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#1 Stubbs White 3---avoy24

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In the Ted Talk, A safe pathway to resettlement for migrants and refugees, Becca Heller talks about the constant struggle people face when forced to flee not just their country but their home. She opens up by talking about the war in Ukraine and mentions how it happens all over the world in countries like, Afghanistan, Syria, Eritrea, and more. She continues by discussing why people are often forced out of their home. “War, yes, of course, but also gender-based violence, politically sanctioned persecution” (1:02 Heller) These are just a few examples of why people and sometimes whole families are forced to leave their homes.

In the novel, The Far Away Brothers by Lauren Markham the two main characters Ernesto and Raul have successfully escaped ElSalvador and made it into Mexico.They are hoping to reach the states quickly to escape the MS-13 a gang in ElSalvador.This same gang has been pursuing Ernesto for sometime now. "Meanwhile, the gang boys at school kept pressuring Ernesto to join MS-13(Markham 37). Ernesto has a target on his head because his uncle Agustin’s tree was taken down and ruined his cashcrop. Agustin happens to have the MS-13 on his side and tries to kill Ernesto. He blames Ernesto for the tree coming down and ruining his crops,so the father takes out a loan and hires a Cyote to guide Ernesto out of South America and into the United States. Because Agustin is furious and wants to harm Ernesto. Soon After Ernesto escapes Raul leaves too because the family fears that Agustin will mistake the twins, so the father takes out another loan to send Raul north and meet with his brother.

Based on this, and your own text, how do you think the people that were forced to leave their country feel about that country? What influences them to leave their country?

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Saeed is from Somalia he moved because his homeland was at war. The people he moved with were his immediate family. he immigrated to a small town and he loves soccer. during a soccer game, Saeed scores an amazing goal set up by tom Bouchard and after that tom and Saeed become friends and both try to understand different cultures themselves. 



In my book, people were forced to leave their country because of war and war taking over their country. "our town wasnt everyone's first idea we'd got what's called secondery migration refugees who have just barely made it out alive from some war zone."(Padian pg. 9)

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I see how that relates to my book. War in El Salvador eventually created gangs and those gangs are the reason my two characters had to leave their country. Thank you for responding!

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Sounds like Saeed is good at soccer

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I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez is about a young girl named Julia whose parents are immigrants from Mexico and they moved to Chicago. Julia is a girl who doesn't like crowds, she has a temper and often gets grounded for the things that and the things she says and does. When her mom was coming to pick her up from school she was supposed to pick up Olga because she was forced to take the bus. When she was switching buses Olga was on her phone not paying attention and walked into the street where she got hit by a semi and died. As the family mourns this loss Julia finds some strange things in her sister's room including a hotel key card that did not belong to the hotel her sister worked for, these things caused Julia to want to investigate what her sister was hiding.

Although the book doesn't go into detail about why they left it does say that her parents left the country illegally and aren't allowed back but they used to send her and her sister to Mexico every summer to be with family. Julia's friend Lorena’s parents had also come to America illegally but when her father found out that his mother had passed he went back to Mexico to go to the funeral despite everyone telling him not to. He didn't have the papers, and for him to get back he would have to travel illegally as he had done before. After the funeral he had taken a bus back to the Arizona border to meet with a man from his hometown that everyone recommended the man took the group out took all of their money and left them stranded in the middle of the desert, they were lost for two days and all seven people in the group including a baby died of thirst. “Border Patrol found them all two weeks after they were supposed to arrive on the other side, and shipped his decomposed body to his hometown in Mexico, where they buried him. Lorena and her mom never got to see him again. That’s when I started to understand why Lorena is so fucked up” (Sánchez 62).

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Again I see the connection. Many people who may live in poor situations do anything they can to escape their situation. More often than not escaping the situation they are in by illegally entering another country like the United States. Many people also get lost and die along the way if they do not travel with a guide. In my book, it is also said that many people have made it without a guide but the death rate is more significant. Many people also never see their loved ones again which is a sad reality.

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Saeed moved with his immediate family from Somalia because it had become a warzone since the attacks on 9/11. They moved to Maine and he is known for being a really good soccer player. Tom helps him learn the American culture and Saeed does the same. 

They probably thought their country was unsafe for them because it had been taken over by warfare. "...just around the time a bunch of Muslims took out the twin towers, a bunch of Somali Muslims started seriously secondary-migrating here." (Padian, 9)

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I see how that relates to my novel, the gangs, and military cause terror and drive families out of their homes.
