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#2 Stubbs White 3----dmcfarland24

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During the speech that Becca Heller gave, she refers to the legal way that people leave their countries. She works with programs that make immigration easier for those needing to flee their Country.ā€œPeople are forced to flee their homes for any number of reasons. War, yes, of course, but also gender-based violence, politically sanctioned persecution, and more and more due to climate change, which estimates say could displace 150 million people in the coming years.ā€(hiller, 5:30)Ā 

The novelĀ The Radius of UsĀ is about a boy coming to America from El Salvador in search of running from people in his home land trying to kill him. Phoenix and his brother are crossing the border and finding a border control officerĀ  to help them. During the process of getting them in new homes they are split up. The book has shown how phoenix is having a hard time accepting himself because of being an immigrant.ā€œYeah , so the first time I flew in a plane, it was to come here, and there were all these guys sitting near me. The plane was packedā€ I don't tell her that we were all handcuffedā€“like criminals, even though none of us were'' (Marie 80) During the Ted talk Becca Heller is trying to make the process for everyone needing to flee be easier this is how it connected to the story, the phoenix didn't really get a easy ride from the border instead he was treated like an animal.

Based on this: What behaviors/habits has your character picked up due to their experience with immigration?


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This relates very well to my novel. My two characters are now on the run because they got into some trouble back in their home country El Salvador. A gang MS-13, one of the most powerful gangs was searching for them because one of my characters Ernesto was accused of cutting down his uncle's tree and his uncle happens to be a huge part of the gang. His uncle being very furious sent the gang after him. As a result that the father of Ernesto and Raul sent them away. Ernesto was first but then Raul because they are identical twins and didn't want to get mistaken for each other. My answer to your question is yes, my characters eating habits have changed. They now eat a lot better in my opinion, they are filling their stomachs with big juicy burgers instead of just making do with the stuff on their parent's farm. "How much do you owe?" He asked them over burgers. "Fourteen thousand dollars," Raul said" (Markham 87). This quote shows the changed eating habit. They are normally used to eating small portions of rice and other crops, but now they are eating burgers.

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Great answer to the question, this fits perfectly with what i was asking. I am curious to know what other luxuries your twin brothers are experiencing.Ā  Ā Ā 

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Besides the burgers, they have not been treated the best. The journey to America has been hard on them and they were treated the one time.

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I am sorry to hear they have struggled i hope things get better for them in the end šŸ™

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In my book, they have similar things going on Their eatting habits starting to change when the Somalian restaurant started to appear Tom and Collage would have not eaten at a place like this if it was not for the Somalin kidsĀ Ā 

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Seems like your character has been through some changes pretty clear changes. I agree that it is good that their eating habits have changed, considering they are eating burgers instead of just some rice and crops.Ā 

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In the book Out of Nowhere by Maria Padian talks about how all these kids are coming over fromĀ  Somalia and just getting thrown into the school system Tom is one of the smarter kids in his school but he has to help these kids from getting lost he met on a kid named Saeed who is very good with soccer.Ā  One of his friends named mike had studied what they had to deal with during Ramadan without eating or drinking the daylight for a whole month. They also had a team sleepover where they had to make accommodations for them with food like pork and they can't touch kids.Ā  Tom was also going to askĀ  Saeed from breaking his fast but then he decide not to for the big game against Chamberlain. "That's when I knew I wasn't going to ask Saeed and the others guys to break their fast the next week"(Padian 199).

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Seems like you very much understand what it was i was asking, how has soccer effected your character?

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The soccer Somalian kids have made it so that they are able to win against schools that they never have before. It has effect Tom because of his actions at Chamberlin school which is a high-end school. know he has to go due to community service for 100 hoursĀ Ā 

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This can relate to mine. Because my character's eating habits have also changed.Ā 

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My character Saeed is around bad influences all the time, like Tom and Donnie, during school, but he hasn't picked up many behaviors from them. He does have a huge language barrier so a lot of things they talk about he doesn't understand. ā€œHe didnā€™t have the English to bridge the gap between our respective understandings of girls any more than he had the English to explain how one slaughtered a goatā€¦ā€ (Padian 117) Saeed is an immigrant from Somalia, and he came to America because his country was overrun by war. He meets Tom through soccer and eventually Donnie through Tom. Donnie gets Tom to do some things he really shouldn't be doing, so he ends up with a punishment of 100 hours of community service. Saeed stays away from these things. Tom meets a college girl at a class he is taking, and she helps him realize how to deal with the whole immigration situation.Ā Ā 

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good response, well thought out and explained very well. Thank you for respondingĀ 
