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#2 Chick Red 1---jcaron24

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In Out Of Nowhere by Maria Padian the mayor of the town issues a letter saying that even if it’s family, that the Somalis don’t bring any more people into the town, and that the capacity is maxed out. Meanwhile the main character Tom dumps his (bitchy) girlfriend for a college girl named Myla who is a volunteer at the tutoring center for the Somali kids. With Tom owing community service hours for a mistake he made earlier on, he and Myla work with a Somali girl to help a student learn the English alphabet. Also during this time a week long fast called Ramadan was happening for the Somalis which also happened to be the week that the biggest soccer game of the year was happening and the star players weren’t able to eat or drink.


Tom, Myla and Samira are at a restaurant and the cashier whispers something to Samira, it was something about going to the corner to sit.“I don’t get her! Samira. Like, it’s so obvious she’s been shoved in the back, in this dingy corner behind the cash register. It kills me, you know?”(Padian 185) This shows that even with all the Somalis in the area, they are still picked out and pushed to the corner


Kyle and his wife Isabel from Brazil walk into the BMV and “start to present documents, the first of which was her temporary green card and the moment the BMV rep saw that green card, the reaction we got was shocking. She got out of her chair, began to raise her voice in a very quick and accusatory way…” (Kyle Quinn) Kyle talks about how when he married his wife who was not American born, he ran into the people he knew and didn’t know, saying discriminatory things without thinking about it. With lots of life experiences he wants people to be cautious of what comes out of their mouth around all people, the last thing you want is to come off as a jerk when you didn’t mean to. 

There is constant discrimination in these stories, What examples of discrimination do you see in your book? What can Americans do to prevent this type of discrimination?


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In Girl In Translation by Jean Kwok Kim has made an upper class american friend in school. She makes school easier and fun for Kim so Kim enjoys and appreciates her presence and help. Kim only knows a small amount of english and struggles with assimilating to all of her new environments. In her new school Kim has a new teacher named Mr. Bogart. Mr Bogart isn't very understanding of the small learning obstacle Kim is facing and doesn't make her feel welcome to her new class. Mr Bogart has repeatedly discriminated directly to Kim. It seems as though he has specifically given difficult assignments that would be difficult to Kim being new and clearly still getting better at english and settling into her new school. An example of discrimination ive seen is "I knew I'd gotten all the answers right on that test, even if I wasn't sure I'd done the equations the way they'd been taught. Later, it turned out that the way I'd carried over numbers from the tens to the hundreds column, writing them down at the bottom of the equation instead of at the top, was not the American way to do it. Mr. Bogart took off some credits for this" (Kwok 53) Mr. Bogart after getting mad at Kim for simply asking for an eraser and the other kids start making a ruckus he deducts point from her test even though she got all the right answers she just did it a little differently, not the "american" way.    

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Maybe you haven't gotten to this yet, but did her american friend stand up for her? I'm hoping some kind of justice was served.

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her friend Annette I wouldn't say stood up for her directly, but would help her to answer questions in class by writing down answers and explanation better what the teacher was teaching because she could read english better then writing it out herself. 

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I am also reading Out of Nowhere some additional things that have happened are, Tom's team beat Maqouit, because they lost they are questioning Saeed's eligibility to try and get him kicked off the team because of how good a player he is, and this could get Tom's team to lose because Saeed's there best player. Another thing that is happening is with the mayor's announcement about the Somali population that has attracted the attention of the United Church of the world which planned a rally against the Somalis and those living there "The United Church of the world decided ... they planned a rally here, which everyone assumed was code for starting a race war".(Padian 191) these are just some of the types of discrimination I see in my book. Americans can help stop these types of discrimination by not participating in these "rallies" and just going about their lives without harassing people about their beliefs.

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Do you think that the united church of the world is kind of like the KKK? They seem like an anti black organization.

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they are described in the book as for the world to only have white Christians so I think that they are very similar to the KKK in many ways so they might just be a replacement for the KKK for the story.

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I haven't seen this type of discrimination yet in my book. I've seen more academic discrimination. 
