail. Others, like Atticus are totally conscious, but they are way older and have more experience, so they already know what to expect from events like the trail, where racial discrimination is involved.

Although Jem doesn't fully understand why the trial wasn't fair, he knows that racism and discrimination are involved. He realizes that white people are treated differently as blacks, and this is related to the Scottsboro case, where we can perfectly tell this racial injustice: "In the first set of trials in April 1931, an all-white, all-male jury quickly convicted the Scottsboro Boys and sentenced eight of them to death" (

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This relates to mine because there is a very similar main focus.

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I also agree that Jem was the most impacted by the trail. 

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I picked another person, but I do very much agree with the evidence and person you chose. The quote from page 242 especially is short and simple but truly conveys your message here.

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