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#1 Chick Red 1---replacement A

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In Phuc Tran’s book, Sigh, Gone, he discusses the difficulty of figuring out his identity as an immigrant in a mostly American neighborhood. From questioning his name to determining where he fits in the social structure of his high school, Tran has to navigate learning who he is with an additional barrier to the average teenager, having a whole other culture as a large part of his life. One way that Tran finds ways to carve out his place is to read, not just to improve his vocabulary, but so he can have the same cultural references as the typical white guy, using Clifton Fadiman’s The Lifetime Reading Plan as a guide. 


Early on in the story, he discusses the relief that deciding to go punk made him feel because it gave him a group to identify with, even if it wasn’t true to who he was, “...I wanted to be white. It’s not a proud feeling, but it’s not a feeling that comes from the shame of being brown. It’s a tired feeling…Punk alleviated that exhaustion—or at least I thought it did. In my spiked leather jacket, Subhumans T-shirt, Doc Marten books, and ever-changing haircuts, I forest the portrait of a kid who belonged, a kid who fit in by not fitting in, and even if that portrait ultimately turned out to be flat and shallow, it had the illusion of depth.” (Tran 7). 


Based on this, and your own text, what is the better option for immigrants trying to assimilate; should they fall prey to stereotypes and fit into the boxes already made for them, or should they carve their own path? Or is there an in-between? 

For participants: 

-Never use a peer’s real name, only use their username

-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer

-Reply to one other participant in this group

-Acknowledge your lead’s reply to your response with a comment that clarifies information, offer a question to them about their book, or simply give a thumbs up

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In "Patron Saints of Nothing" Jay moves from the Phillapeans at a very young age so he grew up fitting in just fine. Jay also did well in school and got scholarship offers from Michigan State.

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Jay did have his perks he would try to skip school and sneak out at night. He did not want to go to college. He would go on the roof of his school to smoke Marijuana, smoking was his way of coping with everything going on in his family like his parents and the death of his cousin. 

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"I can read MICHIGAN printed out in bold capital letters." (Ribay 3)

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I like that you point to things that are going well for him and things that are a little more rebellious. I'm curious if doing well in school was expected of him. It wasn't really in my book, but Phuc felt social pressure from his peers, strictly because he was Asian.


Finally, can you give more context to what's at Michigan State? What degree/program is he pursuing? How does that fit in with what others expect of him? Is this a career that he wants, is popular for his culture, or a combination?

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His parents did in fact have high expectations for him making him get these good grades and being one of the causes of his rebellious side. Michigan State is a college, Jay was not sure what he wanted to go to college for or what career he wanted to go into.

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would you say that was the way jay got away from his fears 

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in the book Enrique's journey Enrique is a young boy that is trying to live with his mom in the united states. they lived in Guatemala when Enrique was just a young boy at the age of 7 but when his mom moved to the united states that when things went down hill for Enrique. When Enrique got older he got into trouble and had to move out of his grandmothers shack because of it he then moved in with his uncle but his uncle die due to getting shot by a gang and his uncles girlfriend didn't want Enrique anymore so he got read of him and threw him out Enrique is now homeless and is living in a broken shack he also tried to move back in with his grandmother she said yes but then she caught him sniffing paint he then got a girlfriend but his girlfriend also found him sniffing paint and his girlfriends mom said she needs to leave him but his girlfriend doesn't want to this is when Enrique leave and tries to train hop to the united states and he has been caught 7 different times trying to go to the united states and each time it ends the same way but one time he got beat up and had to get to the near by village but he had to get there half dead he was beaten so badly the people said he might not make it. 


"The water is the color of coffee with too much cream." this is a passing point on the train and this mean Enrique somewhat knows where he is. this is like a power point for Enrique because he can tell when there more water and less because if the rain is dry or not I think Enrique is trying to prove a point of him not hoping trains and carve his own pass to tell other people he did it and not saying I got in for free. 

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Add a citation to your quote. 


Do you think that Enrique, because he's had to fight regularly to try to achieve his goals, has more skills to create his own path than the average person? Or do you think that it's impossible got him to make progress on his own path because of all the barriers he has to deal with?

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i think he made a lot of progress on his own path by the barries because he never let them get in his way mean he knew objects were going to be in his way and he knew how to avoid them after so many attempts 
