the most impacted in my opinion is tom people he was literally shot to death he never really had any successes because he was prosecuted tried to escape and shot so that definitely was a struggle more then a success. a quote for his struggle would be "good-bye, mr finch, there ain't nothing you can do now, so there ain't no use tryin" (pg 267) at that point he just had giving up and accepted that he was gonna die.
I think Atticus is the most impacted character during the trial of Tom Robinson. Atticus gets asked to take this case by the sheriff and can't deny it because it's his job to help out whatever client he has. Atticus got to work and defended Tom but received a lot of hate from the town for supporting a black man even though Atticus did not have a choice. ¨Mr. Bob Ewell stopped atticus on the post office corner, spat on his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life.¨ (Lee 247) This quote shows how Atticus struggled with the people not agreeing with his choices in defending Tom Robinson. ¨Atticus's eyes filled with tears. He did not speak for a moment ¨Tell them I'm very grateful… tell them they must never do this again times are too hard¨ (Lee 244) This quote shows how even if Atticus is struggling with the trial the colored people still appreciate him by giving him lots of food as a gift for helping Tom.
I believe that the person who was most impacted by the trial is Atticus. He has a lot of changes within the first part of the book from the second. Yes, Tom Robison had a role in this court case but Atticus definitely had a way bigger role in this, he does end up defending a black man in the court who is being accused of raping a white woman. Atticus has a lot of power for this subject “i am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence you have heard come a decision and restore this defendant to his family” (Lee 233) this quote shows that he really wants to get this guy out of the trouble everyone thinks he is in, he has a lot of power in what he is saying.
Each character is deeply impacted by the trial but I think Atticus is the most affected. As the defense attorney for Tom Robinson, he faces a lot of social pressure which deeply influences his beliefs and relationship with his kids. Atticus’s commitment to justice and equality puts pressure on him with the prejudiced views of the community. One quote highlights Atticus’s success when he states, “ The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.”(Lee 120) This quote highlights his belief in doing what is right, regardless of others opinion. It reflects on his strong morals and values in Scout and Jem. Teaching them the importance of integrity and empathy.
During the trial of Tom Robinson, we get to see how Jem reacts to it through the eyes of Scout. During the trial we get to witness how Atticus handles cases. During the trial Atticus questions the witnesses and gets the information he needs to win the trial. The person who is most impacted by this trial is Jem. Through Scout’s eyes, we see how expressive Jem is, in some parts he’s biting his nails while in another he is ecstatic he even discusses the case with Reverend Sykes. Jem sees success when Atticus is saying his speech to the jury, Jem informs Scout what she missed and says to her,“...we're gonna win, Scout. I Don't see how we can’t.He's been at it ‘bout five minutes. He made it as plain and easy as–well, as I’da explained it to you. You could’ve understood it, even”(Lee 230). This is success because Jem is shown to have high hopes for Tom Robinson and Atticus as to him it is clear that they will win Tom Robinson’s innocence. After the verdict that Tom Robinson was guilty, Jem was furious with how the jury had ruled, “It was Jem's turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our way through the cheerful crowd. "It ain't right," he muttered... "It ain't right, Atticus," said Jem”(242). These are the quotes that show Jem was impacted by the trial the most because he is basically going through emotional hoops, going from “were going to win” to “how could they rule like that.” He believes that it is unfair that a court ruled guilty just because Tom Robinson was a black man.
Scout is definitely most affected by the trial. She is constantly barraged for her dad’s client, byt friends, family, and peers alike. When Tom is unfairly judged against as well as Atticus, she has to mentally and socially deal with this through defending her family and reasoning with herself about Tom’s struggle. She struggles a little in the trial as well “They do ‘em all that way, most lawyers, I mean.” (Lee 226) She is coming to sad terms here that Tom will always be disrespected by any lawyer, no matter who, because he is a black man. But she still perserveres, defending her father and Tom nonetheless, “N**** lover…’ This time, I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth. My left impaired, I sailed in with my right, but not for long.” (Lee 96) she does things like this to defend her family’s honor multiple times, and the trial and it’s racism surrounding it severely affects her, making her have to struggle in her daily life in order to preserve her dignity and family image.
I think Atticus was really impacted by the trial because he was defending Tom Robinsson while a lot of people were against both and his family.
A moment that shows success is in the quote, “All around us and in the balcony on the opposite wall, the Negros were getting to their feet.” (Lee, 241) This shows that Atticus earned a lot of respect from the black people. I the quote “Your father’s no better then the **** and trash he works for.” (Lee,1 17). It shows that people lose respect for Atticus and talk bad about him to his children.
Jem is the most impacted by the trial because it brings out his understanding in law and societal issues that are brought to light through the events of the trial. His goal to become a lawyer and follow his father’s example and in realizing the unfair outcome of the trial he feels like the justice system has not only failed Tom but needs to change. His growth and understanding is shown while speaking to Atticus, “Then it all goes back to the jury, then. We oughta do away with juries” (Lee 251). His struggle is also a big part of his development in part 2 he deals with the outcome of the trial and is extremely disturbed by this, “His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our way through the cheerful crowd. “It ain’t right,” he muttered” (Lee 242). The events of the trial were devastating to him as he was invested in the justice for Tom but the jury either scared of tainting their reputation or racist towards Tom. They favored the Ewells even when evidence proved it was him who harmed Mayella. Jem learned that Bob’s hatred towards Atticus could have saved Mayella more trouble at home as his anger would be taken out on Atticus.